
Lebanon Library to offer Spring Break activities, expanded hours

The Lebanon Public Library  will offer several activities for kids of all ages during Spring Break, which starts Monday, March 22.

The library will also add hours to its schedule beginning that day.

The library will host a Minecraft Scavenger Hunt in the children’s section for kids ages 8-12. Find all the hidden items on the Minecraft Inventory sheet for a small prize.

Teens ages 12-18 can stop by and pick-up a Mini Zen Garden Take & Make. The kit will contain all the materials to make a miniature desktop Zen garden, plus other little surprises.

Magical Story Jars return for kids 8 and under. Each jar is filled with items children can use to create a story of their very own. Jars will be hidden in various locations around Lebanon every day during Spring Break. Location clues will be posted on the library’s social media. Story Jars encourage imagination, creativity and cooperation and bring adults and children closer. Jars contain small pieces adult supervision is strongly advised. Supplies are limited for all activities and are first come, first served while supplies last.

As Linn County continues to hold steady at the moderate risk level, the library will increase open hours of service to the public an additional eight hours beginning Monday, March 22.

Maximum capacity will increase to 50% or 100 people. All mandated precautionary measures (masks and social distancing) remain in place.
We will continue to offer curbside-only service Fridays 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Hours of service, beginning Monday, will be:
Monday – Thursday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday (curbside-only) 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday Noon – 5 p.m.
Sunday  Closed