WHEREAS, for more than 50 years, June has nationwide been celebrated as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ+) Pride Month in honour of the LGBTQ+ citizens that rose to fight for liberation from discriminatory laws at Stonewall in 1969; and
WHEREAS, the City of Lebanon recognizes the importance of equality and freedom; and
WHEREAS, the City of Lebanon is dedicated to fostering acceptance of all its residents and preventing discrimination and mistreatment based on sexual orientation or gender identity; and
WHEREAS, the City of Lebanon is strengthened by and thrives upon the rich diversity of ethnic, cultural, racial, gender and sexual identities of its residents; all of which contribute to the vibrant character of our city; and
WHEREAS, everyone should be able to live without fear of prejudice, discrimination, violence, and hatred based on race, ethnicity, religion, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, mental or physical disability, and to be supported by their peers, educators, and community leaders; and
WHEREAS, the City of Lebanon is a friendly and welcoming community that celebrates and promotes diversity and inclusion.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Paul Aziz, Mayor of Lebanon, Oregon declare June as PRIDE MONTH
in celebration of the many ways in which the history, culture, advancements, discoveries and achievements of LGBTQ+ Americans have contributed to the social fabric of this nation and this City of Lebanon.
Adopted by the Council the ____ day of May, 2022
Adoped by the Mayor the ____ day of May, 2022
THE CITY’S COMPROMISE to the proposal
WHEREAS, “the City that friendliness built” is the City’s motto that welcomes all people to our community, to signify the importance that all will experience a friendly community, whether passing through, or choosing to make Lebanon home; and
WHEREAS, Lebanon Oregon’s 2040 Vision recognizes that the community embraces its small town values, with a strategic vision to promote an inclusive and diverse community that welcomes and is compassionate to the needs of its members; and
Whereas, Lebanon’s small town values focus includes implementing programs and policies that are inclusive, welcoming, and sensitive to the diversity of the community; and
WHEREAS, Lebanon’s population, along with the rest of the State of Oregon, is becoming more diverse and this diversity is adding to the richness of the community; and
WHEREAS, supporting diversity in the community equates to allowing individuals to experience life in a safe, equitable space, and explore freedom of expression and individuality; and
WHEREAS, the city continues to grow, and with growth people of diverse backgrounds join the community, bringing an opportunity to promote our small town values by welcoming, supporting, and encouraging the individuality of all people that make the community the City that friendliness built.
WHEREAS, the Lebanon community desires our people to be curious about the world and ways we can make a difference in the lives of others and enhance our sense of community; and
WHEREAS, learning about the differences we have makes our social fabric richer and expands the opportunities for growth; and
WHEREAS, Pride Month represents a chance for everyone in Lebanon to embrace an opportunity to learn about different people.