The Fifth Annual Brewfest raised more than $50,000 for the Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Santiam thanks to sponsors, brewery donors and the patrons who attended the event Sept. 7, which was National Beer Lover’s Day.
Lebanon’s Main Street downtown is closed for the event while patrons enjoy beer, cider, liquor, food and a variety of products from local vendors.
Barsideus Brewing owners Bobbie and Aaron Franks serve a sample of their Kamacitra Double IPA to Amanda Rousey, of Lebanon.
A little bit of rain doesn’t stop Laura Anderson and Karyn McBride, both of Portland, from dancing while MidLyfe Crisis PDX plays “Heaven Let Your Light Shine Down.”
A FRIENDLY GESTURE is offered by Cory Mechals, of Lebanon, during a light rain at Lebanon Brewfest.
KATIE ALLARD pours a sample of Spiced Rum from 4 Spirits Distillery.
PATTY ONETO, of Lebanon, enjoys a good laugh with her friends. The Lebanon Brewfest took place earlier in the day this year, from 1 to 8 p.m., offering a family friendly event where even dogs were allowed.
Enjoying the music, despite rain.
City Councilor Karin Stauder takes advantage of an opportunity to photo bomb the photographer.
SAMPSON PICARD, of Lebanon, finishes off his taste of beer while Tyler Rosenbaum, also from Lebanon, waits for a sample of Camp Clementine, being poured by Ross Lockhart.