Learn to talk to kids about abuse
ABC House offers a class on Talking with Children about Safety from Sexual Abuse from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 228 SW 5th Ave. in Albany.
The free training will provide guidance on how to talk with and listen to children about sexual abuse and personal safety. Having age-appropriate, open conversations about their bodies, sex and boundaries is an important step in protecting children from sexual abuse. The class includes a video and facilitator-led discussion.
For more information, email [email protected] or call (541) 926-2203.
Democrats to hold round-table talks
Linn County Democrats will hold standing committee roundtable discussions during their monthly general meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, at Albany Public Library, 2450 14th Ave. S.E.
A social time with light refreshments begins at 6 p.m. The meeting starts at 6:30.
The group has seven standing committees: Campaign, Communications, Events, Finance, Organization (which includes the Neighborhood Leader program), Platform and Legislative Action; and Rules.
For more information, contact Jerred Taylor at [email protected].
New Kalapuya exhibit at museum
Linn County Historical Museum, at 101 Park Ave. in Brownsville, is opening a new exhibit covering the history and legacy of the Kalapuyan People in the Willamette Valley.
To celebrate the opening, the museum is hosting a free lecture series in the Box Car Theater, adjacent to the museum.
The public is invited to the first presentation at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7. Dr. David Lewis, an anthropologist, researcher, historian, educator and member of the Grand Ronde Tribe, will present “Stories of the Kalapuyans of the Central Valley,” drawing on his deep connection to Kalapuyan stories, people and places.
On March 6 at 7 p.m., Dr. Paul Baxter of Brownsville will present “Long Story Short, Cascadia Cave turns 10,000.”
On April 3 at 7 p.m., Dr. Tom Connolly, director of archaeological research at the University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History, will discuss “Kalapuyan Archaeology: The Cultural Record before 1800.”
All are invited to arrive at 6:30 p.m. to view the exhibit prior to each lecture.
For more information, call (541) 466-3390.
Old Time Fiddlers to play at local square dance
Sweet Home Squarenaders will host their 63rd Birthday Square Dance from 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at Oak Heights School Gym, on the corner of 6th Avenue and Elm Street in Sweet Home.
The Plus starts at 7:30, with the main square dance following, from 8 to 10 p.m.
Jim Voll will call square dances; Jackie Gale will cue round dances.
Music will be provided by the Oregon Old Time Fiddlers. Birthday cake and icing will be served. Suggested donation is $5 for adults, $4 for youths. Spectators are welcome to watch for free.
For more information, call (541) 401-3600 or (541) 409-0345.
Wapiti Bowmen annual banquet
The Wapiti Bowmen will hold their annual banquet at 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at 699 Cascade Drive in Lebanon.
The event is open to the public. Cost is $25 per person if registered by Jan. 25, or $35 at the door. The menu will be prime rib and chicken.
Wayne Endicott will speak about his Kodiak bear hunt.
Bucket raffle prizes include a Ruger 10-22, Hoyt bow, a salmon and halibut fishing trip for two at the Oregon coast, a blacktail hunt, a turkey hunt, Dave Smith turkey decoys, an overnight stay at the Oregon coast for two, and more.
For information, call (541) 401-3042, (541) 258-6738 or (541) 6129-9454.
Trails work day in Lebanon
Build Lebanon Trails will host a work day on the Marks Slough Trail from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, rain or shine.
Participants will pull weeds around trees, mulch trees, and pile weeds and trash so city crews can pick it up. Participants are encouraged to bring tools: hoes, shovels, rakes, garden forks, wheelbarrows, etc.
Tools should be marked so they can be identified.
The event starts promptly at the time indicated. Registration is open from 8:15 – 8:55 a.m. Meet at Marks Slough parking lot off Tennessee Road.
All participants must sign a waiver of liability form to participate, which includes permission to appear in photos taken of the event.
Dogs will not be allowed.
Wear work gloves and appropriate footwear and apparel for working off the trail in dirt and mud and quite possibly rain or even snow.
LAFTA ‘Sound of Music’ workshop
Wanna play a Von Trapp?
Lebanon Association for Theatre Arts is holding workshops for prospective actors interested in playing the Von Trapp family children in preparation for its 2020 production of “The Sound of Music.”
An informational meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 8, at Lebanon High School. The exact location has yet to be determined.The production will be July 21-25, with auditions in the first week of May.
Saturday workshops will be held throughout the winter for young actors interested in auditioning for the show.
The workshops will be for actors interested in playing all seven of the Von Trapp children, including the oldest daughter.
Parents should attend the informational meeting, which is considered a pre-audition event. Producers will go over the Saturday classes and what they plan to accomplish. Information regarding the May auditions and the summer rehearsals will also be discussed.
For more information, email [email protected].
Local Democrats seeking volunteers
Linn County Democrats will hold an informational meeting on volunteer opportunities from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 9, at the Albany Public Library meeting room, 2450 14th Ave. S.E.
There will be food and information about the Neighborhood Leader Program and paperwork for people interested in being Precinct Committee People (PCP) candidates on the May ballot, as well as additional opportunities in Linn County and North Albany.
For more information about the meetings and the Linn County Dems, contact Jerred Taylor at [email protected].
Garden talk Feb. 10 day in Lebanon
The Lebanon Garden Club will host its Second Monday Garden Lecture from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10, at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St., Lebanon.
Master Gardener Karin Magnuson will speak on “The Garden as a Feast for the Senses.”
‘Love is in the Air’ for dinner
After 5 Connection will hold a dinner and special evening from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11, at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St.
All ladies and gentlemen are invited.
Vocalist Jenni Grove will present a mini concert of oldies-but-goodies and other favorites. Grove is a college-trained singer and former local choir director.
Speakers Russ and Jan Clifford will share how their troubled marriage was restored, about finding hope in relationships and love that lasts.
Cost is $10, inclusive. Credit cards cannot be accepted. For reservations, contact Sherri at (541) 259-6414 or Nancy at (541) 259-1396 or [email protected].
Winter Rod and Speed Show at Linn County Expo Center
The 2020 Winter Rod and Speed Show will be held Jan. 17-18 at the Linn County Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Rd. E, in Albany, and Friday night attendees will get a discount on their admission if they bring a non-perishable food item.
Part of the proceeds from the event will also be donated to the Children’s Cancer Association.
Show hours are 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, Jan. 17, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18. Admission is $9. Kids ages 8 and under will be admitted free. Discount coupons are also available at the Albany Bi-Mart and Burgerville.
Friday night, admission will be $6 for anyone bringing a food item, which will be donated to Fish of Albany. According to show co-founder Rich Bailey, the food drive has brought in more than 1,000 pounds of food each year.
Over 100 hot rods, street rods, race cars, muscle cars, custom trucks, classics and more will be on display. This year’s celebrity guest will be NHRA Mello Yello Series Top Fuel driver Justin Ashley, who will be signing photos and talking with fans. Also on hand will be automotive and racing artist Kenny Youngblood, who will be signing and customizing originally designed pictures at the Break the Chain booth. And patrons will get a chance to see the “king of all rat rods,” the wild and crazy “Lincoln Terminator.”
A free Hot Wheels car will be given to the first 75 kids through the door each day. Other kids’ activities will include face painting, balloon animals and a giant model car contest.
Free passes to a Woodburn Dragstrip event will be given to the first 75 adults through the door each day as well.
Friday, guests can dance to live entertainment from the classic rock band, “Uncommon Denominators.”
For more information, visit capitoldragster.com/winter_show.html.
Wanna be a Von Trapp?
Wanna be a Von Trapp?
Lebanon Association for Theatre Arts is holding workshops for prospective actors interested in playing the Von Trapp family children in preparation for its 2020 production of “The Sound of Music.”
An informational meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 8, at Lebanon High School. The exact location has yet to be determined.The production will be July 21-25, with auditions in the first week of May.
Saturday workshops will be held throughout the winter for young actors interested in auditioning for the show. The workshops will be for actors interested in playing all seven of the Von Trapp children, including the oldest daughter.
Parents should attend the informational meeting, which is considered a pre-audition event. Producers will go over the Saturday classes and what they plan to accomplish. Information regarding the May auditions and the summer rehearsals will also be discussed.
For more information, email [email protected].
City seeks applicants for seat on Arts Commission
The City of Lebanon invites interested persons to apply for one seat on the Lebanon Arts Commission that expires June 30, 2021.
The commission serves in an advisory capacity to the Lebanon City Council while promoting the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of Lebanon. The commission actively pursues the placement of public art in public spaces within city limits, supports literary arts, and promotes musical and visual art performances.
The Lebanon Arts Commission meets at least quarterly each calendar year but could meet as frequently as once a month.
Term: Commences immediately after appointment and ends on June 30, 2021.
To Apply: Fill out a City Board/Committee/Commission Application available www.LebanonOregon.gov/cc or picked up at City Hall, 925 S. Main Street, Lebanon, OR 97355.
Deadline: Submit application by 5 p.m. on Feb. 1 to the City Recorder, 925 S. Main Street, Lebanon, OR 97355 or [email protected].
Selection Process: Staff reviews applications and submits a written recommendation to the City Recorder for the Mayor’s consideration. Appointment will be determined, and the applicant notified by Feb. 24. Appointment will be made by the Mayor at the March 11 Lebanon City Council Meeting.
Horse help with mental health
Linn County Animal Rescue works with Linn County Mental Health to host regular visiting sessions with horses for developmentally disabled people and people suffering from PTSD. For more information on joining the sessions, or to volunteer, call (541) 258-3422.
Extra mason bees? They’re needed
Local residents who have extra blue orchard mason bee cocoons can donate them to the Oregon State University Extension Service, which will happily take them and find new homes for them.
Most home yards need about 50 cocoons. This amount would easily pollinate flower gardens with plants blooming from February through June. Those who have a few fruit trees and blueberries you might want 100 cocoons. A small orchard would likely require more than one house, with 50 cocoons at each site.
Donations will be used for “super-sites,” used by the Extension Service to add more native bees to habitat with an abundance of early-blooming native plants and trees.
For more information about donating, email Ranee at [email protected] or Rich Little at [email protected].
Musician to play Saturday night
Local artist James Wright will perform from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 11, at Bigfoot Grille, 525 S. Main St.
Admission is free. Enjoy some live music in a family-friendly atmosphere, and some warm food.
For more information, call (541) 570-1092.
Women’s dinner, program Tuesday
After 5 Connection for women will hold a “New Year, New You” dinner and special program from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14, at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St., in Lebanon.
All women are invited.
MB Bradshaw-Vogt of Monmouth will offer customized advice on skin care, and introduce participants to Powerhouse Skin Care, a 98 percent natural, stay-put makeup.
Guest speaker Janyce Ripley, of Milwaukie, is a hairstylist but her real passion is restoring homes. Through this love of restoration she found out the secret to restoring a life.
Note: The program may be subject to change, based on availability.
Cost is $10, which includes dinner; reservations are required. Credit cards cannot be accepted.
For reservations contact Sherri at (541) 258-6414 or Nancy at (541) 259-1396, or by email at [email protected].
If unable to attend, cancel your reservation.
Make a stuffed Valentine critter
Lebanon Senior Center will host a CrafterNoon, in which participants will make a stuffed critter, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 80 Tangent St.
Participants will assemble a cute stuff animal that could make a perfect Valentine’s Day gift for a grandchild. Basic hand sewing skills are required. Sign up by stopping by the office or calling (541) 258-4919. Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to attend this event.
eReader workshop at Lebanon library
Lebanon Library will host an eReader Workshop from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 55 Academy St.
Did you get a new eReader device during the holiday season? Bring it and your questions to the workshop, where you’ll get help with the basics and get signed up to check out ebooks through Libby or OverDrive.
Registration is not required to attend, but a library card is necessary to access ebooks through the library.
All events/programs are free and do not require a library card to attend. For more information, stop by the circulation desk, call the library at (541) 258-4926, visit www.LebanonOregon.gov/library, or like the library on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon.
Social media at business meet-up
Linn-Benton Community College Small Business Development Center will hold “Open for Business,” a monthly meet-up for entrepreneurs in all stage of business, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14, at Albany Regional Museum, 136 Lyon St.
Ellen Yin, a social media consultant and creator of the award-winning “Cubicle to CEO” podcast, will speak on “Top Three Social Media Marketing Mistakes Costing Business Owners Money and Customers.”
Arrive at 6:30 p.m. to network; the presentation and Q&A will follow at 7.
To register, call (541) 917-4840.
Joint health info in Corvallis Jan. 14
Learn about joint health in the hips and knees, surgical and non-surgical options to relieve joint pain, joint replacement and how to get back to active at a free seminar will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14, at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, conference rooms A & B, 3600 NW Samaritan Drive in Corvallis.
Healthy snacks and beverages will be provided.
Registration is required, as space is limited. To register, visit samhealth.org/BeHealthy or call toll free (855) 873-0647.
Free going-into-business seminar
Linn-Benton Community College will offer a free Going Into Business seminar from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15, at the college’s Lebanon Center, room LCX-103, 44 Industrial Way.
Led by veteran businesswoman and LBCC Small Business Development Center instructor Marlene Peterson, the seminar will provide basic information needed to begin a successful business, including rules and regulations, financing, customers, markets and feasibility, and more.
To register, call (541) 917-4840 or (541) 259-5801.
Vision group to talk traffic signals
“Installation of Audible Traffic Signals” will the topic at the Mid Valley Low Vision Support Group’s monthly meeting at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15, at Brookdale Grand Prairie, 1929 Grand Prairie Road SE, Albany.
Audible Traffic Signals help low-vision, blind, low-hearing and deaf people to safely cross a busy traffic intersection by triggering a chirping signal and a wheelchair-height vibrating button.
Jenna Berman, ODOT Region 2, Active Transportation Liaison, will present an update on the community project which began in January of 2019.
The designated traffic lights will be Highway 20 intersections of high pedestrian usage and, will be installed this year.
Ron Irish, City of Albany traffic engineer, will be in attendance should there be questions concerning those intersections of high pedestrian usage that are under city jurisdiction. He is scheduled to speak to the group in more detail about the city streets at a later monthly meeting.
There is no cost to participate. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call (541) 928-5008.
Free workshop on land conservation
A free Plan For Your Land Workshop will be held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on four consecutive Wednesday evenings, starting Jan. 15, at the Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St.
The four-part series will include information about natural resources, professional guidance on conservation projects, connections with watershed neighbors and more.
Classes will be taught by professionals from Oregon State University Extension, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service and others.
Topics covered in each workshop include: Jan. 15 – Conservation Planning and Vegetation; Jan. 22 – Water and Soil; Jan. 29 – Streamsides and Woodlands; and Feb. 5 – Agricultural Lands and Action Planning.
To register, visit pfylsswc-2020.eventbrite.com.
For more information, contact Mike Vernon at (541) 990-6654 or [email protected].
Lebanon chorus calling for singers
Join the Lebanon Community Chorus for its Spring Pops Concert, which will be held April 26 and will be themed “Imagine.”
Registration and the first rehearsal will take place Thursday, Jan. 16, at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 3111 S. Main Road.
Rehearsals start promptly at 7 and run till 9:30 p.m. every Thursday. All singers are welcome who are 18 years or older, regardless of experience.
Participants are asked to pay a $20 dues fee, for which scholarships are available.
For more information, call (541) 401-4606.
Learn about sleep and aromatherapy
Learn about sleep hygiene and aromatherapy in a Mind Matters session from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 16, at Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.
Helen Beaman, older adult behavioral health specialist/mental health services coordinator for Linn and Benton counties, will lead this session in exploring ways sleep changes as we age and look at why good quality sleep is vital to our overall heather and wellbeing. She will share practical tips for improving your sleep with an overview of how aromatherapy can be utilized for the optimization of sleep and wellness.
Sign up by stopping by the Senior Center office or calling (541) 258-4919. Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to attend this event.
The Brownsville Community Library will host its seventh Lawyer in the Library event from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 16, in the Brownsville Community Library Kirk Room, which is located at 146 Spaulding Ave. in Brownsville.
The workshop is a quarterly Lawyer in the Library series being hosted by the Brownsville Community Library. Local attorney Danielle M. Myers is donating her time as guest speaker. The workshop is free and open to the public. No registration is required. Your attendance and questions will be welcome.
For more information, please contact Brownsville Community Librarian Sherri Lemhouse at (541) 466-5454 or email her at [email protected].
Online safety for kids class Jan. 16
ABC House offers a class on Keeping Kids Safe Online from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 16, at 228 SW 5th Ave. in Albany.
The free presentation will educate and empower adults/parents to keep children safe in the digital age.
Content includes how to proactively participate in children’s internet experience, how to utilize parental controls and additional protection measures, cyber bullying, screen time, adult content, online predators, safety measures for kids who use social media/gaming, and internet “addiction.”
For more information, email [email protected] or call (541) 926-2203.
Small Woodlands annual meeting
The Linn County Small Woodlands Association will hold its annual membership meeting at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at the ZCBJ Hall, 38704 N. Main St., Scio.
Doors open at 4:30, with potluck service beginning at 5:30. Soft drinks and coffee will be provided. Bring your own table service.
The annual meeting is a business meeting for the Board of Directors and the general membership. Lena Tucker, deputy state forester for the Oregon Department of Forestry, will be the keynote speaker.
Also on the agenda is a general membership vote on release of Bob Mealey funds to pay for Sunnyside Park proposal.
Recipients of scholarships from the Small Woodlands Association will be present as well and there will be door prizes and an auction of wood-crafted items.
Visitors are welcome. New members are not required to pay dues until the following year, which allows prospective members to observe the organization and its activities before committing fully.
Gardeners to learn about amphibians
Lebanon Garden Club will meet at noon Monday, Jan. 20, at Santiam Place, 139 Main St.
Kacy Woodley, a club member, will speak on “Amphibians of the Willamette Valley.”
For more information, contact Lynne Neuman at (541) 258-7568, or email [email protected].
Free seminar on stroke treatment
Learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a stroke, and what to do if you think a stroke is happening, at a free seminar from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital Conference Rooms 3 and 4.
Speakers will be registered nurses Carrie Manley and Sarah Vincent, and Heather Herman, family nurse practitioner.
The seminar will also be held at the same time on Feb. 19 at the Samaritan Albany General Hospital, Reimer Conference Room.
Registration is required and space is limited.
To register, visit samhealth.org/BeHealthy or call toll free (855) 873-0647.
Class to address sexual exploitation
ABC House will host a free seminar on the commercial sexual exploitation of children from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 228 SW 5th Ave. in Albany.
Participants will learn what commercial exploitation of children is, what the root causes are, what circumstances make children vulnerable, and how to prevent and respond to children being commercially sexually exploited.
For more information, call (541) 926-2203.
Free Community Orchestra concert
Lebanon Community Orchestra will present a program, “All About Dance,” from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.
The community concert is free. The public is invited. Conductor Jean Marshall will lead the orchestra in arrangements of “Thunder and Lightning Polka,” “Russian Sailor’s Dance,” “Nordic Waltz,” “Country Hoedown” and more.
Cookies and coffee will be served.
Learn to make book hedgehogs
Lebanon Library will host a CrafterNoon, in which participants will make book hedgehogs, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, at 55 Academy St.
Participants will make a cute book hedgehog using a folding technique and add fun details to make their own personalized hedgehog. Materials and instructions will be provided. Space and supplies are limited, and registration is required.
Call (541) 258-4926 to reserve a spot.
All events/programs are free and do not require a library card to attend. For more information, stop by the circulation desk, call the library, visit www.LebanonOregon.gov/library, or like the library on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon.
Giant square dance fest at Expo Center
Square dancers and those who are interested in getting involved are invited to the 60th annual Oregon Mid-Winter Festival Jan. 24-26 at Linn County Expo Center, Knox Butte Road, Albany.
The giant event, themed “The Diamonds of Dance,” includes square dancing, shopping, workshops and fellowship. It typically draws hundreds of dancers from all over the Northwest.
Square dance callers will be Deborah Carroll-Jones and Patty Green. Round dance cuers will be Sally and Bob Nolen. Kelli McChesney-Shotgun will teach clogging.
Cost for the full festival is $60 per adult, $35 for youths. Spectators are welcome, at no charge.
For more information, to view schedules, or to register visit www.midwinterfestival.com or facebook/MidWinterSDFestival.
Seniors to take on kids in table games
Lebanon Senior Center will host a Pizza and Tabletop Games activity, in which seniors will match wits with Junior Leaders from the Boys & Girls Club, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24, at 80 Tangent St.
Have a slice and enjoy challenging some youngsters to board games and card games. Sign up by stopping by the Senior Center office or calling (541) 258-4919. Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to attend this event.
Learn to be BLT elite volunteer
Build Lebanon Trails will host Elite Volunteer Training from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital Conference Training Center, 525 N. Santiam Hwy.
BLT’s elite volunteers contribute at least 20 hours per year in areas such as event planning and coordination, community outreach, technical expertise, trail development and upkeep, trail patrol, administration and planning, fundraising and more. They are identifiable by their yellow “BLT Trail Volunteer” at BLT events.
Training happens once a year. Would-be volunteers must be able to attend the training session on Jan. 25, but can schedule their participation after training.
For more information, visit buildlebanontrails.com//elite-volunteer-invitation-2020 or email [email protected].
Poker fundraiser for college access
The Enliven Foundation will hold a Texas Hold ’Em Poker Fund-raiser from 5 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, at the MBVA Building, 550 S. Main St.
Enliven’s mission is to help single parents who are in poverty achieve their academic goals, particularly a college education. The fundraiser will include dinner and drinks – and plenty of Texas Hold ’Em.
Dinner and drinks start at 5, followed by the tournament at 6. Individual cost is $50; non-players are $25. Table sponsors, which include eight entries, are $400. Half-table sponsors are available as well. Sponsors will receive public recognition.
For more information, call (541) 409-2537.
Free music at local restaurant Jan. 25
Local musician Patrick Anderson will perform from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, at Bigfoot Grille, 525 S. Main St.
Anderson, a local guitar teacher, performs a variety of music covering hit songs from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, as well as his own material. Admission is free. Enjoy some live music in a family-friendly atmosphere, and some warm food.
For more information, call (541) 570-1092.
Gala concert to feature top talent
A Gala Evening Celebration performance, featuring Broadway singer Douglas Webster and various artists from the local area, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, at the Sweet Home High School Auditorium, 1641 Long St.
Hosted by Bob Burford, the concert will include local performers Stefani Brown, Cathy Cheshire and Brom Sherwood, Alison Hurst, Jenni Grove, Jacqueline Ohmer, David Dominy, Moriah Winn, the Helland Family, Mac McNulty, Brittanie Sorrenson, dancers from Willamette Apprentice Ballet, and more. It is being put on by SHOCASE, a Sweet Home organization whose purpose is very similar to LAFTA in Lebanon: to promote community support for and enjoyment of the arts.
General admission tickets are $12, $8 for students and seniors. A limited number of VIP Experience tickets are available for $30. Tickets are available at Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce, 1575 Main St. or online at sweethomecoc.com.
Make Valentine banners at library
Lebanon Library will host a CrafterDark event, in which participants will make valentine paper banners, from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 55 Academy St.
The activity is for adults 16 and older, who will make a valentine banner using printed paper, embellishments and twine. Materials and instructions will be provided. Space and supplies are limited, and registration is required.
Call (541) 258-4926 to reserve a spot.
All events/programs are free and do not require a library card to attend. For more information, stop by the circulation desk, call the library, visit www.LebanonOregon.gov/library, or like the library on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon.
Cooking demo at Senior Center
Lebanon Senior Center will host a Cooking Demo event from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 80 Tangent St.
Cooking for one or two can be tricky. This activity will help participants learn to have fun at the stove and to customize meals for their needs.
Sign up by stopping by the office or calling (541) 258.4919. Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to attend this event.
Enamel pin display workshop for kids
Do you know a kid who collects enamel pins?
Lebanon Library will hold a workshop, in which participants will make banners to display their pins, from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30, at 55 Academy St.
Participants, ages 11 to 18, will make a banner using felt, trims and a wooden dowel. Materials and instructions will be provided. Space and supplies are limited, and registration is required. Call (541) 258-4926 to reserve a spot.
All events/programs are free and do not require a library card to attend. For more information, stop by the circulation desk, call the library at (541) 258-4926, visit www.LebanonOregon.gov/library, or like the library on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon.
Chamber forum to feature director
Lebanon Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual meeting and Forum Lunch from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31, at the Lebanon Samaritan Hospital Training Room, 525 N. Santiam Hwy.
New Director Rebecca Grizzle and committee chairs will lead the meeting. The menu will be chicken cordon bleu, baby baker potatoes and steamed vegetables, apple-craisin-walnut-feta salad, and assorted dessert bars.
Cost is $15 and reservations are required. To reserve a spot or for more information, call (541) 258-7164.
Furniture Share fundraiser Jan. 31
J&C BBQ will host a fundraiser for Furniture Share from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31, at 940 S. Main St.
Furniture Share provides household necessities to individuals, families and veterans in Linn County. Donations will be accepted at the event, and 10 percent of J&C’s sales will be donated to the organization.
For more information, call (541) 258-7510.
Seedling sale Feb. 1 at Expo Center
The Linn County Chapter of the Oregon Small Woodlands Association will hold its 25th Annual Seedling Sale from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 1, at the Linn County Fair and Expo Center, Santiam Building, 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany.
Proceeds will be used to fund Linn County 4-H forestry awards and college scholarships for students seeking a degree related to forestry or natural resources.
In addition to seedlings, there will also be seedling protector tubes with sticks available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Seedlings come directly from the nursery and will be either bare-root or plugs. Due to limited supply and continued high demand, coast redwood orders are limited to ten or fewer this year.
The Local Woods Fair will be held in conjunction with the seedling sale again this year. Artisans will sell their wooden wares and various organizations will be present providing useful information to small woodland owners. For more information about the Local Woods Fair, contact Mary at [email protected] or (541) 367-2845.
Seedling customers are encouraged to pre-order. Orders will be packed and ready for pick-up on sale day between 8 am and 11 a.m.
For more information or order forms, contact Bonnie Marshall at [email protected] or (503) 769-6510.
Orchid Society to hold show, sale
The Mary’s Peak Orchid Society will hold its annual show and sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 1, at Garland Nursery, 5470 NE Hwy. 20 between Albany and Corvallis.
Dozens of blooming orchids will be on display, and numerous vendors will be selling orchid plants, materials, and books. Repotting will be available for a small fee. Admission and advice are free.
The Society is an orchid club with members throughout the Willamette Valley.
The address is 5470 NE Hwy 20 between Corvallis and Albany. Hours are 9:00 am to 4:00.
For more information, call (541) 757-9041 or email [email protected].
Learn to talk to kids about abuse
ABC House offers a class on Talking with Children about Safety from Sexual Abuse from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 228 SW 5th Ave. in Albany.
The free training will provide guidance on how to talk with and listen to children about sexual abuse and personal safety. Having age-appropriate, open conversations about their bodies, sex and boundaries is an important step in protecting children from sexual abuse. The class includes a video and facilitator-led discussion.
For more information, email [email protected] or call (541) 926-2203.
Wapiti Bowmen annual banquet
The Wapiti Bowmen will hold their annual banquet at 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at 699 Cascade Drive in Lebanon.
The event is open to the public. Cost is $25 per person if registered by Jan. 25, or $35 at the door. The menu will be prime rib and chicken.
Wayne Endicott will speak about his Kodiak bear hunt.
Bucket raffle prizes include a Ruger 10-22, Hoyt bow, a salmon and halibut fishing trip for two at the Oregon coast, a blacktail hunt, a turkey hunt, Dave Smith turkey decoys, an overnight stay at the Oregon coast for two, and more.
For information, call (541) 401-3042, (541) 258-6738 or (541) 6129-9454.
Play pickleball at B&G Club
The Lebanon Pickleball Club (LPC), a program of the Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Santiam (Lebanon), offers drop-in play from 8:30 to 11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, and from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays.
All members of the community are invited to come try out a game for free. After that, the cost to play is $3 per day, or $2 per day for LPC members.
For more information, visit www.lebanonpickleball.com.