Around Town: Oct/Nov 2019

Local Fall Holiday Events

October: Pumpkin Patch Tennessee Thunder Railroad’s pumpkin patch and mini corn maze is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays, and 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays, at 37672 KGAL Dr. Prices are $5 for adults, $4 for children, and free for kids under two.

October: Pumpkin Patch Papa’s Pumpkin Patch is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., at 36794 Rock Hill Drive. They also have decorative gourds and corn stalks, and games for kids.

Oct. 24: CrafterNoon Marbled Pumpkins Lebanon Public Library hosts a free pumpkin craft event for kids ages 9 to 14 from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. Space is limited, registration is required. Call (541) 258-4926 to reserve a spot.

Oct. 25-26: Haunted Barn Lebanon High School FFA Land Lab hosts its annual haunted barn fundraiser from 7 to 11 p.m., at 31000 Land Lab Road. $6 per person, or donated three canned food items to get $1 off.

Oct. 26: Downtown Trick or Treat The annual downtown trick or treat is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Enter the costume contest from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., to be held in Strawberry Plaza at 1 p.m.

Oct. 26: Runaway Pumpkin Express Santiam Excursion Train hosts a kids costume contest and train ride from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Meet at the train station, 750 S. 3rd St. There will be a movie station, popcorn and treats, and refreshments from the bar. Tickets are $17-20; purchase online at

Oct. 26: Costume Pet Party My Little Dog Training Center hosts a costume party and contest at 4 p.m. at 3640 S. Santiam Hwy. Prizes will be awarded for best dressed sibling (dog and child), best costume, best parent-pooch combo, most outrageous, most adorable and best behaved. For more information, call (541) 258-5992, or email [email protected].

Oct. 26: Boozy Express Santiam Excursion Train hosts an adult-only costume contest and train ride from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Meet at the train station, 750 S. 3rd St. Must be at least 21 years old. There will be appetizers, music and a full bar. Tickets are $17-35; purchase tickets online at

October 29: Oregon Ghost Towns A-Z Oregon author Steve Arndt discusses fascinating towns and structures from his book series, “Oregon Ghost Towns A-Z,” from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Lebanon Public Library. This program is free.

Oct. 31: Storytime and Trick-or-Treats Lebanon Public Library invites trick-or-treaters from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and offers a Halloween Storytime at 11 a.m. for kids ages 3 to kindergarten.

Oct. 31: Haunted Courtyard The Oaks at Lebanon’s free haunted courtyard and trick-or-treat party is from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 621 W. Oak St.

Oct. 31: Trunk or Treat Lebanon Calvary Chapel event with bounce houses, candy, prizes, face painting and more is from 5:30 to 8 p.m., at 633 Park St.

Oct. 31: Trunk or Treat The Valley Life Church event with inflatables, candy and games is from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., on the corner of Park and Vine downtown.

Nov. 1: Harvest Carnival Pioneer School harvest carnival is from 4:45 to 8 p.m., at 500 N. 5th St.

Nov. 9: Christmas Craft Fair Lebanon Church of the Nazarene hosts a craft fair from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 600 West D St.

Nov. 15-16: Holiday Bazaar The Oaks at Lebanon hosts its annual bazaar from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 621 W. Oak St.

Outside Lebanon

Haunted Houses/Mazes: Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce. Bose Family Farm, Albany. Morningstar Grange, Albany. Monteith House, Albany. Coffin Park Cemetery, Albany. The Melon Shack, Corvallis.  American Legion Post 184, Brownsville. Nightmare Factory, Salem.

Pumpkin Patches: Grandpa’s Fresh Market, Albany. Bose Family Farm, Albany. Davis Family Farm, Corvallis. The Melon Shack, Corvallis. Peoria Road Farm Market, Corvallis. Detering Orchards, Harrisburg. Greens Bridge Gardens, Jefferson.

Corn Mazes: Bose Family Farm, Albany. The Melon Shack, Corvallis. Detering Orchards, Harrisburg.

Halloween Treat Parties: Community Chapel, Sweet Home. Downtown Trick or Treat, Sweet Home. American Legion Post 10, Albany. Historic Carousel, Albany. Cumberland Church, Albany.

Cider Mills: Detering Orchards, Harrisburg.

…. and a lot more happening this month:

Wanted: Manhole cover art designs
The Lebanon Arts Commission is conducting a manhole cover art design contest to create artistic Lebanon-themed manhole covers to be placed in the downtown area.

All interested parties are encouraged to submit their design ideas. The Arts Commission welcomes conceptual designs representative of the following five categories:
• Lebanon’s Wood Products Industry Era.
• Lebanon Area Wildlife.
• Lebanon’s Railroad History.
• Lebanon’s Strawberry Heritage.
• Lebanon Freestyle (Lebanon themes that do not fit any of the above categories).

All designs must be submitted on the circular template provided in the Official Entry Form, should have a clear focal point and be simple and uncluttered in composition. Large and bold objects usually work best on the face of a manhole cover.

A panel of judges comprised of members of the Lebanon Arts Commission will group all submissions according to the above categories and seek to select a winning design from each of the five categories. Selected designs will be forwarded to the Lebanon City Council to be ratified as official City of Lebanon Manhole Cover Designs. Once approved, winning designs will be given to a commercial artist for uniform development.

The Arts Commission hopes to have all five designs produced as manhole covers to replace generic covers in the downtown area. All replaced covers will be re-purposed as covers in new community developments as they occur elsewhere in the community.

Contest entry deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10. The Official Entry Form may be downloaded and printed from or picked up at Lebanon City Hall located at 925 S. Main St.

Lebanon Orchestra needs more strings

The Lebanon Community Orchestra is beginning practices for its winter concert.

The orchestra has openings for violin, viola, cello and bass violin players. Members hail from Lebanon, Albany, Sweet Home and other surrounding communities. Practices are at the Lebanon High School on Monday nights from 6:45 to 8:15 p.m.

For more information, contact Jean Marshall at (541) 451-3649.

‘Soctober’ sock drive for homeless

Heart and Hand for Homeless is holding a “Soctober” sock drive for homeless families in the community.

Bring new or barely used socks for adults and children during the month of October during business hours to Let it Bead at 631 S. Main St., or La Mota Dispensary at 620 S. Main St.

Strawberry Plaza proposals sought

The Lebanon Arts Commission seeks artists to submit proposals for the Strawberry Plaza Art Boards Program. Once accepted by the Arts Commission, you are provided with a four-by-eight foot board and 90 days to complete your work of art, which will hang in Strawberry Plaza for a year.

For more information, visit Download the entry form, or pick one up at Lebanon City Hall, 925 S. Main St.

For more information, email Leigh at [email protected].

Win prizes by saving on travel

Local residents can win prizes by finding ways to economize on their travel in the Get There Challenge for the Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties, which runs through Oct. 21.

Participants are encouraged to get active, save money, and track their trips for a chance to win prizes.

Participants track trips by bike, bus, walking, rolling, carpool/vanpool, and teleworking at for chances to win prizes that include an overnight trip to Chinook Winds Casino Resort in Lincoln City, one $1,000 Bike Friday gift card, two $500 cash cards, and more.

The event is sponsored by the Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments’ Cascades West Transportation Options and the Oregon Department of Transportation.

To participate, visit, sign up for an account (if you don’t have one already), use transportation options (walk, bike, bus, train, rolling device, carpool, vanpool, telework) through Oct. 21 and log those trips on your calendar for a chance to win prizes.

For more information about Cascades West Transportation Options, visit; or contact Katie Trebes at (541) 812-2004 or by email at [email protected].

Lunchtime garden class on insects

The next Lebanon Second Monday Lunchtime Gardening Series classes are from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Oct. 14, and Nov. 11, at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St.

In October, Linn County Master Gardeners discuss beneficial insects, and in November will talk about rain gardens. The classes are free.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Records at (541) 730-3471, or email [email protected].

Photos, history of LFD at library

Mark Fitzwater will give a presentation on “A Pictorial History of the Lebanon Fire District” at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16, at the Lebanon Public Library, 80 Tangent St.

Fitzwater, training officer for the LFD, is the district’s in-house historian. As such, he has access to hundreds of photographs that document firefighting in Lebanon from the district’s beginning, in 1884, to the present.

Fitzwater will tell stories of notable firefighters as he shows his selection of photos, and he’ll also speak briefly about the future of the district.

Fitzwater’s is the fifth in a series of historical presentations arranged by the Lebanon Museum Foundation, which is working to create a historical and cultural museum in Lebanon.

The foundation has a growing collection in storage at the Lebanon Public Library but so far no display space. For more information about the Lebanon Museum Foundation and its programs, visit the website at, find Lebanon Museum on Facebook, or send a message to [email protected].

‘Talking Books’ vision group topic

“Talking Books”  will be the subject of the monthly meeting of the Mid Valley Low Vision support Group, at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16,  at the Brookdale Grand Prairie, 1929 Grand Prairie Road, Albany.

Elka Burton, Oregon representative for Talking Books, will present a comprehensive and informative description of the federally funded program for blind, low-vision and handicapped people.

The program is distributed and managed by the Oregon Commission for the Blind. It is free to use, along with the special electronic equipment that each recipient of the program receives.

There are over 15,000 books in all categories, narrated by professional speakers and delivered through the U.S. Postal Service.  No one must leave their house in order to listen to their selected books.

The Mid Valley Low Vision Support Group is a non-profit, self supporting organization which is free to attend.  Refreshments will be provided.

For more information, call (541) 928-5008.

Medicare class at Lebanon LBCC

A Medicare class that will cover the basics of Medicare parts A, B, C, and D will be offered from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16, at Linn-Benton Community College Lebanon, Room LC-153, 44 Industrial Way, Lebanon.

The free class is designed for anyone who will be eligible for Medicare within a few months or is new to Medicare. Current beneficiaries who would like a better understanding of their Medicare benefits and options will also find this class valuable. Spouses and other relatives are welcome to attend.

Reservations are required by calling (541) 812-0849.
A SHIBA counselor will present the  class, which is sponsored by the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program  (RSVP) of the Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments.

Ceramics clearance bargains at LBCC

Linn-Benton Community College will hold a ceramics clearance sale from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 16 and 17, in the college’s Benton Center Student Lounge, 757 NW Polk Ave. in Corvallis.

The sale will include donated ceramic pieces from local artists, at low prices. Proceeds will support the ceramics center.

For more information, ca;; (541) 757-8944, ext. 5114.

Founders Day Time Capsule burial

The City of Lebanon and the Lebanon Museum Foundation invite the community to participate in the placement of the time capsule at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, at Academy Square, next to the library, located at 55 Academy St.

The city has taken suggestions from residents about what to include in the time capsule, which will be opened on the 200th anniversary, Oct. 17, 2078.

Italian potluck for local seniors

Lebanon Senior Center will host an Italian Potluck from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, at 80 Tangent St.

Bring a dish – store-purchased or homemade –  and join in an Italian meal, full of friends and family, where everybody shares.

All seniors 50 or older are invited. The free event is co-sponsored by the Senior Center, The Oaks of Lebanon, Willamette Manor and Brookdale in Albany.

For more information, call (541) 258-4919.

Romania travel program at library

World traveler and photographer Donald Lyon will deliver commentary and images of a trip to Romania from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, at the Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St.

Lyon first visited Romania in 1970, then returned in 2019. While Romania struggles to build its economy and reduce corruption, the traditional way of life in the countryside continues as it has for centuries. The Romanian people willingly share their history and culture after 70 years of suppression, in particular the Romanian Orthodox religion once again defines their lives.

The event is free.

For more information, call (541) 258-4926.

Walk in the garden at Veterans Home

The Oregon Veterans Home in Lebanon invites interested persons to join them for a leisurely garden tour and talk from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 19 at 600 N. 5th St.

Bring along your favorite morning beverage and plant questions. There will be a garden topic lesson and a walk around the various beds, looking at plant growth, disease and/or any pests.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Records at (541) 730-3471, or email

Mason bee care class on Oct. 19

Oregon State Extension Service will offer a mason bee cocoon care class from 10 a.m. to  noon Saturday, Oct. 19, at Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.

Learn the latest recommendations for harvesting, cleaning and storing cocoons. You will likely see examples of pests, mold and a fungus that affects the cocoons. If you do not service your cocoons, your site will likely be dead within one to three years.

Survival rate of blue orchard mason bees can improve significantly with proper care.

The class is free, but registration is required; space is limited to 15 people. Bring your filled tubes, teasel and laminated blocks. Those who do not have tubes or blocks can come to learn, and help others harvest their cocoons.

Bee houses, tubes/liners, blocks and pollinator related books will be for sale at these classes. Other offerings of this class are held in surrounding communities. To register or find other class locations, visit for more information.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Records at (541) 730-3471, or email [email protected].

Costume bowling fundraiser Oct. 20

Family Assistance Center will hold a “Spooktacular” costume bowling fundraiser from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, at Linn Lanes Bowling Center, 2250 S. Main.

Proceeds will help stock supplies to provide warmth this winter to people who have no shelter. Enjoy a night of bowling in your favorite costume, and be entered in drawings for gift basket prizes.

Tickets are available at The Lobby, from Dennis Stoneman at the River Center, or online at

Paint a pumpkin at Senior Center

Lebanon Senior Center will host a Crafternoon Pumpkin Decorating activity from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 21, at 80 Tangent St.

Bring a pumpkin, real or fake, and join in a time of decorating pumpkins. Paint will be available; feel free to bring other items to decorate your pumpkin.

Sign up by stopping at the office or calling (541) 258-4919. Decorated pumpkins can be entered in a decorative pumpkin contest. Voting will take place  Oct. 22-30. Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to participate.

Garden Club to talk landscape design

The Lebanon Garden Club meets at noon on the third Monday of every month. The next meetings will be Oct. 21 and Nov. 18 at Santiam Place, 139 S. Main St., Lebanon.

The October meeting includes discussion about designing landscapes with native plants, and November’s will include a talk about hummingbirds. Club members and guests enjoy a light lunch and refreshments.

For more information, contact Lynne Neuman at (541) 258-7568, or email [email protected].

Fall fashion show at Senior Center

Do you look good? Do you want to?

Local seniors are invited to attend a Fall Tea and Fashion Show, hosted by the Lebanon Senior Center, from 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 80 Tangent St.

Local downtown Lebanon shops such as Frills and Threads, Et Cetera Shop, Teen Challenge, and Northwest Apparel and Graphics are supplying outfits that will be modeled by local seniors. The Senior Center is seeking  seniors, men and women, to model for the show. Seniors will be put in touch with one of the participating stores to pick out an outfit to show off during the fashion show.

Tea treats are sponsored by the Lebanon Senior Center and The Oaks.

Tickets are available at the Senior Center office. Attendees are asked to pick up their tickets before Tuesday, Oct. 15. Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to participate.

For more information, call (541) 258-4919.

Family Tree to hold benefit dinner

Family Tree Relief Nursery hosts its annual Homecoming Benefit Dinner from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23, at Boulder Falls Event Center, 605 Mullins Drive.

Proceeds from the dinner benefit Family Tree, a community-based child abuse prevention nonprofit organization providing early intervention services at no cost to Linn County families. The event gives people an opportunity to associate self, company or organization with a positive community impact.

Tickets are $50 each, and can be purchased online at

For more information, contact Ali Tesch at [email protected].

Celtic trio to play Oct. 22 at library

Local Celtic trio Dinna Fash will perform at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, at the Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St.

Dinna Fash is Scottish “don’t worry,” and the three musicians use fiddles, cellos and whistle to play a wide variety of traditional and modern Celtic tunes so you can leave your worries behind.

Kevin Craven, on fiddle and viola, is a Corvallis violin teacher who also plays with the Oregon State University Symphony.

Maria Blair, on fiddle and cello, most recently from Durango, Colo., is also a step dancer who brings special rhythm and vitality to the music.

Beth Brown has been playing Celtic cello and whistle in Corvallis for over 10 years, previously with the bands Three Fingered Jack and Lark.

Along with traditional Irish, Scottish, Québécois and Shetland tunes, they play some modern tunes composed by the new generation of Celtic-influenced musicians.

This program is free and does not require a library card to attend. For more information, call (541) 258-4926.

Seniors to get taste of Vietnamese food

The Lebanon Senior Center’s travels through the world of flavor, “International Bites,” will feature a stop in Vietnam from 2 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23.

The “visit” will feature Easy Wok-Kissed Beef Pho and Crispy Sweet Potato Pancake Lettuce Wraps. Sign up by stopping at the office or calling (541) 258-4919. Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to participate.

Live Longer group to meet Oct. 23

The Live Longer Lebanon coalition meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23, at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital in conference room E, 525 Santiam Hwy.

LLL is a multi-disciplinary volunteer coalition supporting the health goals of Lebanon’s community strategic plan and exists to “help Lebanon thrive with healthier, happier lives.” They work in sectors of schools, business, faith, organizations and more, and embrace nine evidence-based principles for healthier living.

LLL planning meetings are the fourth Wednesday of each month. For more information, contact Deb at (541) 248-0595 or [email protected].

Learn about how sleep works Oct. 24

Learn about the importance of sleep and how to benefit from it in a free session offered at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 24, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.

The program is offered by Oregon State University Extension Service and is open to the public. Learn about the basics of sleep, how to assess sleep patterns and discuss tips and strategies for sleeping better.

RSVPs are requested. Contact OSU Extension Service at (541) 967-3871 to reserve a spot so enough materials can be prepared.

Webinar on olives offered by OSU

A webinar on olives, sponsored by Oregon State University Extension, will be presented online from 11 a.m. to noon Thursday, Oct. 24.

Heather Stoven and Victoria Binning of the Extension Small Farms Program will introduce olives as both an ornamental and production plant. Can you grow them in Oregon? What conditions do they prefer? They will discuss a little of the history of the trees in the world and in Oregon, growing conditions, and what research OSU Extension is currently conducting with olives.

To register for the free presentation, visit

Fire chief to speak at Forum Lunch

Outgoing Lebanon Fire Chief Gordon Sletmoe will be the speaker at the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Forum Lunch from 11:30 to 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25, at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital Training Center, 525 N. Santiam Hwy.

Admission is $15 per person and RSVP’s are required. The menu will be roasted chicken quarters (white and dark), baby bakers, corn, rolls and butter, tossed green salad with assorted dressings, and pumpkin bars.

To RSVP, visit or call (541) 258-7164.

Holidays in Park deadline Oct. 25

The annual Holidays in the Park will be from 2 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, at Ralston Park.

The theme this year is “An American Christmas.” Parade begins at 5:15 p.m., followed by the lighting of the Christmas tree. Visit with Santa, take a carriage ride, drink hot chocolate and enjoy the festivities.

Vendors must register $10 by Oct. 25, or $25 after that day. For more information, contact Virginia Gardner at (541) 971-0347.

Parade registrants must turn in completed papers and $10 by Nov. 30. For more information, contact Ronda at (541) 619-1030.

Businesses wanting to decorate a tree in the park must reserve their tree with a $10 fee by Nov. 1. For more information, contact Ronda at (541) 619-1030.

Dodgeball tourney for fire victim relief

Lebanon Fire Community Assistance and Relief Service will hold a Dodgeball Tournament starting at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 26, at Lebanon High School, 1700 S. 5th St.

The double-elimination event will be Halloween costume-themed, with prizes for the best-dressed team as well as the tournament winners. A 50/50 raffle will be held.

Sponsorships are available.

Team members must be at least 13 years old and players under 18 must have parental consent. Modified International Dodgeball Association rules will be in play.

Teams should be present by 9:45 a.m. for briefing.

Register at or do it the old-school way by emailing [email protected].

Dvorak, more in symphony concert

Willamette Valley Symphony Orchestra will perform a fall concert Oct. 26 and 27 at Ashbrook Independent School, 4045 Research Way, Corvallis.

Under new artistic director and conductor Héctor Agüero, the orchestra will perform “Savannah River Holiday” by Ron Nelson, “Violin Concerto in D Major” by Erik Korngold, with soloist Caius Oprea, and Anton Dvorak’s “Symphony No. 8 in G Major.”

Performances are at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26, and 4 p.m.  Sunday, Oct. 27. Tickets are $20 for adults, $18 for seniors 65 and older, and students 13 and older, and free for children 12 and under. For tickets and further information, visit

Blood drive to be held locally

First United Methodist Church will host a blood drive for the Red Cross from 1 to 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 28, at 1890 2nd St.

Donors of all blood types, especially platelet donors and those with Type O blood, are needed. Platelets (red blood cells) are particularly necessary in cancer treatments.

Appointments can be made by downloading the free Red Cross Blood Donor app or visiting or calling 1-800-RED-CROSS.

Those who donate blood or platelets during the month of October will automatically be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a $500 gift card redeemable at hundreds of merchants.

Ghost stories from history at library

Oregon author Steve Arndt will discuss fascinating towns and structures from his book series, “Oregon Ghost Towns A-Z,” in a presentation from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29, at the Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St.

Arndt’s passion for ghost towns began when he was 8 years old; the excitement he felt over 50 years ago still exists today and you will find his passion for the subject contagious.

The program is free and does not require a library card to attend.

For more information about Lebanon Public Library programs/events, stop by the Library’s circulation desk, call the Library at (541) 258-4926, visit, or like Facebook page

Cemetery stories at Senior Center

Hear stories from historic cemeteries around the state, courtesy of Kuri Gill of Oregon State Parks, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.

Gill will highlight local history, cemetery discoveries, and other tales that illustrate the  importance of historic cemeteries.

She will discuss creative ways people are sharing these important places.

Area seniors, 50 years and older, are welcome to participate.

For more information, call (541) 258-4919.

ELCA holiday bazaar Dec. 6

East Linn Christian will hold its annual “Christmas in the Grove” holiday shopping event from 5 to 7 p.m Friday, Dec. 6, and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, at the school, 36883 Victory Dr.

Find fun gifts for the holiday and enjoy food from a bake sale. Entrance fee to Friday’s sale preview is $5 per person, and includes five raffle tickets. Saturday’s sale has no entrance fee.

Vendor booth spaces are available for $50-55 for a 10-foot by 10-foot space, with or without access to power.

Download a vendor registration form at For more information, call (541) 259-2304 (ext. 1), or email [email protected].

Speedway to hold trophy banquet

The Willamette Speedway is selling tickets for the championship banquet, held 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, at Boulder Falls Events Center, 605 Mullins Dr.

The banquet features a tropical island buffet. Order tickets, $35 each, by Nov. 9 by contacting Michelle Preston at (360) 903-5785 or email [email protected].

Trails walk Nov. 9 on north side

Build Lebanon Trails will host a Northside Community Trail Walk from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 9, starting at the Circle of Flags on Mullins Drive, across the highway from Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital.

Participants will walk the trail segment running along the north end of town, connecting Lebanon’s industrial, educational and health campuses. Listening devices will be available for those interested in learning about the features of the trail, which include scenic waterside vistas and wildlife viewing areas.  Well-mannered dogs on leashes are welcome. The event is free.

For more information, contact Rod at (541) 409-1302 or visit

Soup kitchen fundraiser dinner

The Lebanon Soup Kitchen’s “Fall Flannel” fundraiser this year will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10, at 170 E. Grant St.

Doors open at 5 p.m. Dress in flannel, or not, for this informal dinner, and enjoy roasted pork loin or grilled chicken. A silent auction features a variety of desserts.

A requested donation of $25 per dinner ticket can be purchased by calling (541) 451-7667, or at the door.

Proceeds benefit the ongoing mission of serving meals to those in need.

‘Roses’ and more at women’s dinner

After 5 Connection for women will hold dinner and a special program on “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12, at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St., in Lebanon.

All women are invited.

Brenda Peterson will give a presentation on rose and floral paintings. A former wardrobe and color consultant, Peterson is now an artist specializing in oil florals and acrylic revelatory art. She will speak on finding value and worth out of self-rejection.

Cost is $10 and reservations are requested.

For more information or to make reservations, contact Sherri at (541) 259-6414 or Nancy at (541) 259-1396 or by email at [email protected].

LAFTA Christmas show auditions

Lebanon Association for Theatre Arts will hold auditions for its annual Christmas show at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, at Lebanon High School.

Have a performance song, dance or instrumental piece ready to perform. An accompanist will be provided. Performances will be at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, and at 2 and 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14. As per tradition, the Christmas show includes intermission with Christmas treats, and an end-of-show carol sing-along.

For more information, email [email protected].