Around Town June 2018

Free technology help for seniors

The Lebanon Senior Center offers free technology help to senior citizens for smart phones, laptops and tablets, including assistance with Apple products such as iPad, iPhone and Macbook.

Sessions are available on Wednesdays and require an appointment. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (541) 258-4919. The Lebanon Senior Center is located at 80 Tangent Street.

Exhibit at bank by local artist

Lebanon photographer Ken Bolf is displaying five new photographs this June and July at Citizens Bank, 2122 S. Santiam Hwy., Lebanon.

He will change the display on July 2.

The June photographs are black and white and are a mixture of literal and interpretive shots.

This is the 11th consecutive year Bolf has displayed his work at the bank.
During the last year, Centurylink  has used several of Bolf’s photographs on its directory covers, some of which include the Lebanon, Lake/Klamath County, and Depoe Bay directories.

More of Bolf’s photographs can be viewed at

Roads to be closed  for improvements

Russell Drive, from Franklin Street to the intersection of Mountain River and River Road, will be closed to through traffic until Aug. 31 as the city completes Phase II of the Russell Drive/River Road Improvements Project.   

Detours will be in place and access to Cheadle Lake Park will be available.   

Motorists and residents in the affected area should expect delays and/or detours around the construction activities.  Residents in the impacted area will be afforded reasonable access but can expect short periods of time where access to individual driveways may not be possible in addition to periodic delays and other related inconveniences.

For further information,  contact Ron Whitlatch, Engineering Services director at (541) 258-4269.

Pioneer Picnic this weekend in B’ville

Linn County Pioneer Picnic, Oregon’s oldest continuing celebration, will be held this weekend, June 15-17, in Brownsville.

The Picnic, which started in 1887 as a reunion of Oregon Trail pioneers, includes all manner of free family fun, including parades, a spelling bee, performances, a Wagon Train Breakfast, a horseshoe tournament, a soccer tournament, the Pioneer Dam Run on Sunday, a talent show, flower show, a pie eating contest and a loggers jamboree and more.

For more information, visit

Bow Wow Bingo benefit for shelter

The Waddell Group Windermere Real Estate office will host Bow Wow Bingo as a benefit for SafeHaven Humane Society from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, June 18, at Schmizza Public House, 2602 S Santiam Hwy.

The event is held the first and third Mondays of the month. Participants must be 18 or older. Cards are $1 each or six for $5. Small bills are strongly encouraged.

For more information, contact Diana Sartin at (541) 480-3254.

Joint replacement info at seminar

Learn about joint replacement from orthopedic surgeon Kelli Baum, DO, in a free seminar from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 19, at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital, 525 N. Santiam Hwy, Conference Room B and C.

Dr. Baum will cover joint health, surgical and non-surgical options to relieve pain, joint replacement and how to get back to being active.

The event is part of the Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies series of seminars offered by Samaritan Health Services in Albany, Corvallis, Lebanon, Lincoln City and Newport. To register, which is required, visit

Food preservation classes offered

Oregon State University Extension Service is offering a selection of hands-on food preservation classes to help community members learn to preserve fresh, local produce for year-round enjoyment.

Preserving Fruits and Fruit Products will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, June 19, at the Linn County Extension Office on Highway 34 (33630 McFarland Road, Tangent).

These classes are appropriate for both novice food preservers and those with experience who hope to update their skills and knowledge. Participants share products made in class.

The class will include an introduction to food preservation, review basic techniques and equipment for boiling water canning used to preserve fruits and fruit products such as pie fillings, jams, jellies and juices.

Pre-registration is required because of limited class size.  Cost is $18 per class or $60 for four classes if taken during the summer.

All ingredients and supplies are included.

To see the full schedule of classes and to register online, visit

For more information, contact OSU Extension Service at (541) 967-3871.

Cooking class for kids June 20

A cooking class for kids will be held at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 20, at Serendipity Cafe and Tea, 638 S. Main St.

The menu includes turkey chili, cheesy cornbread muffins and mini cherry cheesecakes.

The two-hour class costs $20 per child ages 6 and up. Participants must pre-pay to reserve a spot.

Call 541/409.2022 for more information.

Free talk on pain June 20 at SLCH

Mid Valley Pain Alliance is hosting a free community talk at 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 20, at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital.

Presentations by healthcare clinicians include discussions designed to answer questions about pain.

Questions can be directed to [email protected].

Lego Day June 21 at Lebanon Library

Lebanon Public Library hosts Lego Day at 11 a.m. Thursday, June 21, at 55 Academy St.

Children ages 6 and up are welcome to attend. Legos will be provided, and all finished creations will be displayed in the library’s special display case.

This is a free event. For more information, stop by the library’s circulation desk, visit, or call (541) 258-4926.

Vision group to talk guide dogs

Guide Dogs for blind and low-vision people will be the topic of the June meeting of the Mid Valley Low Vision Support Groupat 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 20, at Brookdale Grand Prairie, 1929 Grand Prairie Road, Albany.

Andrea Barnhurst will have her service dog, Bali, with her. Barnhurst, who is severely visually impaired, will tell how to receive a guide dog, how she and Bali were trained together as a team, the benefits that Bali has given to her as a companion and what her responsibilities are for being the owner of a guide dog.

The meeting is free.  All are welcome to attend.  Light refreshments are served.

For more information, call (541) 928-5008.

LAFTA kids to perform musical

Lebanon Association For Theatre Arts Kids Camp participants will perform “Forest Frenzy” at 7 p.m. Friday, June 22, and at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 23 at Lebanon High School.

The camp includes 50 second- through eighth-graders.

The musical tells the story of animals in a forest who are living happily until a real estate agent shows up with investors who are interested in buying the forest. The animals plot to stop the investors’ designs on their forest and, in the end, the intruders realize they’re getting off easy.

During the two-week camp, children receive instruction in theater skills and knowledge, music and dancing.

Our kids’ camp graduates come back to help!  It’s wonderful to see them develop the theatre bug and continue.

Admission is $5 per seat.  All proceeds go back to the Lebanon School District performing arts and updating/maintenance for the LHS auditorium.

Driver’s training class starts June 25

Need to get that kid ready to drive?

Registration is open for Linn-Benton Community College driver education courses, which start the week of June 25, with additional classes offered throughout the summer in Albany, Corvallis and Lebanon.

Course includes Oregon State-mandated 30 hours classroom instruction, a one-time parent/student orientation, and 12 hours behind-the-wheel practice and driver observation.

Cost is $265 for ages 17 and under, $445 for ages 18 and over. Upon successful completion of the course, students under age 18 qualify for a car skills testing waiver when obtaining their driver’s license.

To register, or for more information, visit, call (541) 917-4849, or pick up a packet at any LBCC location. Submit fee, completed packet, and bring original driver permit and one permit photocopy.

Yoga presentation at library June 28

Lebanon Public Library hosts Iris Nason from Growing Arts Center Yoga at 11 a.m. Thursday, June 28. The public is welcome to join Nason as she encourages enthusiasm and joy of movement to children through yoga, dance and music.

This is a free event. For more information, stop by the library’s circulation desk, visit, or call (541) 258-4926.

LBCC offers farm equipment training

Tractor and Farm Machinery Safety training will be held at Linn-Benton Community College’s Albany campus starting Thursday, June 28.

Geared for farm workers ages 14 to 18, the course is developed and operated with the assistance of the OSU Extension Service in accordance with federal regulations.

The three-day class session will meet  June 28-30, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:50 p.m.  Classes meet on the LBCC Albany campus, Forum building room F-113, 6500 Pacific Blvd. SW.

Preregistration is required and students must be at least 14 to register. Students and parents must sign a Liability Waiver/Indemnification form at the time of registration.

Cost for this non-credit class is $99.

For more information or to register, contact LBCC Community Education at (541) 917-4840. Registration packets are available online at

Small business talk at chamber forum

Charlie Mitchell of the Small Business Development Center at Linn-Benton Community College will speak at the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce Forum Lunch from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, June 29, at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital Career Training Center, 525 N. Santiam Hwy.

The menu will be a five salad bar (chicken salad, tossed salad, pasta salad, broccoli delight and fruit salad), rolls and butter, and
and homemade strawberry shortcake.

Cost is $15 per person, and RSVPS are required.

To RSVP, call (541) 258-7164 or visit

Golf tournament  for B&G Club

Linn-Co Federal Credit Union will hold its Golf Palooza charity golf tournament beginning at 7 a.m. Friday, June 29, at Pineway Golf Course.

The event is a benefit for the Boys and Girls Club of the Greater Santiam.

Tee times run from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., with a barbecue lunch and music all day long.

Cost is $500 per foursome, which includes the meal, two carts, four drink tickets and four tickets to a live performance by Cloverdayle at 8 p.m.

To register, call (541) 258-7105 or visit

Star Spangled Celebration July 4

The Star Spangled Celebration will be held Wednesday, July 4, at Cheadle Park.

Gates open at 6 p.m. Parking is $10 per carload or $3 each for walk-ins.

Activities include magic performances, live music, face painting and kids crafts, a bounce house ($1 per bounce, $5 per wristband), and food vendors.

The Fire in the Sky Fireworks Show will run from 10 to 10:30 p.m.

For more information, contact Ronn Passmore (541) 990-0240.

Free talk on pain June 20 at SLCH

Jeff McMahon will provide magical entertainment Wednes-day, July 6, to kick off a new summer noontime series at Strawberry Plaza.

The weekly free performances will begin at noon. Grab your lunch and a lawn chair and stop by for some summertime fun.

Cruise-In, BBQ at The Oaks July 7

The Oaks will hold its Annual Car and Motorcycle Cruise-In and Auction benefiting the Willamette Valley Walk to End Alzheimer’s from 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday, July 7, at 512 W. Oak St.

The event includes a free barbecue, live music, and a silent auction.

Free garden talk at The Lobby July 9

The Lebanon Garden Club and Linn County Master Gardeners will present a free gardening talk from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, July 9, at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St.

The public is welcome. For more information, contact Eileen at (541) 259-4303.

Sprenger to speak at After 5 dinner

Local women are invited to After 5 Connection’s monthly dinner and program  from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 10, at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St.

State Rep. Sherrie Sprenger will speak about patriotism, independence and keeping the momentum going from Independence Day and “Celebrate America!”

Kathy Beoka, a soloist from Lebanon will sing.

Lynne Franz from Hermiston, a popular and humorous speaker for women’s groups and retreats, will speak about changes in her life and how to embrace change to find purpose and meaning in life.

Cost is $8.50, which includes everything. Credit cards cannot be accepted.  RSVPs are required.

To reserve a spot, contact Sherri at (541) 258-6414 or Nancy at (541) 259-1396.

Chamber breakfast to feature inventor

Mike Perry, local inventor of the SnoofyBee and winner of investment funds from the “Shark Tank” TV show, will speak at the Chamber of Commerce’s Business Matters Breakfast from 7 to 8 a.m. at Schmizza Public House, 2602 S Santiam Hwy.

The Perrys launched their company two years ago in their home and have since moved to an office and warehouse location to produce their SnoofyBee, a diaper changing pad with a barrier that gently restricts a baby’s hands to keep things clean. Perry will discuss his experience as an entrepreneur and with the Sharks.

Cost is $15 per person and RSVPs are required. Seating is limited.

To RSVP, contact the chamber at (541) 258-7164.

Space is limited so reserve now.

Chamber golf tourney July 13

The Lebanon Chamber of Commerce 2018 golf tournament is from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, July 13, at Mallard Creek Golf Course, 31966 Bellinger Scale Road. Cost is $525 for a team of four.

Entry fee includes breakfast, lunch and two golf carts. Registrants also have a chance to win team prizes, door prizes, putting contest, mulligan prize, men’s and women’s KP, men’s and women’s long drive, low gross and low net.

Also an optional bonus pack and big cash ball drop. A hole-in-one wins a new car courtesy of Primasing Motors.

Pick up and return registration forms to the Chamber of Commerce, 1040 S. Park St. For more information, call (541) 258-7164.

Border collies to perform July 19

Lebanon Public Library hosts International Border Collies with trainer Greg Gustafson from 11 a.m. to noon Thursday, July 19. Gustafson and his team of rescued Border Collies will entertain and educate through demonstrations of sports and skits.

This is a free event for all ages.

For more information, stop by the library’s circulation desk, visit, or call (541) 258-4926.