1000 Books offered at Lebanon Library
The Lebanon Public Library is offering the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten for local children ranging in age from infants to pre-kindergarten.
1000 Books has been launched in libraries across the country in an effort to increase the development of early literacy skills in young children. Reading aloud helps develop children’s language skills and imaginations. The program is a fun, free way to start a child on the path to success.
Parents and caregivers can register at the library to receive a startup kit that includes a reusable book bag, reading log and board book. For every 100 books read, the child will receive a sticker to put in their reading log. For every 200 books read the child will receive a small prize. When they have read 1,000 books they will receive a new hardback book for their home library. The program is self-paced and could take a few months or a few years.
No library card is necessary to participate.
For more information, call the Library at (541) 258-4926, go to www.LebanonOregon.gov/library, like the library on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon or follow on Instagram at Lebanon_Library.

Photo by Sarah Brown
Help in preparing for an earthquake
Local residents can join Live Longer Lebanon’s “emergency prep push” in its 60-day online event through Facebook through October.
The event at Facebook.com/PrepareLebanon will teach about the “Pillowcase Project” from the American Red Cross, giving kids (and adults) basic prep skills and making a basic “bug out bag.” It will also focus on quick and easy steps to always be ready for an emergency.
Specific information on some potential disasters in Lebanon will be discussed. Contests will also be held.
Follow the Prepare Lebanon page or join the Prepare Lebanon for Emergencies and Disasters Group (PLEDG) on Facebook to stay informed on emergency preparedness.
Tabletop games available at library
The Lebanon Public Library is expanding its Library of Things collection to include tabletop games.
A selection of 10 games has been added to the catalog for checkout, with more to come.
Patrons in good standing with an adult library card can check out one game per household for 21 days.
For more information, call the Library at (541) 258-4926, go to www.LebanonOregon.gov/library, like the library on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon or follow on Instagram at Lebanon_Library.
Master Gardener Fall Workshops
Lane County Master Gardeners are replacing their traditional Fall Festival with a virtual event this year that will include classes and expert panels. Register now for this interactive but virtual alternative to their Fall Festival.
The event will be Saturday, Sept. 13, starting at 11 a.m.
Real-world workshops will address everyday garden topics and the interactive format allows participants to see presentations and ask pressing gardening questions to Master Gardeners and OSU faculty: Are cover crops too complicated for a small garden? Why does my compost never get hot? Is lasagna the same as sheet mulch? How long can I save tomato seeds? Where’s the best place to store them? What do I do with all this squash?
To register, visit extension.oregonstate.edu/mg/lane/events/fall-festival.
Entrepreneurs to talk shop online
Oregon RAIN will host a graduation celebration for its RAINmaker Sales and Marketing Accelerator cohort from 9 to 10 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 16.
Hear some of the sales and marketing strategies that participants are implementing as a result of the workshop during and beyond the pandemic during the past 10 weeks. More than 70 businesses from across 20 Oregon counties have participated. RAIN is supported locally by 18 cities, including Sweet Home.
Keynote speaker will be chemist Paula Hayes, CEO of the cosmetics firm Hue Noir, which she started in 2009 in her kitchen. She will talk about overcoming barriers to entrepreneurship. Attendees will be able to vote for the best sales pitch, for which winners will receive cash and other prizes.
For information and to attend, visit www.eventbrite.com/e/rainmaker-accelerator-graduation-celebration-tickets-117084858965.
Blood donation events in Lebanon
The American Red Cross needs people of all races and ethnicities to give blood to help ensure a blood supply as diverse as the patients who depend on it.
Blood donation events are planned on Sept. 19 and 29 in Lebanon. The Sept. 19 event will take place from noon to 5 p.m. at Safeway, 1983 Main St. The Sept. 29 event will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital, 525 N. Santiam Highway.
Blood drives are also essential in helping ensure blood is available for patients this winter.
For a small percentage of the population, finding someone else with the same blood type can be difficult. While the vast majority of people have types A, B, O or AB blood, some blood types are unique to certain racial and ethnic groups, so a diverse blood supply is important to meeting the medical needs of a diverse patient population. Patients who require frequent blood transfusions as part of their treatment, like those with sickle cell disease or other lifelong blood disorders, often need close blood type matches to prevent complications from their transfusion therapy.
All blood types are needed to ensure that the right blood product is available at the right time for all patients.
To donate, make an appointment by downloading the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org, calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device.
To learn more and sign up to host a blood drive this fall or winter, visit RedCrossBlood.org/HostADrive.
Free wifi available outside library
In an effort to assist residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lebanon Public Library is offering new exterior WiFi availability in the library parking lot.
The service is free and available to all, no library card or log-in is required. Simply select the network LIBRARY-PUBLIC. Service will be provided between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. daily.
For more information, call the Library at (541) 258-4926, go to www.LebanonOregon.gov/library, like the library on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/CityofLebanon or follow on Instagram at Lebanon_Library.
Parade of cars to focus on suicide
Lebanon Area Mental Health Alliance hosts its annual event for suicide awareness and prevention at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, at Ralston Park.
Formerly known as Lebanon’s Out of the Darkness walk, which was held the past two years, this year’s LAMHA event will be a car parade due to COVID restrictions. Decorate vehicles to support loved ones and suicide prevention, and raise awareness.
Staging starts at 9 a.m. For more information, visit lamha.org, or call (541) 936-2580.
Free Going Into Business class
The Small Business Development Center at Linn-Benton Community College will offer a free Zoom-based Going into Business workshop from 1 to 2 p.m. Monday, Sept. 28.
The informational, lively class, taught by Melinda Short, will give participants basic information needed to begin planning a successful business. Rules, regulations, financing, customers, markets and feasibility and more will all be discussed.
SBDC offers multiple other classes that pertain to just about every point of the business cycle. Further information on classes is available at bizcenter.org/centers/linn-benton-sbdc/our-classes.
B&G Club to hold Mask-Arade event
The Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Santiam will hold a Champions of Children Mask-Arade fund-raiser beginning at 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, in both Lebanon and Sweet Home.
The event will include a live auction and dinner from 7 to 8 p.m. and live music from 8 till 10.
Appetizers, dinner and live entertainment are included in the admission – $1,200 for a table of six, in-person, or virtually (two adults) for $300. Virtual attendees will have access to the silent and live auctions via their tablets or smartphones. Their appetizers and drinks will be delivered.
Due to state mandates, capacity is limited for actual attendees.
For more information, contact Shyla at (541) 258-7105 or by email at [email protected].
Advice on canning from Extension
The Oregon State University Extension Service Master Food Preserver program continues to offer a free hotline to help local residents preserve their fruits, vegetables and meats.
The toll-free hotline at 800-354-7319 runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. When the hotline is closed, callers can leave a message. The hotline is staffed by certified Master Food Preserver volunteers and is available statewide.
Extension’s Ask an Expert, an online question-and-answer service, is another way to get information. Post a question and an expert will get back to you within 48 hours.
A free app, Canning Timer & Checklist, provides reminders of essential steps in the canning process.
Also, check out the new Facebook page and Instagram page.
Additionally, many Extension offices offer free pressure gauge testing.
D&D theme for Oct. 2 First Friday
Lebanon’s First Friday theme for Friday, Oct. 2, is “Dungeons and Dragons.”
First Friday is a monthly event, held downtown from 6 to 8:30 p.m. There is no cost to participate, but those interested should contact Cassie Cruze at (971) 777-3934 to check for updated information.
National Night Out Oct. 6
National Night Out will be held as individual neighborhood block parties this year, on Tuesday, Oct. 6, as a precaution against the coronavirus pandemic.
Normally, the community-wide event is held at Ralston Park.
National Night Out is designed to: strengthen neighborhood spirits and police-community partnerships; send a message to criminals that our neighborhoods are organized and strong; heighten crime, drug and violence prevention, and awareness; and generate support for and participation in, local anti-crime programs.
Neighborhood block parties do not have to be elaborate affairs. They are intended to bring neighbors together to enjoy discussion and show community spirit. Lebanon Police will be doing outreach during this event for those neighborhoods that sign up for the event.
Those who sign up will be sent recommendations to help the success of their block party. Lebanon Police will also have a limited amount of free hot dogs, buns and decorations available for those that sign up as well.
For more information or to sign up, contact Dala Johnson at (541)-258-4339 or email djohnson@ci. Lebanon.or.us.
Soup Kitchen Fall Flannel dinner
Lebanon Soup Kitchen will hold its annual “Fall Flannel” fund-raiser from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10, at a location to be announced.
For more information, contact Nancy West at (541) 451-7667.