Apparently not even snowmen can resist the allure of Dutch Bros. Photo submitted by Jessica Gibboney.
Clockwise from left: Olivia, Ignatius, Riggin, Xavier, Stran, and Amelia. It appears the snowman doesn’t have a name. By Monica Macedo.
A properly attired visitor at the Stevens residence, by McKenzie Hershfelt.
Kolton Lewis shows off the snowman he and his dad, Kasey Lewis, made in Sweet Home, by Laura Lewis.
By Kyle Riebe.
Lincoln shakes “hands” with his snowman, by Kayla Naber.
Some mischievous elves work on their snowman, by Katie Black.
By Karen Singleton.
Looks like Salem got some snow, too, as proven by Joi Espelund’s great-grandkids and their snowman.
Miles West, left, with his uncle, Parker Comstock, right, are dressed for a chilly night, just like the snowman, center. By Jodi Comstock.
A snow bear, by Jodi Comstock.
Hucklebear, the snow bear, by Ellora Parillo.
Kiana, left, built this snowman all by herself. Little brother Max, center, tried to knock it over with a stick, but the snowman had other plans. From the way Max came at the structure, the snowman’s arm slapped him in the face (he’s okay). By Dee Maya
Orion Philo-Zeon teaches his little sister, Alara, how to build a snowman, by Crystal Philo-Zeon.
What a neckless snowman looks like, by Jeanette Spangler.
Jason Carroll, a Lebanon firefighter engineer, stands with his daughter at Fire Station 31, by Crystal Patterson.
By Chelsea Walberg.
JoJo Plagmann poses with her family’s snowman, by Brandy Plagmann.
By Jeanette Spangler.
Bradley Landis, right, and daughter, Kelly, stand between their creations.
By Ashley Toledo.
Angela Barker’s boys made this snowman for her since she was stuck inside from illness….
….Plus she got a mini one on her AC unit.
Elizabeth and John Baer show the snowman how to take a selfie.
A winter friend for Gus the sheep, by Abby Faught.
Karl Lonbeck, left, and Sam VanderMolen put the finishing touches on their six-foot snowman, by Melanie Lonbeck.
Staci Schneider took a photo of this snowman built by her son whom, according to her, is a minimalist.
Eli Beskow, right, knows better than to hug a snowman, but that doesn’t stop Zoey Beskow, left. By Sabrina Beskow.
Jesse and his mom, Monica Jernigan, in Sweet Home.
Angela Nolan’s 3-year-old poses with a Beavers fan named Jeffery.
A Ducks fan and a little boy walk into a bar… By Michelle Tatum.
Tanner Deckert built this snowman all by himself, by Stephanie Deckert.