Cause of house fire determined

Smoker’s carelessness was determined to be the cause of a house fire at 2:01 p.m. on Nov. 28, said Jason Bolen, Lebanon Fire District division chief.

The fire originated in a converted garage at 451 W. Maple St. It spread to the main home and sent one woman to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries, according to an LFD news release.

The first arriving unit was a battalion chief who arrived at 2:04 p.m. and reported fire and smoke from the garage and one apparent victim down in the yard. A Lebanon Fire District medic unit arrived two minutes later and immediately administered advanced life support to the female victim, identified as Cynthia Poole, 56, of Lebanon.

Poole was transported from the scene to Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center in Corvallis, where she was stabilized before being transported via helicopter to the Oregon Burn Center at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland.

Firefighters were able to knock down the fire in about 20 minutes, and remained on scene for approximately 4 hours mopping up hot spots.

Members of the LFD Fire Investigation Team processed the scene and continue their investigation through Thursday to determine the fire’s cause and origin.