Fire season in effect

As of July 11, all Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) districts are in fire season.

Public use restrictions may be in place where you live or at a destination you plan on recreating to reduce the risk of human-caused wildfires.

Compared with previous years, this is a slightly delayed start to the season for the state. The heavy rains in May and June of this year have helped in that. However, ODF urges Oregonians to remain vigilant in preventing human-caused wildfires.

“Don’t be lulled into complacency because of the weather,” Fire Protection Division Chief Mike Shaw said. “July and August historically have higher fire activity, and ODF is ready to respond, but we need the cooperation of Oregonians so we don’t strain our resources on fires that could have been avoided.”

The agency is largely concerned with ground fuels, like grass, that grew tall due to the spring rains but will dry out quickly, becoming a greater risk for human-caused fires. Those ground fuels can catch fire easily and burn and spread quickly.

ODF protects more thsn 16 million acres of private, county, state, and federal land from wildfire. Most districts start their fire season around May or June, and the season ends around the end of October. This year, the Southwest Oregon district was the first to declare on June 1, and the Northwest Oregon district was the last to declare on July 11.

For more information on how you can help prevent wildfires, visit