Educational accolades

Nearly 100 Lebanon residents among Linn-Benton 2020 grads

Linn-Benton Community College has awarded 923 degrees and certificates to 818 students in its 52nd graduating class.
Although the college was unable to hold a formal commencement ceremony this year, LBCC is commemorating grads through online recognition, a commemorative video, and more, which serves as a placeholder until the college can celebrate its graduates in person, many of whom have completed their degrees online.
In June 2021, LBCC will cele-brate its first combined commencement in its history – an in-person event that equally celebrates both the 2020 graduating class and the 2021 graduating class.
This will provide an opportunity for the 2020 grads to take their symbolic walks across the stage, receive their degree, turn their tassel, and celebrate with friends, loved ones, and LBCC faculty and staff.
2020 graduates listing Lebanon as their hometown are listed alphabetically:
Taylor J. Bardell, associate of applied science medical assistant;
Lillian R. Barnes, associate of applied science nursing;
Rachel K. Bates, associate of science sociology emphasis;
Brady J. Blair, associate of applied science network and systems administration;
Andrew P. Bledsoe, associate of general studies, associate of applied science water, environment and technology;
Scout M. Brubaker, associate of applied science visual communications;
Dustin D. Bry, certificate – one-year welding and fabrication technology, associate of applied science welding and fabrication technology;
Alia N. Buresh, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Davis O. Buresh, associate of applied science network and systems administration;
Amanda R. Burns, certificate phlebotomy;
Matthew D. Button, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Sean B. Cady, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Jerrika L. Cariati, certificate – one-year child and family studies, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Elizabeth M. Carroll, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Matthew F. Cawrse, associate of applied science automotive technology;
Sarah A. Chiasson, certificate – one-year coding and reimbursement specialist;
Wyatt R. Cisneros, associate of science business administration emphasis;
Michelle L. Clark, associate of general studies;
Cortney E. Cole, certificate polysomnographic technology;
Raylee S. Combs Benson, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Michael E. Conner, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Amari N. Coronel, certificate phlebotomy;
Stacsia L. Crossan, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Victoria K. Crumley, associate of applied science nursing;
Amy R. Deatherage, associate of applied science diagnostic imaging;
Sridevi H. Downer, associate of applied science computer-aided design/drafting (CADD) technology, associate of general studies;
Armando S. Figueroa, associate of general studies;
Jessica Figueroa, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Antonio Figueroa-Morfin, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Thomas H. Fillmore, associate of general studies, associate of applied science computer-aided design/drafting (CADD) technology;
Holly L. Fiorillo, associate of science business administration emphasis;
Courtney L. Foster, certificate – one-year digital image/prepress technology, associate of applied science visual communications;
Liberty D. Fouts, associate of general studies;
Andrew Frederic, certificate – one-year machine tool technology, associate of applied science machine tool technology, certificate CNC machinist;
Jamie M. Freeman, associate of applied science nursing;
Brendon D. Froemke, associate of applied science accounting technology;
Deanna K. Gerig-Large, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Matthew L. Gibbs, associate of science computer science: applied computer science option emphasis;
Sierra D. Giddings, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Emma R. Gordon, associate of applied science accounting technology;
Holly M. Hahn, associate of applied science visual communications, certificate – one-year digital image/prepress technology;
Jill Harding, certificate – one-year coding and reimbursement specialist;
Daniel L. Hartman, associate of science human development family studies: child development option emphasis;
Benjamin S. Hedlund, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Charles M. Hernandez, associate of applied science computer- aided design/drafting (CADD) technology, certificate – one-year civil engineering technology;
Tianna Hooley, associate of science human development family studies: human services option emphasis;
Christina S. Hull, certificate – one-year machine tool technology, associate of applied science machine tool technology ;
Katarina N. Hutchison, associate of general studies, certificate – one-year dental assistant;
Audrey N. Hysell, associate of science psychology emphasis;
Jonathon E. Jenkins, certificate surgical technologist;
Zachary K. Johnson, associate of applied science welding and fabrication technology, certificate – one-year welding and fabrication technology ;
KaryAnn E. Lane, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Allie Leighton, certificate – one-year coding and reimbursement Specialist, associate of general studies;
McKinnley S. Longtin, associate of applied science medical assistant;
Brandi E. Lundegard, associate of applied science nursing;
John F. Markert, associate of applied science water, environment and technology;
Elizabeth Mars, certificate – one-year eental assistant;
Richard L. Mascarenas, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Stephanie T. McKenzie, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Lillian E. McKinney, associate of general studies;
John T. McMasters, certificate – one-year welding and fabrication technology;
Ryan M. Meckley, associate of arts Oregon transfer, associate of general studies;
Autumn D. Mitchell, associate of general studies;
Nathaniel H. Monterubio, associate of applied science welding and fabrication technology, certificate – one-year welding and fabrication technology;
Antonio M. Neufeld, associate of applied science mechatronics/industrial automation technology;
Declan M. O’Hara, associate of science physics emphasis, associate of science mathematics emphasis, associate of science engineering emphasis;
Gloria J. Oliver, certificate – one-year accounting clerk;
Zachary L. Pearce, associate of applied science nursing;
James E. Pelletier, certificate phlebotomy;
Chris D. Pender, associate of applied science nursing;
Felicia M. Peterson, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Morgan R. Prenoveau, associate of science business administration emphasis;
Cassidy L. Rains, associate of science human development family studies: child development option emphasis;
Thomas E. Rawie, associate of applied science computer- aided design/drafting (CADD) technology;
Andrew S. Rhamy, certificate – one-year welding and fabrication technology, associate of applied science welding and fabrication technology;
Rebecca N. Ruisbroek, associate of arts Oregon transfer;
Sarah E. Saathoff, associate of applied science medical assistant;
Shelby F. Schulte, associate of applied science medical assistant;
Lucas J. Shiffert, certificate – one-year welding and fabrication technology, associate of applied science welding and fabrication technology;
Ashleigh E. Slaton, certificate – one-year accounting clerk, associate of applied science accounting technology;
Brianna Smith, associate of science human development family studies: human services option emphasis;
Naomi Smith, associate of general studies;
Zachary A. Smith, associate of science history emphasis;
Nathan J. Sours, associate of applied science automotive technology;
Jacob M. Souza, associate of science English emphasis;
Chad W. Staneart, associate of science economics emphasis;
Elizabeth Staneart, associate of general studies;
Matthew A. Thompson, certificate – one-year coding and reimbursement specialist;
Brettaigne A. Thurston, associate of applied science nursing;
Sydney N. Vogt, associate of science anthropology emphasis;
Elliot A. Walker, associate of applied science culinary arts;
Jefferson L. Warner-Martin, certificate – one-year machine tool technology, associate of applied science machine tool technology, certificate CNC machinist;
Jennifer S. Wilcox, certificate – one-year coding and reimbursement specialist;
Heidi M. Yeager, associate of applied science nursing;
Tyler L. Young, certificate – one-year welding and fabrication technology, associate of applied science welding and fabrication technology.

ELCA announces spring Honor Roll

Following are students named to East Linn Christian Academy’s second semester Honor Roll, as announced by the school:
High School 4.00: Todd Baker, Madeline Bowler, Julia Caswell, Kolby Clark, Susannah Cray, Alexis Freeman, Brooklyn Garber, Alayna Grunerud, Shayla Hatfield, Josiah Johnson, Isabella Keeney, Donovan Kropf, Sienna Lacy, Elizabeth McDowell, Luka Ogden, Kelly Ogden, Bailey Pool, Joanna Reardon, Drew Schlabach, Ethan Slayden, Hana Slayden, Brandon Williams, Lauren Wyatt and Nellie Wyatt.
High School 3.50 – 3.99: Jacob Barraza, Alli Beachy, Jaren Bowler, Isabella Castillo, Peiran Cui, Kylie Eastman, Mya Fillis, Kaitlyn Gaskey, Ethan Goins, Seth Goins, Mackenzie Griffin, Ethan Hurst, Elias Johnson, Avery Jones, Hailey Karkanen, Chang Liu, Allison Medford, Grant Medford, Natalie Miner, Heath Nichol, David Noble, Ruth Pearce, Brennan Pool, Matthew Puentes, Irelynn Randall, Londyn Randall, Caleb Rickman, Ellie Roth, Elia Rybolt, Carlin Schneider, Naoki Shimamoto, Chia-Ying Tu, William Wallace, Jonnie Walusiak, Christian Wilson, Ruonan Zheng and Zian Zhang.
Middle School 4.00: Isaiah Blount, Matthew Blount, Chase Fenerty, Gunner Fenerty, Allison Hatch, Elisha Hatfield, Blake Knurowski, Ethan Lacy, Ruby Lane, Lily McDowell, Owen Nofziger, Eliana Peckfelder, Laura Pennington, Blake Presley, Gabriel Schlabach, Abigail Wolgamott and Hadassah Zderad.
Middle School 3.50 – 3.99: Parker Adams, Vivienne Baker, Claysen Caswell, Evan Christenson, Emmaline Durrett, Alex Forrester, Olivia Garber, Josie Grunerud, Randy Holmes, Tanner Israel, DaMia Jones, Alexis Kauffman, Maggie Kenyon, Kaitlyn LaPerle, Jadon Loveless, Ryley Miner, Elliot Nofziger, Hailey Schermerhorn, Synnove Slayden, Steen Smith, Benjamin Wallace, Jacob Wallace, Paige Warren, Rachel Wheeler, Katelyn Williams and Gunner Wyatt.

Hospital foundation announces medical scholarship recipients

A number of local students in the medical field have received scholarships from the Lebanon Community Hospital Foundation for the 2020-21 academic year.
Girod Scholarship
The late Frank Girod, MD, was one of the founding members of the Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital. His family awards this scholarship every year in his honor to students from east Linn County who are enrolled in medical school.
The selection committee awarded three scholarships this year for a total of $12,000.
The recipients are: Austin Kleint, medical student at Western University, COMP-Northwest; Whitley Nelson, medical student at Western University, COMP-Northwest; and Lisa Qiu, medical student at Western University, COMP-Northwest.
Easton Scholarship
The family of the late Rachel Easton, a longtime nurse at Samaritan’s Park Street Clinic, awards the Rachel Easton, RN Scholarship each year in her honor to an east Linn County area student enrolled in a nursing program.
The selection committee awarded two $1,000 scholarships.
The recipients are: Rachel Busek, nursing student at Linn-Benton Community College; and Mickayla Dennis, nursing student at Warner Pacific University.
Dinges Scholarship
John and Carol Dinges of Lebanon award the Dinges Medical Scholarship every year to a graduate of a high school in east Linn County who is currently enrolled in an entry-level health career program at Linn-Benton Community College.
This year, the Dingeses awarded two $1,500 scholarships.
The recipients are: Ivy Bosley, phlebotomy technician student; and Kailee Kirby, nursing student.
Nurse Education Scholarship
The Nurse Education Scholarship was started this year for caregivers and certified nursing assistants pursuing continued education in the nursing field.
The selection committee awarded three $500 scholarships.
The recipients are: Deana Clugston, nursing student at Linn-Benton Community College; Abigail Reynders, nursing student at Linn-Benton Community College; and Mistere Vanover, nursing student at Marian University.
For more information or to donate to these scholarships, visit or call the Lebanon Community Hospital Foundation office at 541-451-6303.