Council OKs 9/11 resolution

By Sarah Brown
Lebanon Local
The City Council on Aug. 10 unanimously approved a resolution recognizing September 11 as Patriot Day, 9/11 Day Flag of Honor Across America and a Day of National Service.
Community Policing Officer Dala Johnson and Lebanon Youth Peer Court members presented a request for the resolution. Mayor Paul Aziz has made proclamations for Patriot Day since 2015, but announced at the June 10 council meeting that he would no longer make proclamations.
“We’d like to continue to recognize Patriot Day as the annual observation on Sept. 11 to remember those who were injured or died during the terrorist attacks in the United States,” Johnson said.
According to Johnson, Lebanon was chosen as one of 70 cities across the nation (and the only one in Oregon) for the 9/11 Day Flag of Honor Across America memorializing those who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Participating cities receive a Flag of Honor, presented by Global Youth Justice, listing the 2,977 names of those who lost their lives that day. Short individual bios are to be divided between cities and read aloud during a memorial service.
Since 9/11, more than 6,000 people have died due to injuries, illnesses and other causes, Peer Court member Nehanna Miles said.
“We are joining other communities across America to never forget the victims,” she said.
The Lebanon Police Department, Lebanon Youth Peer Court and Lebanon Fire District will raise the 5-foot flag during a ceremony Sunday, Sept. 11, at the circle of flags at Boulder Falls, Peer Court member Joseph Rounsavell said.
“The flag we will raise visited the Flight 93 memorial this year and was placed on the sacred ground where [it] was taken down by heroes instead of terrorists,” he said.
“[9/11 is] a day that’s seared in our memories,” Johnson said. “Many Americans, including myself, feel it’s our role to remind our youth what transpired that day.”
The peer court will also join other organizations and youth from the community to help a local veteran by building him a ramp, and help with repairs and exterior clean-up of his residence.

In other business, the council:
♦ Unanimously adopted Resolution 2022-18 following a public hearing to amend the city fees schedule. Changes to the fee schedule can be found in the council agenda packet at;
♦ Approved the annexation of two back-to-back lots on Cascade Drive and established them as residential mixed density.
Councilor Jeremy Salvage asked where access to the property would be located. Laura LaRoque, of Udell Engineering, said an access road would be off Cascade Drive only, and an application by the property owner for a subdivision will be reviewed by the Planning Commission at a later date;
♦ Approved a resolution to appropriate the use of wastewater contingency funds in the fiscal year 2022/23 budget to complete the Lupine Neighborhood Sanitary Sewer Replacement project. Due to an increase in construction costs, $200,000 of $250,000 was need from the Wastewater Fund;
♦ Approved a resolution allowing City sewer service outside the city limits for the property at 1821 S. 12th St. The property owner, Nicholas Rubey, requested sewer service from the city because the septic system has failed and the property is within 300 feet from an existing sewer main, which prohibits Linn County Environmental Health from issuing a repair or replacement permit. Rubey has submitted an application to annex his property;
♦ Approved Ordinance No. 2985 and Resolution 2022-23 referring a vote to voters on the November 2022 ballot to choose whether to delay the manufacture and sale of psilocybin for two years. State ballot Measure 109, known as the Oregon Psilocybin Services Act, requires the Oregon Health Authority to accept applications for licenses to manufacture, deliver and administer the drug.
The state allows each municipality to choose by vote whether to allow psilocybin services, deny psilocybin services, place the decision on hold for two years, or to default to the State’s ordinance;
♦ Heard a presentation by Build Lebanon Trails on work the volunteers have completed in the past year;
♦ Heard a quarterly report from the Lebanon Downtown Association from LDA Manager Cassie Cruze.