Upcoming city meetings:
The following city meetings are open to the public. More information can be found at www.ci.lebanon.or.us/meetings.
City Council meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, at Santiam Travel Station, 750 S. 3rd St. To access agendas and minutes, visit www.ci.lebanon.or.us/citycouncil.
Planning Commission meets at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 21 Sept. 18, at Santiam Travel Station, 750 S. 3rd St. The commission conducts public hearings on various types of development proposals, and advises the City Council on land use planning policy.
Trees and Trails Advisory Committee meets at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 21 and Sept. 18, at Santiam Travel Station, 750 S. 3rd St. Members act in an advisory capacity to assist the City Council in assessing needs and planning.
Library Advisory Committee meets at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St. Members volunteer their time and talents to help oversee operations of the library and represent the community’s viewpoint as it affects library policies, programs and procedures.
Arts Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 16, at Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St. Commission members discuss ideas the promotion of public art in Lebanon’s public spaces, including visual, literary and musical and visual art performances, and serving generally to develop, facilitate, and preserve access to the arts.

Summer music in Lebanon:
♦ Conversion Brewery and other local businesses host a free weekly Summer Bands & Brews Concert series on Saturday evenings, in Strawberry Plaza, next door to the brewery at 833 S. Main St.
The other sponsors are L&R Windows, Munchies Delivery, Canaga Tires Point S Tire & Automotive, Modern Forest and Jerry Latimer State Farm Insurance.
There is no entrance fee or cover charge, and no age requirement; everyone is welcome. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at each Saturday concert.
Here’s the lineup for the rest of the summer:
– Aug. 17 – Breakers Yard jug band, ragtime, delta blues, and other music that’s great for gettin’ down. 7 p.m., live in Strawberry Plaza.
– Aug. 24 – The Hereafters Portland-based party band covering songs from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and today’s top hits. 7 p.m. live in Strawberry Plaza
– Aug. 25 – Hymns and Hops, 5 p.m. in the Brewery.
– Aug. 31 – The Hideaways and Albert Nicholas. The Hideaways, 60s garage band from Eugene, play the Pacific Northwest sound – The Sonics, The Wailers, Paul Revere and The Raiders, etc. Albert Nicholas, of Oregon City, plays Americana, folk-grass and traditional country. 7 p.m. Live in Strawberry Plaza.
Note: Although it isn’t part of the concert series, Conversion also hosts a monthly Hymns and Hops event on the last Sunday of the month at 5 p.m., a free live performance for those who love classic hymns – and beer.
For more information, call (541) 259-2337.
♦ Marks Ridge Winery’s summer concert series continues on Friday evenings through August at 29255 Berlin Road.
Bring your own picinic or snacks and enjoy open-air seating at bistro tables or bring a chair or blanket.
Cover is $10 per person. No outside alcohol is allowed.
Remaining performers on the schedule are:
– Aug. 23: Melody Pie Trio, mix of ballads, bluegrass, acoustic swing and lyrical improv.
– Aug. 30: Dorian Michael performs fingerstyle guitar.
For more information, contact Janet at (541) 974-4457, or email [email protected].
‘Seussical, Jr.’ on stage in Albany
Albany Civic Theater will present five performances of the musical “Seussical, Jr.” through Aug. 24 at 111 First Ave. W.
The show is the result of ACT’s Summer Camp for kids.
The show, narrated by the Cat in the Hat, brings to life favorite Dr. Seuss characters Horton the Elephant, the Cat in the Hat and many others in a fantastical musical extravaganza that transports audiences from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus.
Horton the Elephant discovers a speck of dust containing tiny people, called the Whos. Horton must protect the Whos from a world of naysayers and dangers, and he must also guard an abandoned egg that’s been left in his care by the irresponsible Mayzie La Bird.
Although Horton faces ridicule, danger and a trial, the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him. Ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family and community are challenged and emerge triumphant.
Performances are at 7:30 p.m. on Aug. 17, 23 and 24, with 2:30 p.m. matinee shows on Saturday, Aug. 17 and 24.
For more information and tickets, visit www.albanycivic.org.
Garden Club meets Monday at noon
The Lebanon Garden Club meets at noon Monday, Aug. 19, at 2710 Cascade Drive., where members and guests will learn how to grow a garden with minimal water.
Learn about “dry farming” and crops grown with little or supplemental irrigation, minimal and no-till strategies for organic dryland farming, nutrient management for dry farmed vegetables, and optimal planting density for various dry farmed crops.
The next club meeting will be at 12 p.m. Monday, Sept. 16, at Timeless Garden Nursery, 33527 Brewster Road.
Club member Renata Stanko will demonstrate her unique way of making salsa, and Linda Ziedrich will give an overview of growing tomatoes and peppers. Bring your own homemade salsa dish to participate in a contest.
For more information, contact Trudie Bason at (541) 258-7693, or email [email protected].
Tomato Day at Farmers Market
The Lebanon Downtown Farmers’ Market and the Santiam Food Alliance will host Tomato Day from 2 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 22, at the market on the corner of Main and Grant streets.
Lisa Almarode of Fairweather Farm will offer tastings of dozens of unusual and often beautiful tomato varieties from the market farmers and her own garden. An Oregon State University Extension Master Food Preserver will offer information on drying tomatoes and canning them—whole or in pieces, as pizza or spaghetti sauce, as ketchup, as juice, as salsa, and even as marmalade or preserves. A Master Gardener will provide advice on growing tomatoes, and volunteers will offer free samples of tomato-based foods.
Tomatoes will be available for sale from several of the market’s participating farmers.
Historical talk on Lebanon’s mills
The Lebanon Museum Foundation will present the third of its 2019 public programs on local history at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 22, at the Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St.
Jeff Smith, a longtime resident and steward of Lebanon’s history, will show photos of Lebanon’s mills during their heights of production. The event is open to the public and free for all.
Smith has collected photos from the archives of the Lebanon Express and John Eggen, who operated Eggen Photography Studio in Lebanon until he retired in 1977. Smith’s presentation will provide glimpses of the men and women who worked in the mills and a perspective on the mills’ impacts on the Lebanon community and the world.
For more information about the Lebanon Museum Foundation and its programs, visit lebanonmuseum.org, find LebanonMuseum on Facebook, or send a message to [email protected].
Kids to decorate slide at church
All children are invited to paint “hands-on” the new slide at a dedication hosted from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 23, by St. Martin’s Church, at the corner of Milton and Williams streets in Lebanon.
The free event will celebrate the dedication of the new playground equipment. It will feature a potluck picnic and family-friendly games. All are invited.
For more information, contact the St. Martin’s Church office between 9 a.m. and noon Friday at (541) 451-1159, by email at [email protected] or visit www.stmartinslebanon.org.
Red Cross to hold local blood drives
The Lebanon Fire District will host the American Red Cross Bloodmobile for a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Aug. 23, at Station 31, 1050 Oak St.
Fire Corps members will be on site to provide light refreshments after donation and to discuss volunteer opportunities at LFD that don’t involve fighting fires. The Fire Corps need volunteer help in such areas as fire scene rehabilitation and emotional support in the field.
The Red Cross is reporting an “ongoing emergency blood shortage” this summer.
It has scheduled three more blood drives in Lebanon:
- From 1 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28, at the Latter-Day Saints church, 1955 5th St.;
- From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 29, at Linn-Benton Community College, 44 Industrial Way; and
- From 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the East Linn Masonic Lodge, 725 S. 2nd St.
Grand openings at MBVA Building
The MBVA Building invites the public to its grand opening ribbon cutting from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. Friday, Aug. 23, at 550 S. Main St.
The building, which once housed JC Penney, now offers modern office spaces available for lease.
MUGS Coffee House, located in the front of the building, will hold its grand opening event from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday, Aug. 26.
Dry farming series offered by OSU
Oregon State University Extension Small Farms Program is offering its fifth annual series of Dry Farming Field Days this summer!
More than 30 sites throughout western Oregon are hosting trials this year and four of them, which are engaging in multiple dry farming research projects, will be hosting tours.
The public is invited to learn about dry farming and multiple research projects engaging with the Dry Farming Collaborative, and see crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, squash, melon, dry beans, and corn grown with little or no supplemental irrigation in the field.
Events are:
- Aug. 28, from 4 to 6 p.m., at OSU Oak Creek Center for Urban Horticulture, 844 SW 35th St., Corvallis;
- Sept. 4, from 4 to 6 p.m. at OSU Vegetable Research Farm, 4306 NE Electric Road, Corvallis;
- Sept. 6, from 3 to 5 p.m. at Gathering Together Farm, 25159 Grange Hall Road, Philomath; and
- Sept. 11, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Gowen Farm, 9040 Old Fort Road, Independence.
These events are free, but registration is required as parking is limited.
For more information and to register, visit extension.oregonstate.edu/program/all/smallfarms/events or contact Teagan Moran at (541) 713-5011 or by email at [email protected].
Girod to speak at chamber forum
State Sen. Fred Girod will be the featured speaker at the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Forum Lunch, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30, at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital Training Center, 525 N. Santiam Hwy.
Girod will speak on the recent legislative session and other local concerns.
The lunch menu will be BBQ chicken quarters, baked beans, corn, garlic toast, tossed green salad with assorted dressings, and lemon bars.
Cost is $15 per person and RSVPs are required by calling (541) 258-7164 or visiting www.lebanon-chamber.org.
Dungeons and Dragons at library
Lebanon Public Library will host a Dungeons and Dragons Workshop from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, at 55 Academy St.
Whether you’re a seasoned hero or you want to learn what Dungeons and Dragons is all about, come join in for an afternoon of teamwork and fun.
Participants must be 13 and older. A library card is not necessary to attend.
The free event is hosted by the Lebanon High School Board Game Club and the Lebanon Library. The workshop will teach the game to new players and refresh the skills of experienced ones.
SafeHaven to hold open house Aug. 31
SafeHaven Humane Society will host an Open House and Community Resource Fair from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, at 32220 Old Hwy 34, Tangent.
The free family event will celebrate the completion of SafeHaven’s new on-site Spay and Neuter Surgery Suite. Activities include: adoption specials; games, crafts, and face painting for kids; a fundraising car wash; lunch; vendors and other rescues from the community; a 50/50 raffle and more.
For information, call (541) 926-2924 or visit safehavenhumane.org.
Play badminton at Senior Center
Are you a senior who needs some exercise? Lebanon Senior Center will offer a badminton activity at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, at 80 Tangent St.
Participate in the fun and remember how to play. Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to attend this event.
For more details, call (541) 258-4919, visit www.LebanonOregon.gov/seniorservices, or like the Senior Center FaceBook page at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon.
Workshop on aging at Senior Center
Lebanon Senior Center will host “Mind Matters: Normal and Not-Normal Aging” at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 5, at 80 Tangent St.
Learn to recognize and understand “normal” and “not-normal” aging. Develop better observation skills to recognize and intervene effectively when behavioral challenges occur. Learn to develop new skills related to approach, cueing and ability to connect with people affected by dementia.
The workshop will also address typical issues that occur from early stages of the condition through mid-disease, and into the final care concerns that are part of the progression.
Sign up by Sept. 2 by calling (541) 258-4919, visit www.LebanonOregon.gov/seniorservices, or like the Senior Center FaceBook page at www.facebook.com/Cityof Lebanon.
Brewfest returns downtown Sept. 7
The fifth annual Brewfest will be held from 1 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, in downtown Lebanon, at Main and Grant streets.
This year’s event will feature three bands on the main stage, three more bands on the Strawberry Plaza stage, and nearly 30 breweries, distilleries and wineries, along with food trucks, a variety of vendors and a KidZone.
Proceeds benefit children served by the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Santiam and other local non-profits. Presented by the Growler Cafe, the event last year raised more than $40,000 to support programs and services delivered by the Boys & Girls Club.
VIP tickets, which sell out fast, are $45, and $30 for non-drinkers. General admission tickets are $20, and $10 for for non-drinkers.
For more information and tickets, visit brewfestlebanonor.com.
Speedway to host car show Sept. 7
Willamette Speedway will host its inaugural Show and Shine car show starting at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, at 36606 Airport Drive.
The day will include classic cars, food trucks, a brewfest, and live music. VIP access starts at 10 a.m. No racing will be held that day; a cruise is planned for show participants.
Car registration is $15; VIP tickets are $15, and general admission $10. Beer is not included in those fees.
For more information, check out www.facebook.com/events/ 463165774418166.
Basic CPR class at LBCC health center
A one-day course in American Heart Association Basic Life Support CPR will be offered from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, at Linn-Benton Community College Health Occupations Center, 300 Mullins Drive.
The course is for those looking to earn a non-credit, non-healthcare track CPR certification. Those who complete it will earn a CPR certification card valid for two years, good for the workplace and beyond.
Cost is $60. For more details or to register, call (541) 917-4961 or visit www.linnbenton.edu/extended-learning/continuing-education/cpr.php.
Pregnancy center to host run/walk
Obria Medical Clinic in Lebanon will hold a Walk, Run, Bike event from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 7, at Cheadle Lake Park.
Obria is an accredited medical facility that provides medical services to empower women to make positive decisions for themselves and their children, including free pregnancy testing, pregnancy confirmations via ultrasound examinations, educational classes, supplies and more. Its mobile medical unit provides ultrasound exams and various tests in local rural communities.
The goal of the Cheadle Lake event is to raise money for the organization through pledges.
For more details, call (541) 258-3500, email [email protected] or visit www.fortheone.org.
Lunchtime garden talk on decorating
“Crafts, Gifts and Decorating from the Garden” will be the topic at the September class of the Lebanon Second Monday Lunchtime Gardening Series, from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9, at The Lobby coffee shop, 661 S. Main St.
Trudie Bason, of the Lebanon Garden Club, will be presenting.
The event is offered by Oregon State University Extension and the Lebanon Garden Club. Classes are free. The public is welcome.
For more information, call (541) 967-3871 or visit extension.oregonstate.edu/linn.
Women’s dinner on ‘Healthy Habits’
After 5 Connection will host a women’s dinner and special program on “Healthy Habits” from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10, at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St. in Lebanon.
Angie Frederic, a registered dietician from Samaritan Health Services, will share information on how to replace unhealthy habits with new, healthy ones. When it comes to eating, people have strong habits, some good and some not so good.
Although many eating habits were established during childhood, it doesn’t mean it’s too late to change them.
Guest speaker Nancy Gabert from Bend, a certified residential appraiser and dramatist who has written and performed in dramas and skits for many years, will speak on “What’s In Your Backpack?” Gabert will offer help in letting go of the past and moving forward in life with freedom and passion.
The $10 cost includes dinner. Credit cards cannot be accepted. All are welcome.
Reservations are required and can be made by contacting Sherri at (541) 258-6414 or Nancy at (541) 259-1396 or emailing Nancy [email protected].
Calling all geeks: Library wants you
Lebanon Public Library will host Show Up, Geek Out!, also known as SuGO, on the second Wednesday of each month through April at 55 Academy St.
The first session will be Wednesday, Sept. 11. There will be two sessions on each second Wednesday. The first, for ages 5 through 9, will be from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. The second, for ages 10 through 14, will be from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Join in the exploration of circuit boards, Ozobots, LittleBits and so much more. This program is free and does not require a library card to attend. Space and materials are limited, so registration is required to attend. The STEM program, in its second year, is sponsored by a grant from Trust Management Services.
Contact the library to reserve a spot at (541) 258-4926. Participants are allowed to sign up for two sessions at a time.
Preparedness talk at Senior Center
Lebanon Senior Center will host an Emergency Preparedness Presentation by Linn County Health Services from 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, at 80 Tangent St.
Learn what you need to do to be prepared in case of an emergency or disaster. Attendees with be entered in a drawing for an emergency solar and crank powered radio, flashlight and charging station. Area seniors 50 years and older are welcome to attend this event.
For more details, call (541) 258-4919, visit www.LebanonOregon.gov/seniorservices, or like the Senior Center FaceBook page at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon.
Lawn games day at Senior Center
Get some fun exercise at the Lebanon Senior Center, which is offering a lawn games activity from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, at 80 Tangent St.
Participate in fun activities and remember how to play. Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to attend this event.
For more details, call (541) 258-4919, visit www.LebanonOregon.gov/seniorservices, or like the Senior Center FaceBook page at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon.
Fireside concert at Lebanon Library
Lebanon Public Library will host a Fireside Concert by Mark and Cindy Lamarie from 7 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, at 55 Academy St.
Mark Lamarie is known for his unique acoustic guitar style, with a delicate touch that goes straight to the heart. While his solo guitar pieces stand as complete statements, the duo’s harmonies are so perfectly matched they seem like two people with one voice, creating something both authentic and unique.
This program is free and does not require a library card to attend. Doors will open 10 minutes prior to the concert.
For more information, contact the library at (541) 258-4926.
Talent show at Senior Center
Lebanon Senior Center will host the Silver Follies IV Talent Show from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13, at 80 Tangent St., featuring the many talents showcased by Lebanon area seniors.
For more details, call (541) 258-4919, visit www.LebanonOregon.gov/seniorservices, or like the Senior Center FaceBook page at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon.
Photography show, wine tasting event
Meadowlark Senior Living will host an art exhibit of Candace Englehart’s photography, and wine tasting event, from 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, at 181 S. 5th St.
The event will include a gallery of local artist Englehart’s photography of “less traveled paths in Oregon,” with wine tasting and a raffle. It will benefit the Lebanon Soup Kitchen and River Center food bank.
Admission is free with donations benefitting those organizations.
For more information, contact Erin at [email protected].
Hike West River Trail Sept. 14
Build Lebanon Trails will host a walk along the West River Trail from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, starting at River Park, off north Grant Street.
The public is invited. The hike will follow a major piece of the trail system connecting the east side of Lebanon from Cheadle Lake Park to Marks Slough Trail.
The trail follows the dikes along the South Santiam River.
The surface will include dirt and gravel segments. Well-mannered dogs on leash are welcome.
For more information, visit buildlebanontrails.com/events/west-river-trail-2019.
Health Career Ladder Sept. 14
Lebanon Health Career Ladder kicks back into gear Saturday, Sept. 14, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at COMP-Northwest medical school, 200 Mullins Drive.
The LHCL program is designed to provide students in grades 6 through 12, with age- and interest-appropriate presentations and hands-on learning sessions covering topics such as healthy living, exercise regimens, nutrition, hygiene and microbiology, and other health career related topics, designed to help students develop and strengthen a passion for science, and inspire them to seek careers in the health professions.
It’s free, including lunch, for participants.
To find more information, visit www.westernu.edu/ladder- lebanon/about.php.
Square dance class starts Sept. 15
Square dance lessons through the Lebanon Square Circlers will be on Sundays and begin at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15, at the IOOF Hall, 20 E. Ash St.
No partner is required. A donation of $5 per person, or $12 for a family of three of more, is requested. The first class is free.
No previous dance experience is necessary and families are especially welcome.
Organizers point out that modern square dance is a great way to get low-impact exercise, stimulate the brain, and just plain have a lot of fun in a family friendly, smoke and alcohol-free environment.
Those folks now enjoying line and contra dancing are also invited to come check out “our brand” of American Folk Dancing as well.
Classes are taught by Charlotte Jeskey. For more information call (541) 401-9780 or visit Lebanon SquareCirclers.com.
Library seminar on Libby App
Learn how to use the Libby App to check out ebooks and audiobooks during an instructional event to be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, at Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St.
Participants of all ages with a library card are welcome. The event will include assistance with downloading the Libby app and a review of the basics. Plus, participants may pick up some fun tips and tricks. Please bring your device with you.
For more information, contact the library at (541) 258-4926.
Senior Pen Pal program kickoff
The Lebanon Senior Center will kick off its Pen Pal program, pairing senior citizens and local second-graders, from 9 to 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 80 Tangent St.
The Lebanon Senior Center is teaming up with a second-grade class from Green Acres school to be pen pals. This is a fun way to encourage a student and connect generations.
Attend the kickoff to sign up and get more details. There will also be a year-end celebration for pen pals to meet.
Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to attend this event.
For more details, call (541) 258-4919, visit www.LebanonOregon.gov/seniorservices, or like the Senior Center FaceBook page at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon.
Senior Center to host Cheadle walk
Get some exercise with the Senior Center’s Seniors on the Go during a walk at Cheadle Lake from 10 to 11:45 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18.
Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to attend this event.
Sign up and get directions by calling (541) 258-4919.
Puerto Rican food at Senior Center
Get a taste of true international flavors during an “International Bites: Puerto Rico” culinary event hosted by the Senior Center from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 80 Tangent St.
Sign up at the Senior Center office or by calling (541) 258.4919.
Indonesia travel talk at library
Lebanon Library will host a travelogue by photographer Donald Lyon, “World Cultures and Travel – Indonesia’s Islands,” at 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, at 55 Academy St.
Indonesia is perhaps the most culturally diverse country in the world. Lyon, a retired photographic tour operator, will take attendees to Java, Bali, Borneo, Sulawesi and New Guinea.
The program is free and participants do not require a library card to attend.