
City offering new interactive web maps to public, council learns

By Sarah Brown
Lebanon Local

New interactive web maps designed for public and staff use were presented at the Lebanon City Council meeting Dec. 9 by Casey McMillin, IT/GIS systems coordinator.
Until recently, only a few web maps were available for use within city departmental staff, he said, and this year the software that the maps run on was becoming obsolete.
Having secured an enterprise agreement this year with the city’s existing GIS software company, they were able to expand the city’s web and field map templates and its applications, McMillin said.
By visiting ci.lebanon.or.us/gis, the public can view City Council wards, city parks and landmarks, the floodplain map, public utilities map, and zoning designations, and the maps often link to relevant information.

Using the maps, residents can find their ward and contact their city councilor, view potential risks of their property located in the floodplain, locate underground utilities on their street, and determine city zoning areas.
The public utilities map allows residents to see all the underground utilities.
“It really gives the public the ability to kind of search for their address and see where all of their sewer lines and things are around the street,” McMillen said.
Departmental web maps for internal use only were also regenerated.
City police have access to a map that outlines the 1,000-foot school boundary, as well as personal security cameras made available to the department by citizens.
The library can use its own map to verify patrons who live within the city boundary; the engineering department has a map linking to information regarding infrastructure; and a community development map provides information regarding building and planning documents.
The departmental maps are not publicly available.
McMillin told the council the maps are designed to easily update and improve on as they go along.
“This is kind of a living system,” he said. “As we continue to use it and find out better ways to use it and different solutions that are needed, we are constantly changing this thing.”
He told the council that ideas and suggestions for better maps would be welcomed.
“This will be so helpful for developers and land use applicants,” councilor Jason Bolen said.
During the public comment portion, Cassie Cruz of Lebanon Downtown Association, and Matt Cowart of Conversion Brewing presented ideas they’re working on for ways to promote downtown events and businesses amid COVID restrictions.
Cowart suggested trying to help restaurants by allowing them to have seating outdoors. Council members and staff expressed support and discussed hurdles the restaurants would have to overcome with city ordinances to make it happen.

In other business, the council:
♦ Approved an application for the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to change property designation located at the west side of Stoltz Hill Road, north of Vaughn Lane, from Industrial to Residential Mixed Density.
Councilor Karen Stauder voiced support for the public who expressed opposition to the change, but Bolen and Mayor Paul Aziz reminded the council that their job is to determine whether the application meets the development codes of the state, county and city, not whether they agree with it. Community Development Director Kelly Hart noted the property is within the Urban Growth Boundary, meaning “it is intended to and eventually will be developed.”
♦ Passed a motion to exempt the city from competitive bidding for the Westside Interceptor Phase V Project and to proceed with using a construction manager/general contractor to deliver the project.
♦ Approved a motion to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Brownsville to continue providing street sweeping services, but at an increased rate of $100 per hour.
♦ Passed a resolution to reserve five parking spaces for the Lebanon Fire Department in a city parking lot on the southeast corner of Main and Vine streets for two years.
While the new building for the Fire District is built, the supervisors and administrative staff will lease space in the MBVA building, and will need parking spaces to access their emergency vehicles in case of an emergency. The spaces will be reserved Monday through Thursday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. starting Feb. 1.
♦ Approved an agreement with the City of Albany to dispose of Lebanon’s excess biosolids from the wastewater treatment plant until a less costly method can be developed.
♦ Approved a resolution to allow the city manager or finance director to enter into a loan agreement with the State of Oregon DEQ.
♦ Aziz presented a plaque to outgoing councilor Robert Furlow for his more than six years of contributions to the City of Lebanon while serving on the City Council.
“I remember when we interviewed and we were looking for someone, and you stepped up,” Aziz said. “All those years and the commitment that you made, we really appreciate your service.”
Furlow is stepping down as city councilor this year, and will be replaced by Wayne Dykstra, who was elected last month.