Letters to the Editor this month

Global warming opinion ‘propaganda’


The opinions expressed in your Community Column, “Global Warming Politics May Be Worse Than the Real Thing,” in the November-December edition make a nice piece of right-wing propaganda.

While conceding that our climate is indeed changing, it makes spurious arguments and half truths to try and sow seeds of doubt as to the cause of this change.

For example, in paragraph 6, the writer asserts that “An impressive lineup of scientific organizations have recognized the importance of this issue, and the majority assert that it’s not.”

The faction of recognized climate scientists that directly link global warming to greenhouse gases is close to 99.9 percent, not some milk toast “majority.” These scientists clearly show that the increase in CO2 is unprecedented and is a direct result of the increased use of fossil fuels.

Further on, the author quotes Stephen Moore.

Now let’s see what sort of climate credentials dedicated to advancing climate change denial that would be right near the top of the list. Let’s see who he is working for now, ah yes, the good old Heritage Foundation, another right-wing institution hell bent on greed is good at promoting unbridled capitalism.

The author finally makes his view clear when he states: “But what should really scare us is when science, particularly unproven, becomes a tennis ball in the public arena.”

Sorry, the science is proven and a fact.

The author seems to believe that climate scientists are in some sort of cabal to take over the world: “a stratagem in the never-ending grab for power.”

If one really wants to see a never-ending power grab, one has to look no further than likes of the Koch brothers and Wall Street.

David Proper


To view the editorial in question, visit https://www.lebanonlocalnews.com/global-warming-politics-may-be-worse-than-real-thing/


Cultural Trust is good investment


Those who donate to good causes at the end of each year should keep the Oregon Cultural Trust in mind. This program, the only one of its kind in the country, lets you double the impact of your donation at no extra cost.

Here’s how the Cultural Trust works: Donate to one or more of your favorite organizations among 1,500 qualified cultural nonprofits.

Donate the same amount to the Cultural Trust. Then take the same amount off your state taxes. Your donation to the Cultural Trust comes back to you as a tax credit. Individuals can get a tax credit up to $500, couples up to $1,000, and Class C corporations up to $2,500.

The money citizens give to the Cultural Trust is dispersed across Oregon to keep cultural organizations thriving throughout the state. In fiscal year 2020, nonprofits that support the arts, heritage, and the humanities will receive more than $2.7 million in funding from the Oregon Cultural Trust, thanks to the generosity of Oregonians who have invested in our state’s cultural tax credit.

Included among the organizations supported by the Cultural Trust are 24 Linn County nonprofits, representing libraries, museums, arts organizations, and community foundations. Is your favorite cultural nonprofit included? Visit the website at culturaltrust.org to find out. (If your organization isn’t listed, ask the board to contact the Oregon Cultural Trust.)

A portion of Cultural Trust funds are distributed locally by Cultural Coalitions, one for each county and federally recognized tribe in Oregon. In 2020, the Linn County Cultural Coalition will receive $18,143 in funds for this purpose.

Every Linn County 501(c)(3) organization with a project involving the arts, heritage, or humanities is welcome to apply to the Linn County Cultural Coalition for funding.

Expect a call for proposals to be issued soon, in this newspaper and at linnculture.org.

Linda Ziedrich

Linn County Cultural Coalition