Sheriff’s deputies write tickets for distracted driving

Linn County Sheriff’s deputies wrote a total of 55 citations during a week-long enforcement effort targeting distracted drivers in early April, Undersheriff Paul Timm reported last week.

The Sheriff’s Office participated in a nationwide enforcement effort April 8-15 for Distracted Driving Month.  Using Oregon Department of Transportation grant funds, putting additional deputies on the road to look for distracted drivers or other traffic violations.

Through that week, deputies participating in the event wrote a total of 55 citations, 11 of which were for distracted driving.  There were also 71 warnings given for a variety of traffic violations.

Although the enhanced enforcement event is over, deputies are always looking for distracted drivers or other traffic violators that risk themselves and others on the roadways.

“We are dedicated to traffic enforcement every day to ensure the safety of our local roadways,” Timm said.