Oh, hear the angel voices: Sweet Home second-graders write letters to Santa

Here are letters to Santa composed by local second-graders in the classes listed. As is our custom, they are reproduced here without editing.

Brittany Brownell’s Second-Grade Class

Dear Santa,
I want a Hwan Rudolph? How do you Make toys? I want a fuzzy blanket for Christmas. I want a cat Coloring book. I want a Book for Christmas too. I hope you have MerryaChristmas.
Love, JaclYn

Dear Santa
Thnk you for all that ou do I want a LOL doll. I want a handfoot massagr. How is Rudolh? Do you wat something for Christmas? Can you thank you elves for me? Thank you santa!
Love Reinezmay

Dear Santa,
With all that you do! Are you actually real? Thank you for my dirt bike last year! I would like dirt bike gear this yeat! I would like weights too! I hope nothing goes wrong for you this year.
Love Alex

Dear Santa,
I want a fuZZY Kitten please and a Logging Kit please. How is Rudalph? How are the elves? Hows the toy maKing going? I Love you Santa
Love Easton

Dear Santa
Can I ever thank you? XO You are the Best!!! I love you so much!!!! I want a video game. How do you do this in one day and eat the cookies and drink the milk 🙂
Thanks Saferia

Dear Santa,
Thank you for that you do! I hope you enjoy your cookies. How is the North pole? Do you want something for Christmas I want a toy car. I hope you have a Merry Christmas
Love, Damian

Dear Santa,
How is Rudolph? I hope you I want a fuzzy blanket. Enjoy your cookies this year. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I want a barbie tooo!
Love, Aria

Dear Santa,
I want a XboX game. I want PS4 too. Do you want something for Christmas. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. How is Rudoph?
Love Landon

Dear Santa,
Merry Christmss antp. I want a Plushy for Christmas. How is Rudolph? We will Make Cookies for you. I also want a squishy! I aslo want to PS5.
Love, Luke

Dear Santa,
How mrs. claus doing? Hows rudop I want a susmallow for christmas. I want a fuzzy blanket for christmas. Doing is good up there Thank you Santa!
Love Carlee

Dear Santa,
Thank you for all that you do! How is Rudolph? I hope you enjoy your cookies. I want a guitar. I want a suprise. I hope you have a christmas!
Love Gayson

Dear Santa Claus,
How is Rudolph? I want a fuzzy kittin. I want cars. How ae you doing do you want a present? I want my family to be all togeter for christmas. I want a squishmallow. I want a BarBie doll and a BaBy doll.
Thank you Santa Claus
Love Haidyn

Dear Santa
Do you want something for Christmas I Love you to the moon and back. I want a fuzzy blanket.I want a hug from you. Whats your favorite color? Merry Christmas!
Love, Alayna

Dear Santa,
How is Rudolph? Do u like my cookies. I made you cookiees. Do your have elves? Do you have cats? I want a squishmallow for christmas!
Love Ivy

Dear Santa,
Do you want something for Christmas? I love your long beard. I love that are so kind! I love my presents from last year. I want 3 pennies and apes 4 for christmas.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Love, Colby

Dear Santa,
How is Rudolph I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I hope you have fun. I want a cat Plushy. I love you Santa! Do you want some thing for christmas? Thank you Santa!
Love, Devon

Dear Santa.
I Like my Presensts from Christmas Last year! How is Rudolph? I hope you have a Merry Christmas! I love Christmas! Do you like Cookies? I want a toy Bingo. Thank you Santa!
Love Bella

Dear Santa,
Tankyoufor the presents! I want the lion hugger for Christmas. How is Rudolph? What do you like to do for Christmas? How is mrs clause? I want you to have a good christmas!
Love, Niklaus

Dear Santa,
Thank you for all that you do!
How is Rudolph? How is Mrs Claus doing? Are your elves working well Santa? What I want for Christmas is a hatchimal I also want everybody to have a Merry Christmas!
Thank you!
Love, Audrey

Back after three years of a COVID-19-related hiatus, Foster School teachers and staff perform their humorous “teacher” version of the “Twelve Days of Christmas,” in which each verse starts with the words, “On the (number) day of Christmas, my teacher said to me…”

Samantha Miller’s Second-Grade Class

Dear Santa,
I want a haverboard and a goart Please. And a drifting RC Car. And a Oculus and Monster trucks and a jeep with a boat. And a 3rd remote controler.
Love Brennen

Dear Santa,
I want a red bike. I want speakable. I want a Tv. Ive been good but get in trouble with my brothers on chimesi asogotir
Love Chance

Dear Santa,
I want 2 huggers. And I want a tablet. And I want an electric skateboard Sonic.

Dear Santa,
I wish for a tv I been bad and I like staying with my family. And like my class and math. I wish I can spend the night with Clayton.
Love, Logan

Dear Santa,
PS Five Iphone for teens toys close shoes airpops bike nerfgun stufee socks books
love Dante

Dear Santa,
I want a new dog for christmas. I want a four wheeler. I been sort of good.
Love Walker

Dear Santa,
I would like a PS5 a PS4 and 3 and a nintendo 64 and Supr smash bros and Iuegi machin and a new nintindo and I’ve been rilly good.
XOXO Parick

Deai Sata,
I want a sqismelo. I want a kebord. I want a fluffy pelo. I want my bruther back. I want a hoveboerd. I want a cat. I want a hamster.
Love Emerie

Dear Santa,
Poppy playtime please. I want to Have fan in my new school.
Pouers I go to hawaii have a Yas dae
XOXO Theodore

Dear Santa
Have I been good or bad Santa? I love you Santa! If you can make a hover bord can I have one? Santa you’re so so cool. Can I have a new blanket. I know you and god love me!
Love, Megan

Dear Santa,
I have been good. I want a Squishmalla, I want a hatchimal. I hope you have a good Christmas. I want a hugger I want a horse set.
Love Aunna

Dear Santa,
I love you SANTA SANTA
Please give me a nintedo Switch Please santa I have been a good
Love Clayton

Dear Santa
I wud like a dron and a ps 5 and a skatbord and roller skats and my frends to come and stae the nite.
From Mickey

Dear Santa,
I know that giving is better than reciving but can I have these things please here is a list: tomagachi android phone dogman seiries elf on them Shelf new winter boots a desk dresses a mini fridge for my room & that it i’m sorry if it to much 🙂
Love Scarlett

Dear Santa,
I really really want a puppy please Santa pleasde and I want a hoverbard please.
Love Bayley

Deai Santa
I want a slimbox. I want a laptop. I want a xbox. I want a doll. I want a Ulecsu. I been a little bad but can I have presents.
Love Avery

Dear Santa
I want my borther to hang out with my dad for Christmas. I want it to snow on Christmas.
Love Mateo

Dear Santa,
I have been good at School Iwant toee you. I want a house key with a unicorni. I want unicorn clothes.
Love Everleigh

Hawthorne first-graders sing “Up on the Housetop” during the school’s Christmas program Tuesday, Dec. 13, at the Sweet Home High School Auditorium.

Summer Anderson’s Second/Third Grade Class

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for a xbox seriesx,oculas quest 2, sniper nerf gun,I would rellY like a parrot, A new bedsheet and pillow. stool so I can reach high things, if you can a ring for my mom and dad because they recentlY got married.
From, Tristian

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for a mini car and a VR headset.
From, Sylus

Dear Santa,
This YearI wish for a Omg remix siPer ‘SurPrise’ 13000 v Bucks and APhmau Plush toy.
From, Jordynn

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for my mom to have eveything she wants Please.
From, Keegan

Dear Santa,
This Year I wish for a VR headset. I asked for a VR headset for 2 years and never got a VR headset.
From, Nathan

Dear Santa,
This year I wish to see my cat’s I used to have, because I Chunkie and the other one is named Littlefoot but we gave her away and the people renamed her Wednsday.
From, VeraLynn

Dear Santa,
This year I wish For Aphmau collectible PLUSh and MoneY.
From, Dakota

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for elfs one for me one for my sister.I want a lego Circus set. I hope you and the elfs are Doing well.
From, Abbielyn

Dear Santa,
-1 This year I wish for a xdox -2 acomputer a play stayshon 6 -3 and action figurs -4 I Would also like Lankydox Plushies -5 and 13,000 rodux
From, Braydon

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for a vr headset Inever had This and would like To try It.
From, Cole

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for our generation, yay! Spa day set Please. I hope all is good at the North Pole.
From, Penelope

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for a Bluey house and wlkietalkie. and some doll houses But Pls have them Be small. Please and thank u! and Pls sa thank u to the elf’s for Makeing the toys! thank U Much.
From, Bailey

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for a remote control Grave Diger that is water Proof and is an atamatic.
From, Logan

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for Some action figUres I would also liK some legos and this game called left for dead and if you dont get it for me its oK.
From, Kortez

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for an American girl 18 inch. doll ClO thes and shoes. I want a girl ElF on the shelf.
Have a good year.!
From, Amelia

Dear Santa,
I Want a big Barbie dream houSe for my barbie’s. because I really Love Playing with them. Thank you so much!!
From Brooklynne

Dear Santa,
Dear Santa, I Colby Wish For Mine craft For My XBOX thank you.
From, colby

Dear Santa,
This year I wish for a Roblox giftcard when I first played RobloX it was so fun I love Playing RObloX
withmy friends in foot ball fusion 2 with my best friend.
From, Keil

Michelle Hatchard’s Second-Grade Class

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a Barbie house.
From Rory

Dear Santa,
I want for Christmas this year for you to help my family this year, is for my auntie Jen Jen to not get biroken up with her boyfriend. I want my grandma to not quit her job, My auntie DD to keep this jod, my grandpa to be a chef. My mom sister and biruther are doing giate! I Love, you Santa!
From, Finlee

Dear Santa,
a pet puppy, a gumball machine a nice one.
From, Lincoln

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wish for Heely. I wish that my mom is going to like present. Anyways I also want a mimifridge and a gameboy and a box of gum.
From, Ezre

Dear Santa,
I would like a beanbag chair and a new vanity with a mirror and a big Squish mellow and a phone and I wish that I can go to Disneyland with my family. Love Aubry. I Love santa
From, Aubrey

Dear Santa,
For christmas I wish for a phonecase with yellow flowers on it please and snow so I can make a snowman please. Also a black clock please and I wish that my dad did not have to work on Christmas,
From, Avery

Dear Santa,
I wish for a cat, an ATV and for snow.
From, Piper

Dear Santa,
I want a new cat and a AtAH and a bike. I wish I could See my cat one more time I wish I could see my weiner dog more time.
From, Mac

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wish for a dirt bike.
From, Elijah

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wish for a fire truck, an ATV, a dirt bike and an oculus.
From, Joshua

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wish for aone ten and a gocart. i want these really bad because on the motorized Vehicle i Will drive it on the farm everyday.
From, Braxton

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wish for a megaphone, mini fridge and a Clock.
From, Cohen

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wish for a magical book and I wish for a phone.
From, Elsie

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wish for a minifridge, Octopus stuffed animal, a clock, Heelys and a blak and brown guinea pig.
From, Kimberlee

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wish for a Barbie dream house and Heelys,
From, Ellie

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wish for Barbie House anb a Kitten Oculus I wish my bunny didnt die!
From, Emilia

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wish for 2 orylusis, a minifridge and a megaphone and a iPhane 13 and a mini car and my own Desk thet I can Do homework on.
From, Kinley

Dear Santa,
I wish that I could have a mini fridge and a Iphone, my mom does not have money please can I have one present!!!
From, Drew

Dear Santa,
I really want to be able to see my Grandma’s dog one more time wat I want to an a oculus.
From, Asher

Dear Santa,
I Know that Christmas is your favorite Thing dut I don’t like presents ore than my family. I Wish for a minifridge and I want want a Nintendo switch.
From, Jaya

Dear Santa,
I wish for a huver Bourod And Heelys And a baby cat And a baby bunny And a minifridge And a Santa myg for my DaD And my mom And thre more huver Bourod And a lag tog And a cumgyouter And a rodot that ogers its mawth.
From, Olivia

Dear Santa,
I wish for a new bike and a squishmallow a squid stuff animal and a cat and a water bottle and matchies woesies for my family and my baby sister and dad and grandparents.
From, Abbigail

Dear Santa,
I hope You are keeping my ELF Safe. I also want a oculus made.

The Grinch makes an appearance at Holley Elementary School’s Dec. 14 “I’ll Be Gnome for Christmas” sing-along production at Sweet Home High School Auditorium. Photo by Benny Westcott

Tenille Sayer’s Second-Grade Class

Dear Santa,
Santa is true that Rudolph has a red nose? For Christmas I want my family to be happy for christmas please. For christmas I want a Gabby dollhouse for christmas please. I love my elf fizbe Santa thank you Santa!!
Your friend Brylee

Dear Santa,
You are good I can make sum cookies and MiLk and carrots for You randeers can I have a keybod and a camra I hope you like thes cookies and the milk

Dear Santa,
I would like lots of books please. And a coloring book. And somecoloring pencils. I would like some schleich. I have been good if you even wated to know. I need a electric hand warmer.
Love Stevie

Dear Santa,
I would like a squishmallow please. How does your reindeer fly?Merry Christmas Santa.
Sincerely, Dreydi

Oak Heights sixth-graders perform “A Pirate’s Christmas,” which was presented by Mindie Medina’s class in the school gym on Dec. 15 with back-up from Cheryl Jones’ third-grade class.

Laurel Adams’ Second-Grade Class

Dear Santa,
I have been very good. I let my dogs out, I help my mom, and I am even a self manager in school. What I want for Christmas is F.N.A.F plushies, action figures and Mystery Minis.
From, Kolton

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is candy and hatchimals. I hope I’m on the nice list! Hope you have a goodd day. Thank you!
From Cayson

Dear Santa,
I hope I’m on the good list Santa! I only want 1 thing for Christmas. A pack of vmax pokemon cards! You are the best!
From, Robert

Dear Santa,
I have been good this year. I help my mom. I help my nana. I helpout with my dog. I am also Kind to my dogs. All I want chrristmas is an iphone 13, Squish mallows a hoverboard and a lava lamp. I lava (love) you.
From, Laila

Dear Santa,
I can’t wait for you to come. I do my homework. I love you, can I get a Nana Doll and Uno cards for christmas?
From, Shalynn

Dear Santa,
I want a new bike. I want some new dolls. I want a hover board. I will take car of it. I want some new school clothes. I help my mom some times. I help my dad too. I hope I am on the nice list. You are the best Santa.
From, Quinn

Dear Santa,
I want to have a Guinea Pig, Squishmallow, LeDlights, puppy food and Clothes for my puppy. I also want to have shoes. I help people with dishes and clean the house up and I am kind to my Elf on the Shelf. I aslo would like rollar skate shoes please?
From, Taytum

Dear Santa,
(You are the best present giver)
I should be on the nice list because I am very nice to others, I do my homework, I am on task, and I help clean my room.

Dear Santa,
I want a go cart for Christmas, a lava lamp, and a puppy. I know my parents said no. I promise I will take care of it.
From, Caleb

Dear Santa,
I love you you are the best. For christmas. I amt a pokemon ball led lights, a tech deck skate park, a lava lamp, a new bike Amongus plushies. Fortnight plushies, a vr too please! I love you santa I have bee good this year! Merry Christmas 🙂
From Colter

Dear Santa,
I have been nice this year. I wish for a phone and F.N.A.F toy. I want it because it is cool.
From Liam

Dear Santa,
Why I think I should be on the nice list is because I help my mom mow the lawn and I help clean the house. I also help feed my dog. I would like a squishmallow, army men, hot wheels, and a shelf. I love yoou so much Santa.
From, Logan

Dear Santa,
I have been nice this year. I am trying and I am doing my Best. I would like make up and a family playset. I would also like some candy and love.
From, Isabelle

Dear Santa,
Dear Santa, I want Fortnite on a Nintentdo a war mask. And Fortnite action figures.
From, Lawson

Dear Santa,
Dear Santa, I hope Iam on the nice list because I am kind to others. What I Want for chrismas is a foot ball water bottle, a phone family pictures and sweatshirts.
From. Leyton

Dear Santa,
I help my teacher and my mom and dad. I listen to my teacher. I want a Squishmallow and Ryan Egg. I also want a LOL doll. You’re yhe best.
From, Freyja

Dear Santa,
I love you Santa, I’ve been very good this year. What I want for christmas is a hoverboard, I will take care of it. L.E.D. Lights, Polemon, Cookies, guinea pig, xbox, controller and Nerf war.
From, Tyler

Dear Santa
I should be on the nice list because I help my mom mow the lawn. I help my mom take are of the dog. I let the dog out side, and I am kind to others. I want green slime, I want a small green robotic snake, I want a big green robotic snake, and I want a scooter.
From, Isaiah

Foster first-graders sing during their Christmas Program Friday, Dec. 16.

Jesse Fipps’ Second-Grade Class

Dear Santa,
I want and xbox, lot of stuffed animals and Lego city sets, and chase of from paw patrol from mighty pups.
Love, Jeremy

Dear Santa,
I want a model train for christmas.
Love Arash

Dear Santa,
I would like a Jumbo boo boo corn. I would like a slime kit. I would like a Squishmallow.
Love, Tylie

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a toy pony that I an ride with a barn and a baby yoda blanket.
Love, Rena

Dear Santa,
I would like a headset and a controller and pokemon cards and a sonice backpack.
Love, Chase

Dear Santa,
I want a baby turtle and a bunny and a puppy for Christmas.
Love, Sawyer

Dear Santa,
I would like a puppy and MiniFridge for Chrirstmas.
Love, Junior

Dear Santa,
I want a bunny toys a cat that cant me, a cell phone please 100,10 rocks, I wish for snow and a phone case.
Love, Nova

Dear Santa,
I would like a lot of barbie dolls to go with my barbie Dream house
Love, Alexis

Dear Santa,
I want a new stuffed cat for Christmas. I want a new bike, a xbox console.
Love, Opie

Dear Santa,
I wud like a baby yoda plushy and a figit and I wud like a baby yoda blankete and a stuft Bear.
Love, Magdalena

Dear Santa,
I want a iphone s.e mini and call of Duty for my Ninteado switch.
Love, Brylee

Dear Santa,
I would like a remote control car and a iphone.
Love Flynn

Dear Santa,
I would like a toy tank and a new keyboard an a Pc mouce and a toy mech.
Love, Ronin

Dear Santa,
Please I want a switch and a phone case and mario Kart game andd the Legend of zelda.
Love, Hanah

Dear Santa,
I want a phone for christ mas and remote control car and some drums. A NERF gun ALSO
Love, Izaiah

Dear Santa,
I wouldlike a dirt bike a phone, a scooter, some figits and a motorcycle
Love, Huntyr