
ODOT seeks community input

Oregon Dept. of Transportation is asking for input from residents regarding potential pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements on the OR 34 and U.S. 20 highways in Lebanon.

To that end, a feedback form is available online (click here) through March 27, or residents may speak to a representative in person from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, at the Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St. They will have a table in front of the library.

More about the project

The Lebanon Urban Design Verification (UDV) project will identify walking and biking needs and potential improvements on OR 34 and U.S. 20 highways in Lebanon. The goal is to have solutions that can be included in existing or upcoming projects over the next five to 10 years.

Potential solutions could include:

  • Identifying dedicated bicycle lanes or routes.
  • Enhancing pedestrian facilities and crossings, such as new paint, pedestrian activated signals, signs and curb extensions

ODOT wants to engage the Lebanon community about possible projects and make sure they are developing community supported solutions.

For the study project, ODOT will:

  • Summarize existing conditions and review relevant background documents to look at what the corridor(s) may need (April 2023);
  • Hold two on-line and in-person open houses in March and late Spring. Be sure to  sign up  for future updates on this and other projects in the area;
  • Look at traffic flow and movement;
  • Look at options for parking and how it is used;
  • Identify improvements and develop a draft design (July 2023);
  • Develop a preferred design concept and produce a final corridor design study (September 2023).

Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements

The project will explore a number of different sidewalk, crossing and bicycle improvements that can be used on U.S. 20 and OR 34. Residents can provide feedback on the specific needs or improvements at locations along the study corridors.

The following sections describe some of the options being considered. Different types of improvements are appropriate in different locations or contexts, and the project team will only recommend projects appropriate for the context throughout the project. For instance, striped crosswalks with signs and neighborhood bike route projects are more appropriate on streets with lower speeds and fewer cars, while enhanced crossings like rectangular rapid flashing beacons and buffered bike lanes are more appropriate on streets with higher speeds and more cars. These types of improvements are explained below in more detail.

Sidewalk Types

Pedestrian improvements usually consist of sidewalks or a shared use path, and sometimes includes a buffer, or adding extra space between the sidewalk or path and the road. The width of the sidewalk can change the level of comfort for pedestrians and their ability to walk side by side or pass others.


A sidewalk provides dedicated walking space adjacent to a road. Some sidewalks are buffered from traffic with plantings or space for benches, bicycle racks, or outdoor dining, while some sidewalks are not buffered from traffic.

Crossing Types

Pedestrian and bicycle crossings use paint and signs to tell users where to cross the road. Crossings may also have devices to help pedestrians know when it is safe to cross.

Striped with Signs A striped crosswalk uses paint to show people where to walk across the road. We can sometimes install signs, pedestrian activated signals or other devices that help draw greater attention to the crossing. Striped crossings can be placed at an intersection or mid-block location.

Curb Extensions Curb extensions, also known as bulb outs, expand the sidewalk or curb into the road at intersections or midblock locations. These curb extensions help make the area safer:

  • Pedestrians spend less time on the road as they cross the street since it’s a shorter distance to walk.
  • There is more space for pedestrians as they wait to cross the road.
  • It’s easier for drivers to see pedestrians, even if cars are parked along the side of the road. Drivers are more cautious and go slower since the road is narrower.

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB)

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) are flashing lights to alert drivers that a pedestrian wants to cross the road. They’re pedestrian activated by a push button. Once pushed, they begin to flash yellow lights to alert drivers so they can stop for the pedestrian to cross safely. RRFBs work best on roads with more than two lanes and with posted speeds of less than 35 MPH. On roads with three or more lanes, RRFBs should also include a pedestrian refuge island, which is a median with an area intended to help protect pedestrians as they cross a road.

Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHBs) are push button activated crossings. They flash yellow, followed by a solid yellow light and eventually solid red to stop cars and indicate a protected crossing for the pedestrian.

They are used on roads with more than three lanes that have higher speeds and traffic volumes. They should be used on roads with posted speeds of more than 35 MPH. The duration and the timing of PHBs can be coordinated with other signals to control speeds and improve traffic flow.

Pedestrian Signal A pedestrian signal works like a typical traffic signal, but only serves people walking and biking across the road. They work best on roads with three or more lanes and high speeds and/or traffic volumes. The duration and the timing of pedestrian signals can be coordinated with other signals to control speeds and improve traffic flow.

Bicycle Facilities

Neighborhood Route

Neighborhood routes, also called neighborhood bikeways or bike boulevards, are options for low-traffic and low-speed local streets (not highways ) where priority is given to people walking, bicycling, and rolling. There are many options to help lower vehicle speeds and volumes including:

  • Speed bumps – Bumps help keep vehicle speed slow.
  • Protected crossings at busy streets – Median islands shorten crossing distances on wider roads; the high visibility crosswalks and signs highlight that many people will be crossing there.
  • Traffic diversion – Cars can be directed to main roads with signs or physical barriers. Navigation apps often direct people through neighborhoods to avoid traffic. Using diverters to change traffic patterns stops cut-through traffic and helps keeping neighborhood streets quiet.
  • Wayfinding signs -Distance and estimated travel times for popular destinations are posted on signs throughout the network.
  • “Sharrow” street markings – The sharrow markings, are paint on the road to indicate where to ride, and can also serve as a helpful wayfinding tool.

Typical Bike Lane

ike lanes use paint and signs to designate space for bicyclists on the road. Bike lanes are next to travel lanes and flow in the same direction. A typical bike lane has no buffer or extra space between it and travel lanes.

Buffered Bike Lane

Buffered bike lanes have extra space separating the bike lane from the travel lane and/or parking spaces. The buffer gives people biking more room and makes the experience for people of all ages and abilities more comfortable.

Separated/ Protected Bike Lane

Separated bike lanes have physical barriers that separate it from travel lanes and bicycles can ride in one or both directions. The lane or cycle track may either be at street level with a parking lane or other barrier between the cycle track and the vehicle travel lane, or raised to provide vertical separation from the vehicle travel lane.


We want your input! Please fill out the following comment map and survey to provide feedback on key needs and opportunities on U.S. 20 and OR 34.