
Local students named to OSU 2017 Honor Roll

Local students named to Oregon State Univeristy’s Dean’s List for Spring Quarter include:

Straight-A Average: Kelly S. Cornelius, junior, nutrition; Kayla L. Mackie, senior, public health; Kyler A. Murphy, senior, speech communication;

Orin L. Osborne, sophomore, biohealth sciences; Wyatt E. Osborne, junior, biohealth sciences; Julianne E. Robinson, senior, ecological engineering; Samantha D. Spencer, junior, human develelopment and family science.

 3.5 or Better: Alexander N. Albion, senior, agricultural sciences; Sarah N. Benthimer, freshman, environmental sciences; Tyler A. Berg, junior, biology; Jorian M. Bruslind, junior, pre-electronic and computer engineering;

Cody T. Christopher, sophomore, political science; Nathan W. Diebel, sophomore, history; Jason Foster, senior, business administration; Matthew A. Helget, junior, anthropology;

Cory J. Hochstetler, senior, chemistry; Matthew Z. Huang, senior, computer science; Jennifer J. Lima, senior, liberal studies; Susan K. Machacek, senior, accountancy; Yevgeniy Mikitchenko, senior, finance; Thomas Noelcke, senior, computer science; Brian D. Ozarowicz, senior, computer science;

Nathan L. Reed, senior, natural resources; Linda A. Rodriguez, senior, exercise and sport science; Rylan J. Rogers, senior, speech communication;

Nicholas A. Thoms, senior, marketing; Daniel B. Vore, senior, history; Jackson T. Wells, junior, computer science; Rong H. Yu, senior, mathematics.