Fire destroys shop on 5th Street

Fire destroyed a two-story shop on South 5th Street early Friday morning, May 20.

Lebanon firefighters responded at 2 a.m. in the 31000 block of SW 5th Street.

The initial arriving fire unit reported that the 50 x 50-foot two-story shop was heavily involved in fire. Due to the severity of the fire, crews focused their efforts on protecting nearby exposures until a water supply could be established. The fire was brought under control at approximately 3 a.m.

The fire occurred in a rural area where water has to be trucked in on water tenders. The crew’s setup a port-a-tank operation so the tenders could quickly dump their water.

Once the main body of the fire was extinguished crews used a piercing nozzle to penetrate through an exterior wall due to the potential for structural collapse.

Lebanon firefighters ready their attack on the shop fire.
– Photos courtesy of Lebanon Fires District

One citizen on scene suffered minor smoke inhalation and was evaluated on scene but was not transported by ambulance.

The cause of the fire is currently under investigation.

The Lebanon Fire District was assisted on scene with water tenders from Sweet Home and Brownsville Fire Departments. Albany Fire Department provided city coverage during the fire.