Around Town for July/Aug 2021, photos from the past month

City seeks Ward 2 council applicants

The Lebanon City Council invites interested persons to apply for an upcoming vacancy on the Lebanon City Council – Ward 2.
The seat is being vacated by Rebecca Grizzle, who has moved out of the ward boundaries.
Qualified applicants must be a registered voter who has lived in the City of Lebanon continuously for six months prior to appointment and resides within the boundaries of Ward 2. Applicants may not be an immediate family member of an already seated elected official or city staff member.
Ward 2 can generally be described as the northeast portion of the city. The city’s official ward map can be viewed at
This position ends Dec. 31, 2024. The successful candidate would be eligible to run for a four-year term in the November 2024 General Election.
A completed board/committee/commission/council application must be received by 5 p.m. Friday, July 30 Each applicant will be interviewed by the Lebanon City Council at the Sept. 8 City Council Meeting. The successful candidate will be sworn in at the Oct. 13, City Council meeting.
For more information, contact City Recorder Kim Scheafer at (541) 258-4264 or email [email protected] for further information.


See library’s STEAM display

The Lebanon Public Library offers the Library of Things STEAM collection, via a grant from the Mid-Valley STEM-CTE Hub.
The collection includes more than 50 items in the subjects of science, technology, engineering, art and math. Featured items include a sewing machine, electronic keyboards, drum pads, microscopes, a telescope, robots, snap circuits, birdwatching kits and more.
Items in the Library of Things collection may only be checked out on adult cards. There is a limit of one item per household.

Concerts in the Park series returns

Lebanon’s Concerts in the Park series continues this year, with performances running from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at Ralston Park, 925 Park St.
Scheduled performances include:
♦ Red Diesel (July 20);
♦ The Teccas (July 27);
♦ DRTR (Aug. 10);
♦ Rachael and the Rain Kings (Aug. 17);
♦ Grand Jazz and Swing Bands (Aug. 24); and
♦ Cashmere and Chaos (Aug. 31).
Admission is free. Concertgoers are advised to provide their own seating.

Summer Bands & Brews launches

The annual Summer Bands & Brews series runs from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays at Strawberry Plaza, 847 S. Main St.
The park is located between Conversion Brewing and Hollywood Studio.
Performers include:
♦ Inner Limits (July 17);
♦ Greg Nestler Band (July 24);
♦ Beyond the Lamplight (July 31);
♦ Neil Gregory Johnson Trio (Aug. 7);
♦ Gabriel Cox (Aug. 14);
♦ SOS (Aug. 21); and
♦ DTW (Aug. 28).
Admission is free. Food and drink will be available for purchase.

Laughter yoga class offered

Laughter Yoga, an exercise program promoting health and wellbeing, is being offered by Lumina Hospice And Palliative Care from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, July 20, via Zoom.
The free class focuses on forced laughter, based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides similar benefits as spontaneous laughter. Laughter yoga combines laughter with breathing exercises (known as pranayama).
The class includes a guided meditation exercise to relax. No yoga mat is needed for this presentation.
Registration is required at

Family day camp offered at brewery

Conversion Brewing is hosting summer day camps from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 22 and 29, at Strawberry Plaza, 847 S. Main St.
Campers are placed in a “cabin” to work on crafts, perform theater, sing camp songs and compete in games. Participants are advised to prepare to get wet. The camp is for adults; alcohol will be served. The event itself, however, is kid-friendly.
Ticket prices range between $10 to $40.
Tickets are available online at For more information, call (541) 259-2337 or email [email protected].

Nitrate screening clinics scheduled

Nitrate screening clinics scheduled

Oregon State University Extension has added a second Lebanon and a Sweet Home location for free nitrate screenings of local well water.
The Sweet Home event will be at the Farmers Market, located at the corner of 12th Avenue and Kalmia Street, from 2 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 10, as well as the Lebanon Farmers Market, on the corner of Main and Grant streets, on Thursday Aug. 19, from 2 to 6 p.m.
Look for the OSU Signs to find the booth at each location.
A portion of the Southern Willamette Valley has been designated as a Groundwater Management Area by the Department of Environmental Quality due to high levels of nitrate in well water. This contaminate can lead to many health risks such as the rare blue-baby syndrome in infants, thus it is crucial to test for this regularly in homes with infants and pregnant women.
In order to get a free nitrate screening bring half a cup of unfiltered well water in a clean cup. The test will only take about 10 minutes if the clinic is not busy. There will be various educational resources available concerning nitrate, other contaminants, and other well and septic related topics.
For additional information on well water and septic systems, free Rural Living Basics classes other nitrate screening events, visit the OSU Extension Service website or for more information call 541-766-3556.
Free nitrate screening clinics will also be held from 1 to 5 p.m. Friday, July 30, at Waterloo City Hall, 31140 First St., and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 7, at the Scio Saturday Market, at the Scio Event Center.
For additional information on well water and septic systems and free Rural Living Basics classes other nitrate screening events, call 541-766-3556 or visit

First Friday to be wine and art walk

Lebanon Downtown Association will hold a “First Friday Wine and Art Walk” from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 6, in the downtown business district.
The monthly First Friday is held downtown at various times. Upcoming themes include “Flare of the Caribbean” (Sept. 3), “Dungeons & Dragons” (Oct. 1), “Honor to Courage” (Nov. 5) and “Yuletide Christmas” (Dec. 3).
There is no cost to participate. For more information, contact Cassie Cruze at (971) 777-3934.

VBS at Sodaville church Aug. 9-12

Sodaville Evangelical Church will hold Daily Vacation Bible School from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday, Aug. 9 through 12, at 38200 Middle Ridge Road.
The event is open to all children ages 4 through fifth grade. Lunch will be provided each day. Activities include singing, Bible stories, crafts and games.
Registration closes Aug. 8 or when 50 children have registered, whichever comes first. Register at For more information, email  [email protected] .

Local bank to offer free shredding

Willamette Community Bank will hold Customer Appreciation Week Aug. 9 through 13 at 1495 S. Main St.
As part of its celebration, it is offering free paper shredding. Customers are asked to limit their items to three boxes.
For information, call  (541) 497-1415.

Citywide yard sale set for Aug. 21

A citywide garage sale presented by Lebanon Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Entek will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 21.
Interested parties can pay $20 to advertise sales and list them on the master map.
Sign-ups are available at For more information, call (541) 258-7164.

Chamber to hold Biz Expo in park

Lebanon Chamber of Commerce will host its annual Biz Expo from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 27, at Cheadle Lake Park on Weirich Drive.
The event is free to attendees. Businesses can register as vendors to participate. Typically, the event is held in the spring at the River Center, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is being held outdoors in the park.
The Biz Expo provides an opportunity for the public to get to know local businesses and organizations, who will staff booths with a wide variety of goodies and demonstrations of what they do.
For more information, contact the chamber at (541) 258-7164.

National Night Out coming Aug. 3

Lebanon Police Department’s National Night Out returns this year from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 3, at Academy Square next to the Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St.
National Night Out is a nationwide event to promote police community relationships; crime, drug and violence protection; safety, and neighborhood unity.

Friends of the Library book sale

Friends of the Lebanon Public Library return with a used book sale from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 21, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.
The group also seeks volunteers to assist with the event.
Proceeds support the programs through the local library.
Friends of the Library seeks volunteers to help with various activities at the senior center and around town.
Opportunities include manning Saturday market booths, working in the store at the senior center, posting flyers, starting an online book sales store, coordinating silent auctions, and moving books from storage to the store.
Help with publicity, marketing and public relations is also sought.
For more information or to volunteer, message FOL on Facebook at, or email [email protected]

Library offering student cards

To promote literacy and equity of access for area children, the Lebanon Public Library is offering limited-access student library cards for children ages 5 to 18 who reside within the Lebanon School District but outside city limits.
The student card will ensure all students have access to print and digital library resources.
To apply, students under 15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian with current identification.
Students 15 and over with a current Oregon driver’s license or permit can apply on their own. There is no fee for the card.
For more information, call (541) 258-4926.
Find the library online at, on FaceBook at, or on Instagram at Lebanon_Library.

Senior center offers programs

The Lebanon Senior Center, at 80 Tangent St., is offering the following programs for in-house participation:
♦ Social Hour on Mondays from 10 to 11 a.m.;
♦ Seated Chair Chi on Tuesdays from 10 to 10:40 a.m.;
♦ Seated Move to Music on Tuesdays from 10 to 10:40 a.m.; and
♦ Painting Enthusiasts on Thursdays from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
For more information, contact the Senior Center at (541) 258-4914.

Reading program at public library

The Lebanon Public Library’s all-ages Summer Reading program continues through Aug. 19.
Stop by the library at 55 Academy St. to pick up a reading log, or visit to print a copy. Participants can earn prizes while reading and families are encouraged to participate together.
The library also offers a variety of “Take and Make” activities throughout the summer for children ages 5-14 from the University of Oregon’s Museum of Natural and Cultural History.
Kits include “Power of Plants,” “Oregon’s Amazing Animals” and “Oregon’s Dino-Story.”
“Take and Make” activities are limited and are on a first-come, first- served basis.
For more information, call (541) 258-4926.

Vendors sought for pair of sales

American Legion Auxiliary Albany Unit 10 seeks vendors for parking lot sales set for two Saturdays, July 31 and Aug. 28, in the north parking lot of The American Legion Post 10, 1215 Pacific Blvd. SE, Albany.
For more information or to reserve a spot, email [email protected] or text (541) 510-7584.

Aug. 10 Master Gardener class set

The Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener program offers a series of free virtual classes, “The Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series,” which will be broadcast via Zoom webinar at 3 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month through November at
The classes, which include such sessions as “Dazzling Dahlias” to “Adapting Your Garden and Landscape to Climate Change,” are meant for those with a bit of gardening under their belt.
The topic for Tuesday, Aug. 10, is “Season Extension Techniques.”
Season extension is a bundle of techniques used to provide an earlier and/or later harvest in the garden. In this webinar, learn a variety of season extension tactics available to gardeners and compare how they may be used differently to match regional needs.
The classes are free but registration is required.
To make them accessible to those who cannot attend the live session, the classes will be recorded and available at Click on the desired class, then hitting the “register” button.
The content, taught by horticulture experts from around the state, is meant to address current issues like wildfires, climate change and pollinators.

Legion plans car show in Albany

Albany American Legion Post 10 will host a car show from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 14, at 1215 SE Pacific Blvd., Albany.
Admission for spectators is free. For more details, contact Marland at (541) 974-5607 or Denise at (541) 760-4698.