Fresh! Around Town announcements

Identify that rock at museum event

East Linn Museum will host a rock identification event from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8, at 746 Long St., Sweet Home.  

Geologist Robert Rosé, a retired Union Oil geologist who lives locally, will be on-site to identify stones and minerals submitted by the public. The event is free. 

Women’s dinner and program Tuesday

After 5 Connection will host a dinner and special program for local women from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11, at Ma’s Restaurant, 2416 S. Santiam Hwy., Lebanon. 

Beth and Eli Boggs, owners of Crafty Boggs, a business that specializes in custom pet portraits painted exclusively by Eli Boggs, will talk about what they do. They will share how they use their artistic talents in designing portraits for pet memorials, for pet lovers and as a unique gift idea for birthdays and holidays.

Soloist Janet Nortune of Lebanon will perform. 

Guest speaker Lynne Franz, of Hermiston, will speak about how her life has been enriched by the many changes that have come her way.

Cost is $15; credit cards cannot be accepted. RSVPs are requested. For reservations, contact Sherri at (541) 258-6414 or Nancy at (541) 259-1396 or by email at [email protected].

Those unable to attend are asked to cancel their reservations. 

Funding available for cultural activities, events

The Linn County Cultural Coalition is accepting applications for a second round of grants, available in 2022 to fund cultural events and activities in the local community. 

Applications for grants are due Oct. 15, and the grants will be awarded in November. The funds must be used by July 1, 2023.

The Cultural Coalition has already awarded 2022 grants to the Scio Historical Society for a scanning project; to Ophelia’s Place, the NAACP, and the Albany Boys and Girls Club for art classes; to the Harrisburg Public Library for a mural; to the Scio Public Library for its summer reading program; to the Cumberland Community Events Center for outdoor events; to the Sweet Home Rotary Club for books for young children; and to the Lebanon, Sweet Home, and Scio farmers’ markets for music and other entertainment.

Grants, which typically range between $250 and $2,500, are available to nonprofit organizations with tax-exempt status. An organization or individual sponsored by a qualifying nonprofit may also apply.

For full guidelines for applying for a grant, see the website at

Grant applications are available online at and at the Linn County Parks Department, 3010 Ferry St. SW, Albany; Albany Visitors Association, 110 3rd Ave.; Scio City Hall, 38957 NW 1st Ave.; KGAL radio, 36991 KGAL Drive, Lebanon; and The New Era, 1313 Main St., Sweet Home.

For further information, contact Rebecca Bond at (541) 928-0911 or Brian Carroll at (541) 967-3917 or [email protected].

Square dance lessons in Sweet Home

Sweet Home Squarenaders will begin holding square dance classes from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16, at Oak Heights School gym, at the corner of Elm Street and 6th Ave. 

 Dress is casual and no partner is required. Families are encouraged to participate. 

For information contact Jim at (541) 409-1602.

Sheriff’s candidates forum Oct. 16

The Linn County Unit of the League of Women Voters of Oregon will hold a forum for the two candidates for Linn County Sheriff at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16, at the Albany First Christian Church, 432 SW Ferry St. in downtown Albany. 

All are welcome to attend.

Co-sponsors of the event are the AAUW of Albany and the Linn Benton NAACP.

The forum will take place in the church’s fellowship hall. 

This year’s Sheriff’s race pits Michelle Duncan, who was appointed to the position earlier this year, against Deputy Jon Raymond.

The League of Women Voters reminds people that Oct. 18 is the last day to register to vote in the upcoming election. The mailing of ballots will begin on Oct. 19. Election Day is Nov. 8.

For more information about the forum or the League of Women Voters, contact Linda at (503) 707-1539.

 Flu vaccination drive-through events planned

Samaritan Health is offering drive-through flu vaccination events for Samaritan patients this fall. If you have had any visit with a Samaritan health care provider – whether in a clinic, hospital, laboratory or imaging test – and have a Samaritan Health Services medical record, you are eligible to get your flu vaccine at one of Samaritan’s drive-up vaccination events.

In recent years, precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 also prevented the spread of influenza. Now that COVID-19 guidelines have relaxed in most public places and many people are leaving special measures like physical distancing and wearing face masks behind, the flu is expected to make a big comeback. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older receive a flu vaccination. It is especially important for people who are at higher risk of health complications, hospitalization or death from influenza. People at higher risk include those who work in health care, have a chronic health condition or are over age 65, but everyone is encouraged to get vaccinated.

Regular and high-dose flu vaccines will be available for ages 6 months and older and no appointment is needed at the drive-through events, which will be held Oct. 19 in Sweet Home and Oct. 22 in Lebanon. Everyone age 2 years and older is asked to wear a face mask.

The Sweet Home event will be held from 1 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19, at Sweet Home Family Medicine, 679 Main St.

The Lebanon event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, at  35 Mullins Drive, next to Samaritan Urgent Care. 

If you are not a Samaritan patient or can’t make it to one of the drive-through events, check in with your primary care provider about flu vaccination or visit a Samaritan Pharmacy location in Albany, Corvallis or Lebanon.

Additional flu vaccination opportunities in the community may be found by calling 211 or visiting

Veterans’ photos on exhibit in Corvallis

The Arts Center, at 700 SW Madison Ave. in Corvallis, is hosting a new exhibit highlighting photographic works from Linn,  Benton and Lincoln County veterans. 

The show, entitled “Through a Veteran’s Lens,” celebrates artistic expressions of veterans and their loved ones through photographs. The photo exhibit will be on display at The Arts Center through Nov. 12. 

The exhibit is a partnership between The Arts Center, Samaritan ArtsCare, Samaritan Veterans Outreach and Red Feather Ranch. 

Throughout 2022, workshops led by professional photographers and artists introduced various photographic techniques to the participants.

On Thursday, Oct. 20, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., an evening reception will be held in Corvallis at The Arts Center, 700 SW Madison Ave., highlighting the work of these veterans.

On Thursday, Nov. 3, at noon, Art for Lunch will be held with exhibit organizers and participants fielding questions.

For more information, visit