The Linn County Planning and Building Department issued 304 total permits in September, including seven for new homes, Director Steve Wills told Linn County Commissioners Sherrie Sprenger and Will Tucker Tuesday morning, Oct. 11.
Commissioner Roger Nyquist was not present.
Wills reported that three permits were issued for single-family dwellings and four for manufactured homes, 19 were issued for additions or alterations, and eight for accessory buildings.
The county has waived more than $113,381 in permit fees for Santiam Canyon families rebuilding from the September 2020 wildfires. That includes 22 single-family dwellings, 16 manufactured homes and two multi-dwelling units.
In other business, the commissioners:
♦ Approved the sealed bid sale of a sliver of tax foreclosed Sweet Home property (0.02 acres) to adjoining landowner Ed Ames for $100.
♦ Approved Special Transportation Coordinator Reagan Maudlin’s request to accept $126,000 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act money to be used by the Sweet Home Senior Center/Linn Shuttle/Dial-a-Bus program.
♦ Learned that the Linn County Law Library has received a $5,000 grant from the Library Patron Connectivity Project to purchase cell phones and thumb drives for community member use. Law Librarian Amber Boedigheimer said patrons often tie up the Law Library’s phones seeking information based on computer-information searches. This will reduce pressure on the county’s phones.
♦ Were informed by County Accounting Officer Bill Palmer that through the first quarter of the new fiscal year, department spending is on track and well under 25% of the total thus far, with the Road Fund at just 14.7% of its budget expended. The Health Department is at 16.9% and the General Fund and Law Enforcement levy are at 19.1%.
– Alex Paul, Linn County Communications Officer