The Patriot’s Day was held Wednesday, Sept. 11, at the Circle of Flags, next to Boulder Falls Event Center.
EAGLE SCOUT Teagan Maloney stands proud for his country while Major Derrick Sorweide speaks about overcoming adversity.
VETERANS from the Oregon Veterans Home in Lebanon wait for the ceremony to begin at the roundabout near Boulder Falls Event Center.
SPEAKING ABOUT OVERCOMING ADVERSITY is Major Derrick Sorweide, US Army, who is a professor of family medicine at COMP-NW.
THE LEBANON HIGH SCHOOL CHAMBER CHOIR performs a song, with Kevin Wong conducting.
LFD members raise the flag on a ladder truck.
Fire Chief Gordon Sletmoe, right, watches from the podium as the ringing of the bells is performed. The ceremony indicates the end of an alarm, and is used also to indicate a comrade has come home for the last time. It is performed as a tribute to a firefighter’s life and service after they have passed away.
Police and Boy Scouts surround the Patriot’s Day ceremony while U.S. Army Major Derrick Sorweide speaks about overcoming adversity.
CITIZENS AND CREW from the fire department encircle the Patriot’s Day ceremony Sept. 11 while Sam Thompson, of Lebanon High School, recounts the events that took place on 9/11.
Retired Tangent Fire Chief Scott Casebolt, left, plays “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes during the end of the Patriot’s Day ceremony for 9/11.
American Legion Department of Oregon Commander Steve Adams, left, and Jim Willis pay respect during a moment of silence.
DAVID DOMINY, with Praise in 3D, sings “God Bless the USA” while David Solomon, far left, and Gordon Sletmoe, center, stand during the closing of the Patriot’s Day ceremony Sept. 11.