The City of Lebanon is seeking interested people for a variety of advisory committees and commissions.
Upcoming vacancies will commence July 1 and end June 30, 2023.
To apply, fill out a City Board/Committee/Commission Application available online or picked up at City Hall, 925 Main Street, Lebanon, OR 97355. Application deadline is 5 p.m. on May 1.
Applications should be submitted to the City Recorder, 925 Main Street, Lebanon, OR 97355 or [email protected].
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission advises the City Council and serves as a quasi-judicial committee. This Commission has the authority to make binding decisions regarding land use activities on public and private property. The Planning Commission is governed by the Lebanon Municipal Code, Title 16, and Oregon Revised Statutes 227 and 197.
The Planning Commission typically meets monthly, on the third Wednesday. Members are not compensated.
Applicants must reside within the city limits or within the Urban Growth Boundary.
The current vacant position will commence upon appointment and will end June 30, 2021.
Budget Committee
The Budget Committee develops budget recommendations for Council action and approves the City’s tax rate. Members receive no compensation and attend one to three meetings every May.
Candidates can reside in any ward within the city limits.
Arts Commission
The Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the Lebanon City Council to promote the arts in the community.
The commission actively pursues the placement of art in public spaces, supports literary arts and promotes musical and visual art performances. The commission meets monthly.
Library Advisory Committee
The Library Advisory Committee makes recommendations concerning Library programming, materials and overall public services. The Committee provides input to the City Council and staff regarding Library facilities, grant opportunities, and the appropriate uses of donations made to the Library.
Members receive no compensation and normally meet every other month.
Senior and Disabled Services Advisory Committee
The Senior and Disabled Services Advisory Committee makes recommendations concerning Senior Center and LINX Transit programming, materials and overall public services. The committee provides input to the City Council and staff regarding Senior Center facilities, grant opportunities, and the appropriate uses of donations made to the Senior Center.
The committee meets quarterly on the morning of the third Wednesday of the month. Committee members receive no compensation.
Trees and Trails Advisory Committee
The committee provides input, and makes recommendations, to the City Council concerning street trees and bicycle and pedestrian trails (routes), grant opportunities, safety awareness, and the appropriate uses of funding resources.
Committee members will meet during the day up to 10 times per year and receive no compensation.
Candidates must reside within the Lebanon city limits and have an interest in preserving and planting trees and/or creating and maintaining safe bicycle and pedestrian routes.