U.S. Forest Service to host open house tonight on Quartzville-Middle Santiam Project activities

The Willamette National Forest is inviting members of the public to share ideas about future activities proposed for the Quartzville-Middle Santiam Project on the Sweet Home Ranger District.
An open house will be held Thursday, June 6, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the district office, 4431 Hwy. 20.
District staff will give short presentations about the about the proposed activities and answer questions.
“Public participation is vital to shaping this project,” said District Ranger Nikki Swanson. “We have some ideas, but we want to hear from people who consider Quartzville and Middle Santiam special places. Every comment and opinion will be taken into consideration as we develop projects in these areas.”
The project is in the pre-planning stage of the National Environmental Policy Act process. The project area encompasses 89,000 acres with roughly 8,400 acres proposed for vegetation management, including timber harvest.
Other activities proposed include restoration of threatened species, prescribed burning and other fuels treatment, invasive species management, improvements to recreation sites and road maintenance and decommissioning.
Contact Joanie Schmidgall, NEPA planner, at (541) 367-3809 for more information or for special accommodations.