Letter: Thanks to Toy Program donors


As coordinator for the 2017 Lebanon Area Christmas Toy Program facilitated by the River Center, it has been my privilege to witness first hand how the community has come together to make sure children in Lebanon will have presents to open on Christmas morning.

Our team would like to sincerely thank three local firms that hosted giving trees for their employees.  Also many thanks to the 22 businesses that allowed us to have toy drop barrels.

We are so thankful to Operation Home Front for providing stocking stuffers and groups to do toy drives among their participants.  We would especially like to thank the Road Maggot Motorcycle Group for their generous and ongoing support and incredible Toy Run.

Thank you to the Veterans’ Home for providing dessert for that event. Finally, we would like to recognize and say we are thankful for every toy in our donation area which represents a family in Lebanon that chose to love and care about our community.

You are what make living in Lebanon a joy this Christmas Season and we are so very thankful for you.

Becky Lang

Lebanon Area Christmas Toy Program Coordinator