
OSU Science Pub to focus on challenge of using robots to pick fruit


Oregon State University research that seeks to overcome the challenge of teaching a robot to pick fruit will be the topic of Oregon State University’s Science Pub event at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1.

The free event, which can be attended in person at the Old World Deli in Corvallis or viewed online, will feature a presentation by Joe Davidson, an assistant professor of robotics in the OSU College of Engineering.

While the production of row crops has long been heavily mechanized, the fresh market tree fruit industry still relies on large, seasonal workforces, Davidson notes.

In his Science Pub talk, Davidson will describe why it has been so difficult for robots to work in orchards, especially harvesting fruit. He also will summarize ongoing research at Oregon State on teaching robots to pick apples.

Registration is required to attend Science Pub in person or to view it online at www.eventbrite.com/e/science-pub-corvallis-virtual-tickets-439857444457..