
Dear Editor: My Vote is for McLeod-Skinner

Dear Editor,

Jamie McLeod-Skinner is a problem solver

I’m encouraged that Jamie McLeod-Skinner is once again running for Congress in District 5 to defeat Lori Chavez-Deremer.  Lori says she is “moderate” even though she always votes the way our current speaker, the extreme Mike Johnson wants her to.  Lori is a climate denier who thinks we have hundreds of years to address this supposed “non-crisis”.  She also opposes any gov’t. funded healthcare such as VA, Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare!  She’s constantly voting against the interests of Oregon’s 5th Congressional District.

Jamie McLeod-Skinner, on the other hand, is a problem solver best suited to replace Lori.  Jamie is well-versed in Natural Resource Law and Indian Law.  Jamie is currently on the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board and served in the Jefferson County Education Services District.  To me, this illustrates that she is an independent thinker, someone who wants to solve an issue on behalf of people that are looking for such a steward.  I’ve gotten to know Jamie over the years and trust her to put her convictions for public service into this very consequential Congressional seat.  She reminds me of the public service that Peter Defazio delivered for Oregon when he was in Congress.

Wendy Nilsen
