Around Town: October 2018

Halloween Celebrations Around Town and Beyond:

Lebanon Community

October: Find the Pumpkin   Lebanon Public Library invites children ages 3 to 14 to find hidden paper pumpkins in the children’s section of the library for a chance to win a prize.

October: The Great Pumpkin Decorating Contest   Bring your decorated pumpkins (any size) to the Linn County Arts Guild gallery, 605 Main St. and put them on diplay! Divisions for ages 0-Kindergarten, grades 1-8 and 9-12, and adults. No carved pumpkins. For more information, call (541) 497-0386.

October: Howl-O-Ween Pet Photo Contest   SafeHaven is calling for photo entries of your pet in a Halloween costume or setting for their annual Howl-O-Ween contest. Categories: Top SafeHaven Alumni (cat, dog or small animal), Top Dog, Best Cool Cat, Best Fantastic Friend (pet other than cat or dog). All submitted photos appear online where the public can vote for their favorites. $10 per photo entered, $5 to purchase five votes. Winners receive a gift certificate, and other prizes. The goals is to raise $3,500. Proceeds benefit pets at SafeHaven Humane Society. Entries and voting closes Nov. 2.

Oct. 18: Little Shop of Horrors   Barsideous Brewing will play this classic tale on their big screen at 8 p.m. Featuring a prime rib dinner that starts at 5 p.m. until sold out. $1 off pints, $2 off growler fills.

Oct. 21: Pumpkinpalooza   Lebanon Nazarene Church hosts a lesson, craft, games and dinner from 6 to 7:40 p.m. for kids ages 4 years old to fifth grade.

Oct. 23: Fireside Storytelling   Lebanon Public Library hosts “An Old Fashioned Halloween” storytelling at 7 p.m. All ages and costumes are welcomed. Enjoy stories and songs of tricks or treats, Jack-o’-lanterns and more Halloween high-jinx with storytellers Anne Rutherford and Norm Brecke.

Oct. 24, 31: Haunted Trivia   Barsideous Brewing’s trivia night features a Halloween theme from 7 to 9 p.m. at 644 S. Main St. Costumes are encouraged. Parents are advised to bring children at their own discretion, based on adult content.

Oct. 25: Movie fundraiser at Barsideous   Rural Oregon Progressive presents the “Night of the Living Dead ” movie at 7 p.m. at Barsideous Brewing. This annual fundraiser costs $20 per ticket and includes dinner (Charred Chicken Body Parts, Crrrr-hushed Puppies, Bone-Sliver Slaw and Bloody Lady Fingers), a door prize and costume prize. Proceeds benefit the grassroots outreach of Rural Oregon Progressives, supporting those working towards progressive change in rural communities.
Tickets will be available beginning Friday at Barsideous Brewing in Lebanon, or call Debra at (541) 570-2134.

Oct. 25: Family Harvest   Families are invited to a “Family Harvest” event from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club, 305 S. 5th St. Need not be a member to attend.

Oct. 26: Student Halloween Party High school students are invited to a Halloween party from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at The Vault of the Boys & Girls Club, 177 Kees St. Non-members welcome.

Oct. 26: Halloween Dance   A dance to benefit Linn County Special Olympics is from 6 to 8 p.m. at Willamette Valley Rehabilitation Center, 1853 West Airway Road. Costumes encouraged. $5 entry fee.

Oct. 26-27: Haunted Barn Lebanon High School FFA Land Lab hosts an annual haunted barn fundraiser from 7 to 11 p.m., at 31000 Land Lab Road. $5 per person.

Oct. 27: Halloween Party   Barsideous Brewing hosts an all day Halloween party from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Includes live music all day, Halloween-themed food and desserts, and a costume catwalk for a chance to win a prize. The staff will also be getting into the spirit.

Band line up:
11 AM Rhyse
12 AM Riptides too the Sky
1 PM Definoceans
2 PM You Me and The Moon
3 PM Gutones
4 PM Freedom
5 PM Fahari
6 PM Jonathan Sterling
7 PM The Berated
8 PM Project ATLAS
9 PM RoZmata

The building has been known to be haunted, according to staff, so an actual ghost or two might be seen.

Oct. 27: Ghouls and Growls Second annual dog Halloween costume contest by the Lebanon Arts Commission from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., at Strawberry Plaza downtown. Cost is $10 per contestant. Prizes will be awarded for Most Adorable, Most Creative, Most Fanciful, Most Scary and People’s Choice. For more information, contact Leigh M. Bock at [email protected], or call (541) 258-4253.

Oct. 27: Veteran’s Home Outreach  Residents at Lebanon OVH and students from COMP-Northwest invite kids to join them for some Halloween fun from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Veteran’s Home, 600 N. Fifth St.

Oct. 27: Run Away Pumpkin Express   Santiam Excursion Train hosts a kids costume contest and train ride from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Meets at the train station, 750 S. 3rd St. There will be a movie station, popcorn and treats, and refreshments from the bar. Tickets are $17-20; purchase online at

Oct. 27: Boozy Express   Santiam Excursion Train hosts an adult-only costume contest and train ride from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Meets at the train station, 750 S. 3rd St. Must be at least 21 years old. There will be appetizers, music and a full bar. Purchase tickets online at

Oct. 27: Harvest Party   Crowfoot Baptist Church’s annual Harvest Party starts at 6 p.m. at 699 Cascade Dr. Games for kids, pie auction, chili cook-off, and cupcake walk.

Oct. 27: Halloween Contest   Duffy’s Irish Pub will have a costume contest for adults. First place winner earns $100.

Oct. 27: Halloween Bash  Pineway Golf Course hosts a Halloween Bash from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Features entertainment by Sexton’s Audio on the Go. Located at 30949 Pineway Road.

Oct. 30: Mad Scientist Night   Trivia Schmivia event from 7 to 9 p.m. at Schmizza Public House. Test your knowledge of demented doctors and the abominations they hath wraught for cash and prizes. Come in a themed costume for extra points, or just come to show off your Halloween costume a little early for a fistful of candy.

Oct. 31: Halloween movie double feature   The Lebanon Senior Center hosts a double feature movie afternoon, starting with Beetlejuice at 1 p.m., followed by Them!, a 1954 black and white film. There will be a special Halloween concessions stand benefiting senior center activities. Located at 80 Tangent St.

Oct. 31: Downtown Trick or Treat   The annual trick or treat event downtown will be from 2 to 4 p.m.This is a free event. Sponsored by the Lebanon Police Department and Lebanon Downtown Association.

Oct. 31: Haunted fun   The Oaks of Lebanon invites families to tour their “haunted courtyard” from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Located at 621 W. Oak St. Dress in your costume, play some games, and enjoy free cider and doughnuts.

Oct 31: Trunk or Treat  Valley Life Church has a “trunk or treat” event from 5 to 8:30 p.m., on the corner of Park and Vine downtown. There will be a carnival, inflatables, cotton candy, coffee and popcorn.

Oct. 31: Family Halloween Party  The Lobby in Lebanon will host a family friendly Halloween party from 5 to 8 p.m., 661 S. Main St.

Oct. 31: Carnival and Chili   Southside Church of Christ hosts a Fall Carnival and Chili Cook-off from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall, 196 W. Airport. The free, family friendly event features games, candy, dinner, and, of course, the chili cook-off.

Oct. 31: Trunk or Treat   Ignite HOPE Church hosts a Trunk or Treat event from 6 to 8 p.m. at 580 F St. Lebanon is invited to enjoy candy, games, chili, cookies, popcorn, coffee and cider at this free event.

Oct. 31: Trick or Treat bags   The Gillott Home Team will pass out goodie bags throughout the day at their office,

Outside Lebanon

Haunted Houses: Morningstar Grange, Albany. Monteith House, Albany. Historic Carousel, Albany. Coffin Park Cemetery, Albany. American Legion Post 184, Brownsville. Nightmare Factory, Salem. Farmhouse at 6363 Sedona Road, Albany.

Pumpkin Patches: Grandpa’s Fresh Market, Albany. Bose Family Farm, Albany. The Melon Shack, Corvallis. Detering Orchards, Harrisburg. Greens Bridge Gardens, Jefferson. Lone Pine Farms, Junction City. Airlie Hills, Monmouth. Bauman’s Farm, Gervais.

Corn Mazes: The Melon Shack, Corvallis. Lone Pine Farms, Junction City. Airlie Hills, Monmouth. Bauman’s Farm, Gervais.

Halloween Treat Parties: Community Chapel, Sweet Home. Boys & Girls Club, Sweet Home. Downtown Trick or Treat, Sweet Home. American Legion Post 10, Albany. Jefferson Baptist church, Jefferson. Downtown Trick or Treat, Albany. Heritage Mall, Albany.

Cider Mills: Antique Apple Orchard, Sweet Home. Detering Orchards, Harrisburg.

Runs: Zombie Zoup Run, Sweet Home.

Pumpkin contests: Albany Parks and Recreation, Albany senior center.

Other Around Town happenin’s:

Help homeless during Soctober

Heart and Hand for Homeless is holding a “Soctober” sock drive for  homeless families in the community.

Bring new or barely used socks for adults and children during the month of October during business hours to The Lobby, 661 Main St.

Nominate an alum for Hall of Fame

Nominations are being accepted for the Bud and Dorothy Page Lebanon High School Alumni Hall of Fame until Nov. 10.

Nominees must have graduated from LHS a minimum of 10 years prior to the nomination, and must have made significant contributions and achievement in their field (medicine and science, business and professional, arts and entertainment, humanitarian and service, athletics, or general lifetime recognition).

Candidates must demonstrate outstanding citizenship, leadership, and contributions to society in a manner that will inspire LHS students in pursuit of excellence.

Nomination forms are available at the high school, the school district office, and RKI Insurance, or can be accessed online at

For more information, contact Brad Shreve at (541) 451-8555.

Supply drive for Veterans Home

The Samaritan Lebanon Health Center facility invites the community to participate in a supply drive for the Edward C. Allworth Veterans Home, which continues to Friday, Nov. 9.

Items requested by the VA home include: Folgers coffee, back scratchers, art craft kits for people with limited motor functions, matching placemats in increments of 14, microwave popcorn, twin-sized quilts, large-print crossword puzzle books, $5 or $10 gift cards to Walmart or Fred Meyer, individualized snack items like small bags of chips or cookies, name-brand soda, electric razors, CD players, neck pillows and DVD players with HDMI capability.

Donations can be dropped off with check-in staff on either floor of the facility, located at 675 N 5th Street.

For more information, contact Kim Vaughan at (541) 451-6282.

Pickleball play open to all

Drop-in pickleball hours are from 8:30 to 11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, and from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays, at the Boys & Girls Club in Lebanon, 305 N. 5th St.

Drop-in fee is $3 per person; first time visitors are free. No experience necessary. Pickleball is played with a paddle and plastic ball with holes on a badminton-sized court. For more information, contact Kaynor Heineck at (541) 401-9780, email [email protected], or visit

Shop With a Cop applications open

Applications for the 2018 Lebanon Police Department Shop with a Cop Christmas event are now being accepted.

For an application, contact Dala at (541) 258-4339. LPD will accept a limited number of applications.  No applications will be accepted after the deadline of Nov. 21.

Children must be 6-17 years of age and meet the criteria set in the application. Children who are not within that age range are not eligible to participate.

Participating children must reside within the Lebanon School District.

Travel photos on display at Lobby

Lebanon photographer Ken Bolf is currently exhibiting 14 photographs at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St. in Lebanon.

Bolf’s photographs are a mix of color and black and white and feature geologic- and historic-themed shots he took last spring in Crook, Wheeler, Grant and Harney counties.

During Thanksgiving week he will switch out half the photographs with additional shots of central
Oregon as well as a few local landscapes. The exhibit runs through Dec. 31.

The Lobby’s hours are Monday through Friday, 7-3; Saturday 8-3; Sunday 9-3.

For more information, contact The Lobby at (541) 258-1597.

To see more of Bolf’s photographs, visit

Pet-themed art show and contest

Faithful Friends Animal Clinic hosts its third annual art show and contest for pet-themed artwork to decorate its exam rooms. Entries must be dropped off no later than Oct. 27 at the clinic, located at 185 N. Santiam Hwy, and will be displayed until Dec. 1.

Open to the public for all ages and experiences; one entry per person. All finished entries must be original works of art, preferably matted or framed, if applicable. Entries must be no larger than 24 inches by 32 inches.

There are three categories: Youth division, 15 and under; adult open media division; and adult photography division.

Voting will take place during the month of November; all public and staff are invited to vote at the clinic or online through FFAC’s Facebook page. The top two winning entries of each category will be displayed in the clinic for one year.

For more information, contact Hannah at (541) 451-1319, visit the Facebook page, or email [email protected]

Learn to square dance Sundays

Learn to square dance at weekly lessons held Sundays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the I.O.O.F. Hall, 20 Ash St. in Lebanon.

The first lesson is free and each one after that is $5 or $12 per family. No partner is required and kids are welcome.

For more information, call (541) 401-9780 or visit

Wapiti Bowmen host archery day

Wapiti Bowmen, the archery club based in Lebanon, is hosting a free open house from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13, at 34861 Richardson Gap Road, Lebanon.

While the open house is intended to emphasize basic archery instruction for young people, adults, especially parents, are welcome to attend as well. Bows and arrows will be provided at the range or bring your own.

No prior archery experience is necessary. Modest refreshments (hot dogs, chips and drinks) will be available.

Also, Wapiti Bowmen will host a Night Owl Shoot that evening beginning at dark. The shoot will occur on a well-maintained, but unlighted field course trail and there will be 14 paper targets with reflective target spots.

Shooters may mount lights on their bows or have them on their persons (such as a head lamp), but free-standing lights are not permitted.

Cost to participate in the Night Owl Shoot is $5.

Learn to make holiday wreaths

Learn how to make wreaths at Linn-Benton Community College’s two-week floral “Wreath Making” class from 6 to 7:50 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 15, and Monday, Oct. 22 at the Lebanon Center, 44 Industrial Way, room 205.

Class fee is $49. Register at your local LBCC office, or call (541) 259-5801.

Sign-ups open for Holidays in Park

The annual Holidays in the Park will be from 2 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 1, at Ralston Park.

The theme this year is “Fairy-tale Christmas,” and Drew Briese will be the Twilight Parade’s grand marshall. Parade begins at 5:15 p.m., followed by the lighting of the Christmas tree. Visit with Santa, take a carriage ride, drink hot chocolate and enjoy the festivities.

Vendors must register $10 by Oct. 15, or $25 after that day. For more information, contact Virginia Gardner at (541) 971-0347.

Parade registrants must turn in completed papers and $10 by Nov. 23. For more information, contact Ronda at (541) 619-1030.

Businesses wanting to decorate a tree in the park must reserve their tree with a $10 fee. For more information, contact Ronda at (541) 619-1030.

Bow Wow Bingo benefit for shelter

The Waddell Group Windermere Real Estate office will host Bow Wow Bingo as a benefit for SafeHaven Humane Society from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15, at Schmizza Public House, 2602 S. Santiam Hwy.

Participants must be 18 or older. Cards are $1 each or six for $5. Small bills are strongly encouraged.

Another session will be held Nov. 5.

For more information, contact Diana Sartin at (541) 480-3254.

Free class on local Indian history

Explore the life-ways of Santiam/Kalapuya Indians in this two-day class from 1 to 2:50 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15, at the Sweet Home Center, and from 10 a.m. to 1:50 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17, at Cascadia State Park.

Historian Tony Farque will cover pre-history of the people, followed by a field trip to Cascadia Cave. Students must supply their own transportation to the park, bring a lunch and water, and wear field appropriate clothing.

The class is free. Register online at, by phone at  (541) 917-4840, or in person at the main campus.

Public input sought on downtown URD

The Lebanon Planning Commission invites the public to an open house/open forum at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17, at the Santiam Travel Station, 750 S. 3rd St.

The commission will review the proposed Lebanon Downtown Urban Renewal Plan including its relationship to the Lebanon Comprehensive Plan, and make a recommendation to the Lebanon City Council. The proposed urban renewal plan will be described; your input is appreciated.

Documents may be found at or by contacting Walt Wendolowski, Community Development Director at (541) 258.4906 or via email at [email protected].

OSU Extension to hold open house

Oregon State University Extension Service’s Linn County branch will hold an open house from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17, at 33630 McFarland Road, Tangent.

The event includes door prizes, refreshments and  water nitrate screenings, soil tests for pH level and dial gauge tests for pressure canners.

Meet the new staff and learn what the Extension can do for you and how you can get involved with 4-H.

For more information, call (541) 967-3871.

First meeting of Trees and Trails

The Lebanon Trees and Trails Advisory Committee will hold its first meeting at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17, at the Santiam Travel Station, 750 S. 3rd St.

The committee will elect officers, establish terms for volunteer members, and review the committee’s purpose, policies and the Master Plan.

To request accommodations for disabilities, contact the City Clerk’s office at (541) 258-4905.

Learn how to win public contracts

Business owners wanting to know more about public contracts in Oregon are invited to a free class from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17, at LBCC’s Calapooia Center Fireside Room on the second floor, 6500 Pacific Blvd. SW, Albany.

The Governor’s Office and State of Oregon have made it a priority to create equity in public contracting and procurement, bringing opportunities, access and connection for small businesses to thrive in Oregon.

This event brings together industry professionals, public agencies and private organizations, diversity practitioners, and small businesses to build valuable relationships. Small businesses will learn about public contracting opportunities and local resources available.

This is a class for business owners interested in public contracts, state agencies and local organizations who offer assistance to small businesses, other public agencies and large firms seeking to provide access and opportunity to a diversified pool of small businesses, and general contractors who want to earn Continuing Education Credits.

For more information, call (541) 917-4929.

Vision group to discuss glaucoma

Glaucoma, the leading cause of blindness for people over the age of 60, will be the subject of ophthalmologist Darrel Genstler’s presentation at the Wednesday, Oct. 17, meeting of the Mid Willamette Valley Low Vision Support Group.

The group meets at 2 p.m. at Brookdale Grand Prairie, 1929 Grand Prairie Road, Albany.

Dr. Genstler will discuss the diagnosis and  treatment of glaucoma, early treatment of which can lead to prevention of blindness. He is the founder and lead ophthalmologist of the Genstler Eye Clinic located in Albany.

The meeting is free and all are welcome to attend.  The Mid Valley Low Vision Support Group is nonprofit, and self-funded. Light refreshments will be served.

For more information, call (541) 928-5008.

Manage conflict in the workplace

Linn-Benton Community College offers a Conflict Management and Resolution class from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17, at the high school campus in Sweet Home.

Conflict in the workplace may be inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be destructive.

Managing conflict is a process of minimizing its negative aspects and consequences while finding ways to make the best of the positive aspects that arise from healthy conflict.

Learn to identify types and sources of conflict, ways to approach them, and how to develop a plan to de-escalate and resolve conflict.

Registration is $89 per person, or $79 each for three or more people.

Call to register, (541) 917-4840, or register in person at any LBCC location.

Photographer to present on France

Local photographer and traveller Don Lyon will present a free program on the southeast corner of France,  known as La Belle Provence, from 2 to 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, at the Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St.

La Belle Provence is known for azure skies, orderly olive groves, beautiful stone cottages with painted shutters and much more. Lyon will take participants on a tour of the area, with photographs of lavender fields, sunflowers and acres of vineyards and olive trees, scattered with history of the area.

For more information, call (541) 258-4926.

Final Farmers Market Oct. 18

The final Lebanon Farmers Market will be held from 2 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, at the corner of Main and Grant streets.

Load up on end-of-the-season fresh fruits and vegetables, pastured beef, lamb and pork, honey, jams and preserves, baked goods, handmade wool products and more.

The event is free. For more information, call (541) 760-9392.

Learn how to get beyond fake news

Learn how to find accurate information in a world in which news can both represent and misrepresent the facts at hand.

Kelly McElroy, an outreach librarian at Oregon State University, will lead a discussion of how to find current and accurate information to use when making decisions. The event, to be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, at Lebanon Library, 55 Academy St., is part of the Oregon Humanities’ statewide Conversation Project.

For more information, call (541) 258-4232.

Medical students to present research

WesternU COMP-Northwest medical students will present research they have completed over the last year at 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19, at the medical school, 200 Mullins Drive.

At the annual Research Symposium, students will present research on a wide variety of health-related topics, including how environmental chemicals affect early human brain development; how community education promotes healthy eating; how doctors know about an excessive sweating disorder; improving understanding of a parasitic disease in Africa; and much, much more.

The event is free and open to the public.

Plastic models swap meet Oct. 20

Love models?

The Oregon Veterans Home will host a Plastic Model Kit/Collector Swap Meet and Model Contest from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20, at 600 N. 5th St.

Plastic model kits of all kinds – planes, cars, military and everything in between – will be available for sale, trade, etc. Vendor tables are also available. A People’s Choice model contest will be held in which anyone can enter and everybody votes. Plaques will be awarded to the top three winners. Coffee and donuts will be available while they last.

For more information, contact Neil at (541) 337-1978.

Learn to garden with disabilities

Learn techniques and strategies for gardening with disabilities from noon to 12:50 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24, at the Linn-Benton Community College Sweet Home Center.

For those with back, knee or arthritis pain, gardening is possible with the right tools and access.

The class is free. Register online at, by phone (541) 917-4840, or in person at the main campus.

Class for would-be business owners

Oregon Small Business Development Center hosts a free Going into Business class from 1 to 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 25, at Linn-Benton Community College, Lebanon Center, 44 Industrial Way, room LC-222.

Instructor Marlene Peterson will teach basic information needed to begin planning a successful business. Topics include rules, regulations, financing, markets, feasibility and more.

Classes are also available in Spanish. For more information, call (541) 917-4929.

Forum to feature county parks chief

Linn County Parks Director Brian Carroll will speak at the Chamber of Commerce’s Forum Lunch from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 26, at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital Career Training Center
525 N. Santiam Hwy.

Carroll will discuss the natural resources of the local area.

The menu will be loaded baked potato soup, build-your-own-sandwich bar, tossed salad with dressing, chips and carrot cake.

Cost is $15 per person and RSVPs are required by calling (541) 258-7164 or visiting

Learn how music comforts, heals

Learn how music can be used to help those nearing the end of life during a Knowledge Share Lunch Hour on “The Art and Science of Music in Medicine” from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 26, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.

Kathy Morris, harpist with Samaritan Evergreen Hospice, will speak. The event is free. For more information, including the availability of lunch, contact Rebecca Wirfs, at (541) 258-4919.

Historical program fund-raiser Oct. 27

Join the Scio community in “A Tale of Four Scios” historical re-enactment program at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27, at ZCBJ Hall, 38704 N. Main St. There will also be food and live music.

Scio area residents are raising funds to acquire and develop a property for the Scio Fairgrounds and Event Center. The goal is to have a self-sustaining community facility, and to preserve the historic values and culture of Scio and the surrounding area. Sponsored in part by the Linn County Cultural Coalition.

Tickets to the event are $35. Bricks can be purchased with your name on it for $75-$500. Contributions will be used to procure, develop and enhance the fairgrounds. For more information or to buy tickets, contact Greg Schneider at (503) 915-7811.

Apply to Cadet Police Academy

Lebanon Police Department and Lebanon High School are taking applications for Cadet Police Academy, to begin in February. Applications due Wednesday, Oct. 31.

This academy is a prerequisite for an Advanced Cadet Academy hosted by Salem Police Department next summer. Learn about officer training, patrol, detectives, narcotics investigation, search warrants, criminal and traffic law, and use of force and weapons.

The 16-week academy is from 1:30 to 4 p.m. every Wednesday, beginning Feb. 6, at Lebanon Justice Department, 40 N. 2nd St. For more information, contact David Dominy at (541) 451-8555, ext. 1036.

B&G Club sports deadline Nov. 1

Members of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Santiam must register for late winter basketball by Thursday, Nov. 1, to participate in the winter season’s sports.

Basketball for fifth to eighth grades will run December to March. Cost is $115.

For more information, call (541) 258-7105.

River Center Craft and Gift Fair

The River Center will host its 10th Annual Holiday Craft and Gift Fair from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, and from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3, at 3000 S. Santiam Hwy.

Admission is free. Vendors will offer a variety of hand-crafted and other gift items including baked goods, soaps, jams and syrups, doll clothes, natural fiber hats, basketry and beading, wood and metal work, candles, cards, jewelry, artwork, etched glass, and much more.

Food will be available for breakfast and lunch.

ELCA Christmas Bazaar Nov. 3

East Linn Christian Academy will hold its annual Christmas Bazaar and Flea Market from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3, at 36883 Victory Drive, off south 5th Street.

Vendor space is available. Visit for details.

Dairy Goat Day in Pleasant Hill

Oregon State University Extension will host Dairy Goat Day from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday Nov. 3, at Pleasant Hill High School, 36386 Hwy. 58 in Pleasant Hill.

The educational event is planned for both experienced and beginner goat farmers. Classes, displays, and hands-on learning will be offered in a friendly, low-key setting.

Session topics include Cheese Making for the Home Dairy, Common Diseases in Goats, Managing Internal Parasites, Raising Goats for Meat, Getting Started with Milk Certification, Herbal Nutrition and Health, the 123s of Milking and more. A demonstration of how to make a milking stand out of PVC pipe will take place during the lunch break.

Registration fee is $25 per person, or $40 for two people from the same farm. Pre-registration is required for this event, as space is limited.

For more details on the event, visit

For more information or to request a paper registration form contact Teagan Moran at (541) 766-3553 or [email protected].

Symphony to play Dvorak, others

Willamette Valley Symphony will perform works by Enesco, Galliano, Whelan and Dvorak beginning at 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3, and at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 4, at Ashbrook Independent School, 4045 Research Way, Corvallis.

Sergei Teleshev, accordian, is guest soloist to perform Dvorak’s Symphony No. 1.

Also on the program are Enesco’s “Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1,”
Galliano’s “Opale Concerto for Accordian,” and Whelan’s “Firedance.” Conductor will be Andres Rodriguez.

Tickets are $18 for adults, $15 for seniors 65 and over and students, and free at the door for children 12 and under. Discounts are available for season packages (four concerts).

For more information on the orchestra and where or how to purchase tickets, visit Willamette

Capitol Christmas tree celebration  Nov. 9

Plans are under way for a nighttime parade and celebration event in Sweet Home on Friday, Nov. 9, featuring the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree.

Applications to participate in the Lighted Parade and Street Fair can be picked up from Sweet Home Chamber of Commerce, 1575 Main St.; The New Era, 131 Main St.; or by visiting   (click on “community,” then on “City Calendar” (under “Events and Activities”), then click on calendar date for Nov. 9 – Capitol Christmas Tree. For more information on the parade, contact Kelli Kem at (541) 367-8866.  For information on the Street Fair, contact Shirley Austin at [email protected].

Volunteers are also needed for a wide variety of activities. For information on volunteering, contact Joyce Ohnesorge at (541) 409-8905.

Deadline to submit applications is Monday, Oct. 22. Submission instructions are on the application.

Black comedy on stage in Albany

Albany Civic Theater presents “August: Osage County,” directed by Kay Roth, at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, and 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 11, located at 111 First Ave. W.

A black comedy written by Tracy Letts, “August: Osage County” involves complicated and compelling characters with funny, vicious and compassionate twists involving a vanishing father, a pill-popping mother, and three shady sisters.

Tickets are $13 for adults, and $10 for kids and seniors. Visit for more information.

Family Tree nursery fund-raiser Nov. 6

Family Tree Relief Nursery will hold its Road Map to Success Benefit Dinner from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 6, at The River Center, 3000 S. Santiam Hwy.

Tickets are $30 per person or $210 for a table of seven and one Family Tree staff member.

For more information, contact Chris Singer at (541) 405-5152 or at [email protected], or visit

Free Going into Business class

Oregon Small Business Development Center hosts a free Going into Business class from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7, at Early Dawn Bakery, 431 Main St., Brownsville.

Instructor George Medellin will teach basic information needed to begin planning a successful business. Topics include rules, regulations, financing, markets, feasibility and more.

Classes are also available in Spanish. For more information, call (541) 917-4929.

Soup Kitchen Fall Flannel dinner

Lebanon Soup Kitchen will hold its Fall Flannel dinner from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10, at 170 E. Grant St.

The menu includes appetizers, curried butternut squash soup, a choice of roasted pork loin or grilled chicken breast served with winter vegetables and Gruyere scalloped potatoes. Dessert will be via silent auction of a variety of cakes, pies, cheesecake and more.

A $25-per-seat donation is requested. Seating is limited, so reservations are strongly recommended.

For more information, contact Sean Casey at (541) 451-7667.

Master Gardeners, local club to meet

Linn County Master Gardeners and the Lebanon Garden Club will hold their monthly Second Monday Lunchtime Gardening Series event from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 12, at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St., Lebanon.

The free event is held the second Monday of each month.  Their next meeting will be Sept. 10, at the same time and location.

For more information, contact Eileen at (541) 259-4303.

Local history, more on After 5 program

After 5 Connection will hold its monthly dinner and program from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13, at The Lobby, 661 S. Main St., Lebanon.

All women are invited.

Matt Helget will speak about his research into the history of Camp Adair.

Guest speaker Gloria Law of Bellingham, Wash., an author, motivational speaker, business owner and health coach, will speak on “Never … ever … give up hope.”

According to organizers, Law is a resilient woman who has endured traumatic events.

Cost is $10, inclusive; credit cards are not accepted. RSVPs are required.

For more information or to RSVP, contact Sherri at (541) 258-6414 or Nancy at (541) 259-1396 or [email protected].  Cancellations are requested if unable to attend.

‘Larceny and Old Lace’ Nov. 15-17

Lebanon Association for Theater Arts will present the comedy “Larceny and Old Lace” Nov. 15-17 at Lebanon High School Auditorium, 1700 S. 5th St.

Find out how Harold Peabody deals with his sweet aunts, Millie and Gertie, in this clever spoof of the community theater classic. Life gets complicated very fast.

Performances will be at 7 p.m. on Nov. 15-17, with a 2 p.m. matinee performance on Saturday, Nov. 17. Tickets are $8 for students and seniors and $10 for the general public.

Rebekah Christmas Bazaar Nov. 16-17

Pearl Rebekah Lodge #47 will hold its annual Christmas Bazaar Nov. 16-17 at 20 E. Ash St.

The event will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16, and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17.

Vendors will offer Scentsy, Tupperware, jewelry,  party line, Purple Heart Woodworking, homemade crafts and many more. Lunch is  available for purchase. Proceeds go for Christmas baskets and supplies for the Veterans Home.

Speedway to hold trophy banquet

The Willamette Speedway is selling tickets for the championship banquet, held 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, at Boulder Fall Events Center, 605 Mullins Dr.

Banquet features a tropical island buffet. Order tickets, $35 each, by Nov. 9 by contacting Michelle Preston at (360) 903-5785 or email [email protected]