Police, firefighters honored for helping victims of fire

Lebanon Fire Chief Gordon Sletmoe presented three police officers with commendations Wednesday during the regular City Council meeting on Nov. 14. 

Justin McCubbins received a Meritorious Conduct Award. Sletmoe presented a Unit Citation Award to McCubbins, Alan Baker and Eric Schoen. 

McCubbins assisted Lt. Brett Kibble in removing an elderly female from a second-floor window in a burning apartment building on Sept. 16, Sletmoe said. They moved the ladder and rescued another female whose only means of egress had been cut of by the fire. 

Kibble left to assist a third female who had jumped out of a second-story window, breaking her leg.

Sletmoe presented a Meritorious Conduct Award to Kibble Tuesday evening, Nov. 13. 

The Unit Citation Award was related to the same incident, where “teamwork displayed that morning was critical in the successful rescue of two victims, treatment of a third victim and the suppression of the fire,” Sletmoe said. “Without this teamwork, the fire had potential to grow and spread to other units in the area and potentially further harm the occupants.”

Firefighters received the award Nov. 14. They were Battalion Chief Nick Tyler, Lt. Michael Maynard, Engineer Stacy Porchia, firefighter Casey Topp, firefighter Jamin Hooley, firefighter Nichols Unruh, firefighter Bryce Maclennan, firefighter Benjamin Walton and intern Beth Kobza.

To see a video of the presentation, visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=XopeNZGdikI&feature=youtu.be