Aziz named to League of Oregon Cities Board

Lebanon Mayor Paul Aziz has been appointed to serve a three-year term (January 2019 – January 2021) on the League of Oregon Cities Board of Directors.

Founded in 1925 and governed by a 16-member Board of Directors, the LOC works with its member cities to help local government better serve the citizens of Oregon.

“The League of Oregon Cities is an important organization which helps give smaller communities like Lebanon a voice in State legislation. I am honored to be elected to the LOC Board of Directors and represent Lebanon on a State level,” said Aziz, who is serving his third term as Lebanon’s mayor.

A recent example of the League’s efforts was intervening in the creation of a new state regulation concerning contracting with third-party building inspection services.

The new regulation would have added new costs and administrative requirements for Lebanon and many other Oregon communities.

The league’s work led to the state suspending the new rules in favor of further review and discussions with Oregon communities.

In the coming year, the league anticipates further work on the third-party inspection matter and other issues important to Lebanon such as the costs of wetlands mitigation and finding solutions for the PERS system’s escalating costs.