Thanks for support at Rollin’ Oldies
The Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital Auxiliary had a booth at the Rollin’ Oldies Car Club car show on Saturday, Sept. 15.
The support we enjoyed was outstanding.
Maple bars were donated by Mega Foods in Lebanon, Safeway in Sweet Home and Sugar Vibes in Lebanon. Great thanks to you all!
The Rollin’ Oldies Committee again gave us the best spot to sell our wares. Thank you!
This project was a very successful endeavor which helps us to continue our support of Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital and for our hospital auxiliary’s scholarships for east Linn County students pursuing careers in health care.
My crew of helpers included Leorah Burton, Retha Larson and Pam Wilber. Thanks to you and thanks to all the maple bar lovers who came out to support us.
Sally Morgan
Rollin’ Oldies booth chair
Lebanon Partners stepped up for Welcome
We at Lebanon Community Schools Welcome Center wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our community partners for the month of August.
So many people supported our causes and we truly appreciate each and every one of you.
Thank you to Lowe’s Distribution Center employees for the supply drive, Oregon Veteran’s Home for the backpack drive, Southside Church of Christ for the 40-plus full backpacks, Lebanon Elks for partnering with us to give out over 150 full backpacks and Edda King of RKI Insurance and friends for always gathering up whatever supplies we are short on for our families.
The Back to School event on Aug. 16, “Food, Fun and Friends,” was a smashing success thanks to everyone who pitched in to help, we could never have done it without you all.
We had over 100 families attend and 20-plus resource agencies available to reach out.
Adult and Teen Challenge crew came early and helped agencies set up, Tawney Pruitt and Joseph Holt came with Catholic youth to help set up, Warrior baseball team directed traffic and helped tear down, Miguel Mejia from Trinity Babtist Church Espanol helped set up and tear down, Paula Newman from Schmizza helped out, as did A.J. Modisette from Crowfoot Babtist Church.
Thank you Tyler Grove for bringing your crew from Be Undivided and cotton candy!
Thank you Mark Spurgeon and Tami Volz for being awesome DJs and Officer David Dominy for singing the national anthem!
We really appreciate Lebanon Fire District for providing and cooking our hot dog supper with all the fixings, 4 Seasons Fruit and Produce Market for donating apples for the event and Mega Foods for donating 500 Otter Pops for dessert!
Julie Miller
Community Liaison
Lebanon Community
School District