Mayor, city council candidates named

The following candidates have filed paperwork to run for the office of Mayor and three City
Council positions in the City of Lebanon at the November 8, 2022 General Election.

Lebanon Mayoral Candidates (2-Year Term)
1) “Mr G” Gamael Nassar

2) Kenneth E. Jackola

Lebanon Councilor, Ward 1 (4-Year Term)
1) Carl Mann

2) Tami Cockeram

3) Wayne Rieskamp – Incumbent

Lebanon Councilor, Ward 2 (4-Year Term)
1) Cassie Cruze

2) Dave Workman

3) Ryan Newby

Lebanon Councilor, Ward 3 (4-Year Term)
1) Michelle A. Steinhebel – Incumbent

The Lebanon City Council is composed of a mayor elected from the city at large, and six
councilors nominated and elected by Ward.