Council to hold public hearing on overnight sleeping area

The Lebanon City Council will hold a public hearing Wednesday, May 10, to consider the designation of an overnight sleeping area for people who have no other place to go.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at the Santiam Travel Station, 750 S. 3rd St.

A staff report and background materials can be viewed at The proposed designation of sleeping area staff report will be available online by May 4 in the City Council Packet at

The city is proposing five potential site locations for the sleeping area. Maps of each location are provided in Exhibit C of the staff report and background materials packet.
Members of the public may submit written comments regarding this issue by emailing the City Recorder at [email protected]. Emailed comments must be received by 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 9. Comments can also be mailed to Attn: City Recorder, City of Lebanon, 925 Main St., Lebanon, OR 97355. Mailed comments must be received by 5 p.m. on May 9.
If you cannot attend the meeting, but wish to address the Council for the Public Hearing
electronically, visit to register in advance for the meeting. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Attendees will need to register to receive the link to the meeting. 
Register ONLY if you wish to address the council. You will be called in the order
Questions prior to the public hearing regarding the resolution should be directed to Nancy Brewer, city manager, at [email protected].
The public can listen to the meeting on YouTube via this link: