Residents escape burning home


Two Lebanon residents and their pets escaped a rapid-moving fire in their single-story home early Tuesday morning, Oct. 2.

The Lebanon Fire District received a report of a house fire at 12:53 a.m. Tuesday, and units were on the scene in the 400 block of 12th Street within 30 seconds. Firefighters used an offensive attack to extinguish the fire in the rear of the house, which had spread into the attic space and through the roof in the back of the home. Crews then quickly accessed the attic space to extinguish the fire and check for extension.

Two adult residents were home at the time and both escaped without injury, according to a Lebanon Fire District statement. The couple were able to bring their dog out with them, and firefighters later rescued their cat from inside the structure. All occupants were unharmed. The cause of the fire was undetermined at the time of the fire, but the Lebanon Fire Investigation Team will be gathering later thi s morning to begin a full investigation.

The residence did have working smoke alarms which notified the occupants of the fire. October is national Fire Prevention Month, and fire officials remind residents to check their smoke alarms every month and change the batteries twice a year.

“This is a prime example of why we want to make sure that every home has the proper number of smoke alarms and that people ensure that those smoke alarms work,” said Lebanon Division Chief Jason Bolen. “Working smoke alarms save lives, and tonight they saved this family from disaster.”

Homes should have a smoke alarm in each bedroom, one outside the sleeping areas, and at least one on each level of the house, including the basement. The Lebanon Fi

ors and install them properly.

For more information about fire safety or the LFD smoke alarm program visit or contact the Fire & Life Safety Division at (541) 451-1901.