Linn and Lebanon police logs, Aug. 10-17, 2022

*All information presented herein is obtained from publicly available Oregon court and law enforcement records. The Oregon Public Records Law, as detailed in the Attorney General’s Public Records and Meeting Manual, allows public access to these records. Every individual named or referenced is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Aug. 17

12:16 a.m. – Nicklaus Glasser, 32, of Lebanon, cited on warrant, 2200 block Primrose St. Report taken.

12:39 a.m. – Caller reported theft of two TVs from house, Park St.

12:56 a.m. – Aaron Clemmer, 42, of Sweet Home, arrested on warrants, Santiam Hwy./Groshong Rd. Report taken.

12:51 p.m. – Caller reported that unidentified male had stolen pallet jack key from vendor parked at Grandpa’s Grocery, Stoltz Hill/Airport roads, 10 minutes prior. Investigation ongoing. Report taken.

1:32 p.m. – Caller reported she was drinking and smoking with friends when she was offered a Gatorade. The drink made her feel weird and she wonders if it was drugged, so she left.

2:26 p.m. – Lawrence Lee Jones, 24, was cited for theft and for a Lebanon Justice Court warrant for parole violation DUII.

2:58 p.m. – Aundra Dawn Tillotson, 23, was charged with interfering and was cited for a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for failure to appear on an original charge of criminal trespass II, a Linn County Circuit Court warrant for failure to appear on an original charge of burglary I, and an Albany Municipal Court warrant for failure to perform duties of a driver. Tillotson and Carlton James Eatherton, 28, were excluded from parks for 30 days. Jesse Wayne Ice, 34, was excluded from parks for 180 days.

3:57 p.m. – Caller reported recycling bin stolen from 30200 block Santiam Hwy. Report taken.

4:18 p.m. – Stranded floaters given courtesy ride by Sheriff’s Office, 40800 block McDowell Creek Dr.

4:18 p.m. – Caller reported theft of wallet, Santiam Hwy.

4:31 p.m. – A female said she believes a vendor at the Ralston Park events is purposely pointing his generator at her house and it’s more than 70 decibels. She could not hear the music at the park while sitting outside. She said she talked to the the event coordinator about moving the vendor, and they told her to talk with city council if the noise is too high, but she didn’t like that suggestion.

4:41 p.m. – Stranded floaters provided courtesy ride by Sheriff’s Office, 30200 block Bates Lane.

5:48 p.m. – Report taken for car crash, Main St. Ethan Atwood, 25, was cited for following too close.

6:13 p.m. – Caller found packages on the porch that don’t belong there, and thinks someone just threw them there, Franklin St. They were returned to the correct house on River Road.

7:04 p.m. – Caller reported finding female golden retriever in 40100 block McDowell Creek Dr.

7:46 p.m. – Caller reported theft of phone holder device from store, Main St. Loss valued at $25.

9:47 p.m. – Report taken for hit and run, 7th St. The alleged suspect vehicle is a large, dark SUV. The victim’s vehicle had to be towed.

Aug. 16

1:23 a.m. – Cameron Garinger, 18, of Lebanon, arrested on Linn County Circuit Court warrant, transported to Linn County Jail, 300 block W. Airport Rd. Report taken.

3:00 a.m. – Pam Smith was cited for trespassing, Airport Rd.

3:54 a.m. – Caller reported impact driver stolen from pickup toolbox, 700 block Crowfoot Rd.

4:50 a.m. – 17-year-old driver, of Lebanon, cited for speeding, 93/55, 29900 block Santiam Hwy.

5:02 a.m. – Mary Riley, 37, of Sweet Home, cited on warrants, 30700 block Santiam Hwy. Reprot taken.

5:23 a.m. – Deputy found couple sleeping in their car, trespassing on farm land in 800 block Central Ave. Deputy woke them and got them moving along.

6:34 a.m. – Caller reported theft of wallet from car, Hawk Arrow Dr. Loss valued at $300.

9:28 a.m. – Kenneth Fuller, 64, of Lebanon, cited for multiple traffic offenses, Santiam Hwy./McDowell Creek Dr.

12:06 p.m. – Caller reported a magnet stuck to their neighbor’s door and the neighbor couldn’t lock the door, Mnt. River Dr. They got the magnet off and were able to lock the door, but were concerned about a suspicious vehicle in the area and potential thefts in the neighborhood.

12:13 p.m. – Samuel Armstrong Monroe Jr., 45, was cited for a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for failure to appear.

1:43 p.m. – Caller was concerned about a dog that was being kept in a shed, 11th St.

4:02 p.m. – Report taken for theft of trailer belonging to Boy Scouts. Loss valued at $3,000.

4:54 p.m. – Caller reported possible overweight trucks crossing small bridge in 41200 block McDowell Creek Dr. Sheriff’s Office to provide extra patrol when possible.

6:11 p.m. – Regina DeAngela Bridges, 33, was charged with assault II. According to the entry, a caller had reported Bridges allegedly was yelling she “beat the hell out of her husband” and may have broken her child’s ribs because her PTSD was triggered. The husband and child were transported to the hospital. Previous log entries indicated Bridges showed signs of mental illness and she is aware she needs help.

7:20 p.m. – Caller complained a food truck generator was producing high decibel levels, Ralston Park.

8:30 p.m. – Officer responded to a call about a mother allegedly trying to throw her baby out the door and threatened suicide. She said she was overwhelmed being a fulltime mother but is no longer wanting to kill herself.

10:23 p.m. – Sheriff’s Office investigated accidental shooting in 34000 block Santiam Hwy. Male accidentally discharged pistol while trying to dismantle it. Bullet went through two walls and struck his fiance in the shoulder, lodging in her back just above spinal cord, according to LCSO. Medical evaluation indicated no nerve damage and she should make full recovery. Report taken.

Aug. 15

3:37 a.m. – Wayne Jay Exline, 43, was cited for an Albany Municipal Court warrant for criminal mischief III. He also has a Linn County Circuit Court warrant for failure to appear, but it’s only serviceable if he’s taken to Corvallis for a blood draw. Per Exline’s request, he was taken to the local hospital for a mental health evaluation in an attempt to get to the state hospital.

7:04 a.m. – Vehicle blocking timber gate in area of Middle Ridge Dr./Brownsville Rd. towed as hazard due to high fire risk. Report taken.

8:25 a.m. – Report taken for cut wires at a construction build, which caused $2,000 worth of damage, Weldwood Dr.

9:19 a.m. – Report taken for stolen two-tone 1990s pickup, Main St.

10:29 a.m. – Caller reported she paid $1,600 for a rental on Lupine St., but it appears it was fraud. The man renting it out lives in Washington and would only communicate through email.

10:55 a.m. – Someone tried to break in to laundry machine coin slot, 8th Ave.

11:15 a.m. – Caller reported a bald male hit a long-haired male with a bat, 7th St. Toron James Ambrosius, the long-haired subject, is fine. The male with the bat was not found.

12:34 p.m. – Caller reported a male was laying in the street, Rose St. Officer found Toron James Ambrosius sleeping in a grassy area between the sidewalk and the street. Ambrosius said he has not moved from his location, and told the officer he would stay out of the road as long as the police did not take any more prank calls.

12:51 p.m. – Sheriff’s Office investigating incident in which female selling item on Facebook Marketplace was scammed. Female said suspect sent her $100, but she had to send $100 back and never received any money in return. 30500 block Ridge St. Report taken.

1:46 p.m. – Caller reported people keep coming through the area peddling pest control services, Lupine St.

1:47 p.m. – Caller reported theft of BMX-style bike, “Framed,” Sherman St. Loss valued at $200.

2:17 p.m. – Caller from Adult Protective Services reported a female was victim of physical and verbal abuse, Williams St. Responding officer took into custody a subject only identified as “Gibboney.” Report taken. On Aug. 16, Melondy Selinda Gibboney, 53, was charged with fourth-degree assault constituting domestic violence for allegations of injury to a male on Aug. 13.

3:54 p.m. – Tyler Clapp, 32, of Albany, cited and released on Albany warrant, 000 block E. Maple St. Report taken.

4:07 p.m. – Tyler James Clapp, 32, was cited for a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for parole violation.

5:09 p.m. – Caller reported barking dogs, 2nd St. A pet sitter is watching the dogs and will try to keep them quiet. The owners also were contacted and told they could be cited if the dogs don’t stop barking. The owners cussed at dispatch and told them the police were of no help.

5:20 p.m. – Patrick Mallory was cited for a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for failure to appear on an original charge of criminal trespassing II, and a Sweet Home Municipal Court warrant for theft III.

6:25 p.m. – Caller reported Ruger handgun found in 33200 block Santiam Hwy. Report taken.

7:04 p.m. – Three bags of mulch were reported stolen from Bi-Mart. An officer was able to locate and recover the stolen mulch.

7:46 p.m. – Caller reported theft of phone charger and $25 worth of food from a store, Main St.

9:00 p.m. – Caller reported two dogs were at-large and chasing cats, Rose St. The caller got into an argument with the dogs’ owner. The dog owner called dispatch to complain about the caller yelling at her in a threatening manner. An officer explained to the owner about the city ordinance to keep dogs contained, and the owner allegedly argued with the officer and accused him of being in “cahoots” with the caller.

11:51 p.m. – Alexandra Tevogt, 33, of Lebanon, cited for driving while suspended, 3700 block Weirich Dr.

Aug. 14

12:08 a.m. – Caller reported a male was screaming and removing his shirt near the Legion. A responding officer determined the suspect may be under the influence of drugs.

7:17 a.m. – Caller reported theft of gas can with hydraulic fluid from pickup, 3rd St. Loss valued at $100. Video shows a male on a BMX bike.

9:49 a.m. – Caller reported a bathroom window was shot through, possibly with a BB gun, Joy St.

10:51 a.m. – Caller reported two dogs charged at him and his toddler, 7th St. The caller told the owner to leash his dogs and he became verbally aggressive.

1:17 p.m. – Caller reported her neighbor tried to hit her with a car while she was checking the mail. A second caller, Cheryl Hansen, 57, reported a female was getting into her mailbox, and, according to the document, she believes it was her husband’s girlfriend. Hansen was taken into custody for reckless driving and three counts of reckless endangerment.

2:19 p.m. – Caller reported lots of yelling and profanity near the mailboxes, Carolina St. A responding officer contacted one of the subjects who said he was arguing with a friend but they’re good now.

3:31 p.m. – Wesley Alan House, 39, and Morgan Marie Lumpkin, 24, were trespassed from city parks for 30 days. Report taken.

3:36 p.m. – Christopher Colt Jr., 40, was cited for a Douglas County Circuit Court Felony warrant for parole violation robbery.

4:30 p.m. – Caller reported a physical fight, Santiam Hwy. Joshua Joe Tallman, 32, was taken into custody for police officer hold.

6:34 p.m. – Dog found near McDowell Creek Park, 43100 block McDowell Creek Dr. Appeared to have been abondoned intentionally. According to Sheriff’s Office, caller witnessed dog being thrown from white SUV on McDowell Creek Drive. Dog was located and lodged at Animal Control. Described as small male, brown, unknown breed, bad skin condition. LCSO investigating white SUVs to find the dog owner. Dog taken to Linn County Animal Control. Report taken.

7:13 p.m. – Report taken for two counterfeit $20 bills used to purchase items, Cascade Dr.

8:31 p.m. – Burglary reported in 38100 block Weirich Dr. House at the location had been gone through while the owners were away. Some jewelry was located outside on the grass. At the time of initial report, it is unknown what had been stolen. Report taken.

8:35 p.m. – Caller reported an extension cord was running across the street from storage units to a motor home, 9th St. The suspect told a responding officer he was given permission to use the power, but couldn’t recall who gave the permission.

8:56 p.m – Susanna K. Holland, 60, was cited for harassment after a caller reported Holland hit a male, Elmore St.

Aug. 13

2:13 a.m. – Cody Norman, 30, was taken into custody for strangulation – domestic violence, Hiatt St.

8:59 a.m. – Caller reported theft of gas from business equipment, Harrison St. Fuel and hydraulic fluid was siphoned from a front end loader. It appeared the thief also tried to take the battery and fuel from the boom lift.

9:17 a.m. – Caller said their neighbor was upset because they trimmed her tree that was on their side of the property/resting on their shed, Elmore St. She allegedly threatened to get her gun and bat to take care of things, and calls them names when they are in their back yard.

12:15 p.m. – Caller reported theft of military tank power wheel and electric lawn mower from backyard, B St.

3:26 p.m. – Jessica Marie Jones, 39, was cited for a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for probation violation. She was also trespassed from Dollar Tree for a year.

4:17 p.m. – Caller reported a male paid for $5-worth of gas with half of a $5 bill, and threatened the caller when they said they needed legitimate cash.

4:23 p.m. – Caller reported two kids alone in a car, Santiam Hwy. Officer spoke with the parents who arrived to their car 10 minutes after the call was made. They said they were only in the store to fix a purchase for a couple minutes, but they were receptive to the officer’s advise about not leaving kids alone.

5:36 p.m. – Caller reported a female in a pink dress and rubber boots was walking through yards and throwing around a computer, Grove St.

6:25 p.m. – Truck reported stolen from farm in 35600 block Rock Hill Dr. Deputies located it abandoned 20 miles away. Investigation ongoing. Report taken.

8:54 p.m. – Report taken for theft of torch lighter, Main St. Loss valued at $19.99.

10:54 p.m. – DeMarco Johnson, 20, of Jefferson, cited for driving uninsured, driving without a license, 38700 block Sodaville Waterloo Dr.

11:35 p.m. – Caller reported a male dropped his pants to the ground, Maple St. Responding officer found the intoxicated suspect living in his van, who admitted he might have stepped out earlier to pee.

Aug. 12

8:04 a.m. – Caller reported an employee of a facility on D St. stole his cat. She admitted she took the cat because she could not find its owner and believed it was a stray, but the cat escaped her home after being there one week and she doesn’t know where it is.

8:17 a.m. – Caller reported theft of two bikes, 5th St. He later found one of the bikes locked up on Tangent St. An officer removed the lock and returned the bike to the owner.

8:20 a.m. – Brandy Dozier, 36, of Albany, cited and released on warrant, 500 block Weldwood Dr. Report taken.

8:22 a.m. – Caller reported theft of gas from van, Hiatt St.

8:35 a.m. – Caller reported theft of gas from two Uhaul trucks, Grant St.

9:21 a.m. – David Joshua Wall, 27, was cited for a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for parole violation and a Sweet Home Municipal Court warrant for failure to appear on an original charge of theft II.

10:33 a.m. – Chari Justesen, 30, was cited for using a cell phone while driving, Main St.

11:12 a.m. – Caller reported theft of gas from gas station, Santiam Hwy. The customer said he would pay cash, but never went inside to pay. Loss valued at $100.

1:29 p.m. – Caller reported theft of hat, phone and money at Gill’s Landing. Loss valued at $750.

3:57 p.m. – Caller found a package in her shed left by her old roommate that belongs to her neighbor, Cooper St. She will return the package to her neighbor.

6:43 p.m. – Two-axle flatbed trailer reported stolen sometime between Aug. 8 and Aug. 11. Value $8.000 to $10,000. 1997 two-axle trailer, with a pintle hitch at the front and two ramps at the rear, had been stored at Straw Palace in 29700 block Santiam Hwy. for a long time and had not been checked on in a while. Report taken. 29700 block Santiam Hwy.

7:38 p.m. – Caller reported two subjects were having sex in a parked car, 10th St. Responding officer located the individuals in the back seat, but they were clothed and denied having sex.

8:08 p.m. – Report taken for theft of racing helmet, neck restraint, racing jacket and racing gloves from garage, 9th St. The garage was not closed overnight. Loss valued at $1,000.

8:28 p.m. – Four callers reported a Chaz Cantrell was screaming and threatening to burn a house down, Kari Pl. He ran through someone’s yard and ran away when police arrived. The next morning, officers returned. Cantrell resisted arrest, was tased and then arrested.

9:53 p.m. – Caller reported a male subject appeared to try to steal something off his neighbor’s porch, 6th St. Caller said the male has been staying in the park and prowling the area every night for a week. Officer contacted Toron James Ambrosius, who has a 30-day park exclusion. He packed his things and left. He spoke of space ships, weather patterns “and a variety of other out-of-nowhere topics.”

10:34 p.m. – Caller believes neighbors are cooking meth, 2nd St. She said a very pungent odor is coming from the apartment, and she could barely breathe when she walked past it. A tenant at the apartment told the officer she was doing acrylic nails and opened her window because of the smell.

Aug. 11

5:58 a.m. – Caller reported a male was acting odd and talking/yelling to himself in front of an ice machine, making customers uncomfortable, Tangent St.

6:12 a.m. – Caller reported a male took a bike into the gazebo at Ralston Park, turned it upside down, then left. A responding officer found someone working on the bike some time later.

7:24 a.m. – Caller reported a male yelling at people in a sewer drain, Tangent St. Responding officer found a male at the location eating breakfast and acting normal. The male said he was just chillin’, being free and enjoying life.

8:30 a.m. – Christopher Walter, 41, of Lebanon, arrested on two counts of domestic harassment (unwanted physical contact) against parent, 31100 block Kay St. According to Sheriff’s Office, Walter was “out of control” and intoxicated, causing a disturbance in the house. Report taken.

8:35 a.m. – Sean Adam Wetzell, 46, was cited for driving while suspended, Wagon Wheel Dr.

10:15 a.m. – Todd Lloyd Noffsinger, 36, was cited for driving while suspended, driving uninsured and failure to renew, Stoltz Hill Rd. A tow truck was called in to remove the car.

11:16 a.m. – Found property, including or limited to a wallet, was turned in. The owner of the item(s) said they live in Wisconsin. Property was mailed to them.

12:50 p.m. – Fresenius Kidney Care requested a welfare check because their patient missed dialysis the past three weeks. Responding officer reported the patient does not want care from the company, is aware of the risks, and said at this point they feel harassed by the company.

1:04 p.m. – A Build Lebanon Trails volunteer reported graffiti on a bench at Marks Slough Trail.

1:05 p.m. – Stephanie Ericka Bosvert, 39, was cited for no operator’s license, failure to register and no insurance, 2nd St.

1:39 p.m. – Report taken for car crash, Main St. Skylar Jean Thompson, 23, was cited for driving while suspended, driving uninsured and failure to yield.

4:01 p.m. – Report taken for theft of pistol and ammo from car, Santiam Hwy.

4:48 p.m. – Jonathon Michael Fox, 32, was cited for driving while suspended and uninsured, Hwy. 34.

5:30 p.m. – Caller reported theft of bike from porch, 2nd St.

5:33 p.m. – Caller reported a male sitting on the curb, yelling and waving his arms, Santiam Hwy. Responding officer was familiar with the subject and found him “keeping to himself” and “just being very animated.”

9:31 p.m. – Caller reported juveniles in the skate park, one appeared intoxicated. A female at the park admitted to the officer she drank some vodka that was on the table, and he gave her a ride home.

11:57 p.m. – Caller reported subjects nearly hit her with their car and threw eggs at her, 2nd St.

Aug. 10

7:09 a.m. – Jesse Wayne Ice, 34, was trespassed from city parks for 30 days for smoking in the park, Park St.

11:43 a.m. – Report taken for car crash, Oak St.

12:34 p.m. – Toron James Ambrosius, 24, was trespassed from city parks for 30 days for littering, Rose St.

12:54 p.m. – Monte Dale Lee, 50, was cited for a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for parole violation driving while suspended.

1:39 p.m. – Caller reported theft of pocket knife, sunglasses, receipts, grocery bags and insurance card from unlocked car, B St. Loss valued at $10.

2:33 p.m. – Colli Kristene Smith, 47, was charged with hit and run, and DUII with a BAC of .22, Grove St. A witness reported a female driver hit a pole with her car and fell over when she got out of her car, then she left. Smith was found and a sobriety test was performed and a request made to check her blood sugar. Report taken.

4:49 p.m. – Morgan Marie Lumpkin, 24, was cited for a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for failure to appear.

9:15 p.m. – Sarah Martel, 34, of Lebanon, cited on warrant, 31100 block Santiam Hwy. Report taken.

9:18 p.m. – An unidentified suspect was taken into custody for theft III after someone reported theft of property from their backpack.

9:37 p.m. – Caller reported she and her friend were sitting on the walking path next to Walmart when a green pickup came driving down the path. The caller told the driver she cannot drive on the path, and at first refused to move. As she was getting ready to move out of the path, the driver punched her in the face. A responding officer tried counseling the caller on how to avoid this kind of confrontation, but allegedly the caller was not very cooperative with his advice. She told him she could do or say anything she wanted and it didn’t justify someone hitting her. An investigation is ongoing to locate the driver.

10:03 p.m. – Caller reported a patient at the hospital left and the doctor would like a doctor hold on the patient because she’s intoxicated and it’s not safe for her to leave. An officer gave the female a ride back to the hospital.