Here are more eclipse-related facts from Mid-Valley Astronomers:
– People who travel great distances to see total eclipses are called “eclipse chasers” and “umbraphiles.”
– There are four types of eclipses: Partial, total, annular, and hybrid.
– The elements of a total eclipse include the corona, chromosphere, prominences, and Bailey’s Beads / Diamond Ring Effect.
– Total solar eclipses occur every 18 months somewhere on earth, or at any given place only once every 360 to 410 years.
– The last total eclipse to go across the entire 48 states was in 1918.
– The last total eclipse on the American continent was in 1979.
– Sweet Home and Lebanon (though not yet in existence) were in the path of a total eclipse in 1503 for a three minute duration. Another total eclipse passed through in 1742 for two and a half minutes. This year, the total eclipse will last about one and a half minutes. The next total eclipses to pass through this area will be years 2618 and 2744.
– The entire duration of the eclipse (partial) will last about 2 hours, 33 minutes. Totality in Lebanon will last about 1 minute, 33 seconds.
– The partial eclipse in Lebanon will begin at 9:05 a.m. and will end at about 11:38 a.m. Totality in Lebanon will start at about 10:17 a.m.
– Lebanon is not directly on the line of totality that would ensure the maximum time for viewing. The further north one is, the longer totality will last. One club member calculated that for every six blocks north one is, another second of totality is added.
– Cloudy weather might reduce eclipse viewing. Smoke haze from forest fires will not reduce eclipse viewing, but might make the color of the sun red.
– Odd animal behavior might be noticed on Aug. 21. Animals that are normally out at night might start to wake up, and animals that are normally out during the day and go in at night might try to “turn in for the night.” Cat and dog owners do not have worry about their pets looking up at the sun, but they might consider keeping them indoors in case neighbors set off firecrackers or make other traumatic noises.