What’s happening around town from Aug-Sept ’21

Summer Bands & Brews series

The annual Summer Bands & Brews series runs from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays at Strawberry Plaza, 847 S. Main St.
The park is located between Conversion Brewing and Hollywood Studio.
Performers include Gabriel Cox (Aug. 14), SOS (Aug. 21) and DTW (Aug. 28).
Admission is free, and food and drink will be available for purchase.

Legion plans car show in Albany

Albany American Legion Post 10 will host a car show from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 14, at 1215 SE Pacific Blvd., Albany.
Admission for spectators is free. For more details, contact Marland at (541) 974-5607 or Denise at (541) 760-4698.

Concerts in the Park continue

Lebanon’s Concerts in the Park series continues this year, with performances running from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at Ralston Park. Performances will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at Ralston Park, 925 Park St.
Scheduled performances include Rachael and the Rain Kings (Aug. 17), Grand Jazz and Swing Bands (Aug. 24) and Cashmere and Choas (Aug. 31).
Admission is free. Concertgoers are advised to provide their own seating.

Citywide yard sale event set Aug. 21

A citywide garage sale presented by Lebanon Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Entek will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 21.
Interested parties can pay $20 to advertise sales and list them on the master map.
Sign-ups are available at lebanon-chamber.org/. For more information, call (541) 258-7164.

Nitrate screening clinic scheduled

Oregon State University Extension has added a second Lebanon location for free nitrate screenings of local well water.
The event will be held at the Lebanon Farmers Market, on the corner of Main and Grant streets, on Thursday Aug. 19, from 2 to 6 p.m.
Look for the OSU signs to find the booth at the location.
A portion of the Southern Willamette Valley has been designated as a Groundwater Management Area by the Department of Environmental Quality due to high levels of nitrate in well water. This contaminate can lead to many health risks such as the rare blue-baby syndrome in infants, thus it is crucial to test for this regularly in homes with infants and pregnant women.
In order to get a free nitrate screening bring half a cup of unfiltered well water in a clean cup. The test will only take about 10 minutes if the clinic is not busy. There will be various educational resources available concerning nitrate, other contaminants, and other well and septic related topics.
For additional information on well water and septic systems, free Rural Living Basics classes other nitrate screening events, visit the OSU Extension Service website
extension.oregonstate.edu/benton or for more information call 541-766-3556.
Free nitrate screening clinics will also be held from 1 to 5 p.m. Friday, July 30, at Waterloo City Hall, 31140 First St., and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 7, at the Scio Saturday Market, at the Scio Event Center.
For additional information on well water and septic systems and free Rural Living Basics classes other nitrate screening events, call 541-766-3556 or visit http://extension.oregonstate.edu/benton.

Library group holds book sale

Friends of the Lebanon Public Library return with a used book sale from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 21, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.
Proceeds support the programs through the local library.

Music, food at Aug. 26 benefit

Southern Crossing, with Jobe Woosley and Co., will headline a Live at the Square fundraiser for the Willamette Valley Walk to End Alzheimer’s, beginning at 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 26, in Academy Square, just east of the Lebanon Library, 55 Academy St.
Gates open at 5 p.m., with music starting at 6 p.m.
The event is put on by The Oaks, with sponsorship help from Gillott Home Team, Weyerhaeuser, Willamette Community Bank and Amerititle. Admission is free, but a beer garden, hosted by Conversion Brewing, will be available, along with food for purchase from J&C BBQ, Foodology and Papa’s Homemade Ice Cream.
Cash and card donations to the Willamette Valley Walk to End Alz-heimer’s will be accepted.
Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy the show.

First Friday to be wine and art walk

Lebanon Downtown Association will hold a “First Friday Wine and Art Walk” from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 3, in the downtown business district. The theme is “Flare of the Caribbean.”
The monthly First Friday is held downtown at various times. Upcoming themes include “Dungeons & Dragons” (Oct. 1), “Honor to Courage” (Nov. 5) and “Yuletide Christmas” (Dec. 3).
There is no cost to participate. For more information, contact Cassie Cruze at (971) 777-3934.

Golf tourney to fund scholarships

The Enliven Foundation will hold a Putt Putt Poker golf fundraiser Saturday, Aug. 28, at Pineway Golf Course.
Event proceeds will fund educational grants for single parents who are seeking to achieve academic goals.
Cost is $250 for a team of four. A cart costs $25 extra and if a caddie is desired, that’s $100.
Registration is at 8 a.m. at the golf course. The tournament will be a nine-hole scramble format with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. Lunch is included and a barbecue will be served at the finish.
For information, contact Becky at (541) 409-2537.

Suicide awareness walk set Sept. 4

A Community Walk for Suicide Prevention and Awareness will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 4, at Ralston Park.
Sponsored by Lebanon Area Mental Health Alliance, the event will include information and a walk through downtown Lebanon to promote suicide prevention and awareness.
To register, visit lamha.org or register on-site at 9 a.m. in the park.

BBQ block party, cancer fundraiser

Topline Auto and J&C BBQ are hosting a block party and fundraiser for Rialee Roth, a local girl who is battling Hodgkin’s lymphoma, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 11, at 910 and 940 S. Main St., Lebanon.
The event includes a sanctioned BBQ Steak Competition (qualifier for the World SCA Championship in Texas) and a Classic Car Show. Other activities include a corn hole tournament, shaved ice, mechanical bullriding, a whole animal cooking demonstration and lots of food and drinks.
Information and registration forms for both the corn hole tournament and the car show are available at www.facebook.com/jcbbqlebanon/events. Scroll to the block party announcement and click on “Discussion.”
Fundraiser proceeds will help the Roth family with the financial burden that they face with the cost of treatments that are not covered by insurance and other costs associated with Rialee’s experience.

Register for BLT Poker Fun Run

Build Lebanon Trails has scheduled its first-ever Poker Fun Run, a fundraising event that promotes the city’s trail system while respecting social-distancing, on Saturday, Sept. 11, at Cheadle Lake Park, 37941 Weirich Drive, Lebanon.
Event registration runs from 9 to 11:30 a.m., with poker-hand judging at 1:30 p.m.
Individuals and families are encouraged to participate, and may walk, run, stroll, skate, bike, roll and bring well-behaved canine companions in the event.
The route includes opportunities to visit 10 “poker dealers” at various Lebanon Trail System locations, all of which will be on fully accessible portions of the trails within the Lebanon city limits. “Dealer” locations open at 9:10 a.m. and close at 1 p.m. Poker hands must be turned in at 1:30 p.m.
First-, second- and third-place prizes will be awarded in three age categories: 4-17, 18-40 and 41 and older.
The cost to participate is $5 per hand or $20 for five hands, with a maximum of 20 hands per player or participant.
For more information, visit buildlebanontrails.com.

Bridges, Bikes and Brews hits Scio

The Scio Fairgrounds and Event Center is holding its inaugural Bridges, Bikes and Brews event on Saturday, Sept. 18.
Event registration and check-in runs from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the Bike Tour Desk, which will be located at the fairground’s pavilion, 38999 NE First Ave., Scio. Fairground activities run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The day include a covered-bridge biking event, guided van tours, live music, food trucks, local breweries and more. The bicycling event itself covers 22 miles of country landscape on 200 feet of elevation, three historic covered bridges, first-aid and water stations, and a free gift for the first 100 participants.
Riders are asked to bring a water bottle, spare tube, helmets, tire-changing tools and sunscreen. They will also be required to sign a liability release statement before registration.
For more information and to register, visit https://scioevents.com/bridges-bikes-and-brews.

Free class about native pollinators

The Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener program is offering a series of free virtual monthly classes, The Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series, which will be broadcast via Zoom webinar at 3 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month through November at extension.oregonstate.edu/mg/growing-oregon-gardeners-level-series.
Before the pandemic, this series would have been held in person solely as continuing education for Master Gardeners, but the webinar format allows the sessions to be offered to the public.
The content, taught by horticulture experts from around the state, is meant to address current issues like wildfires, climate change and pollinators.
Sept. 14’s topic is “Gardening with Native Plants for Pollinators.” Native plant gardening has been ranked as one of the top three landscape and garden trends over the past few years, in part because of the benefits that they offer to pollinators. This talk will share research conducted by the OSU Garden Ecology Lab about the connection between natives and pollinators, as well as provide recommendations for native plants for western Oregon gardeners.
The classes are free but registration is required. To make them accessible to those who cannot attend the live session, the classes will be recorded and available at extension.oregonstate.edu/mg/growing-oregon-gardeners-level-series for anyone to watch.
Register by clicking on the desired class, then hitting the “register” button.

Brewfest returns – at Cheadle Park

Lebanon Brewfest is back this year, with live bands, refreshing beverages for those so inclined, and lots of other goodies.
This year’s event will be held at Cheadle Park on Saturday, Sept. 18.
Starting at 1 p.m., the event will feature four bands: Rudolf Korv at 1:30 p.m., Inner Limits at 3 p.m., Adam Larson and Co. at 4:30 p.m. and Ty Curtis at 6:30 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to bring a chair or blanket and enjoy the shows.
Expected this year are 30 breweries, distilleries and wineries in addition to a curated selection of food trucks, local vendors, a family fun zone.
General admission tickets are $20, which includes three tasting tickets and a tasting glass. Additional tasting tickets will be available to those 21 or older. All attendees must present valid government ID at the gate. No exceptions.
Non-drinker admission is also available at $10 per person. Children under 12 are admitted free.
VIP admission, which includes six tasting tickets, a tasting glass, a festival lanyard and admission to a reserved VIP seating area (which includes complimentary snacks and a beverages for purchase at a full bar), are $45 each.
Proceeds from the event benefit programs for local children served by the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Santiam and other area nonprofits.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit brewfestlebanonor.com.
Volunteers are also needed. Those who volunteer are asked to work a 2½-hour shift. Those who do will receive a GA admission package to Brewfest – to be used following their shift. Volunteers who work the “late shift” or who don’t care to attend the event will receive a coupon good for $75 off a youth activity at the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Santiam.

Sign up for Oregon artists registry

Professional Oregon-based artists are encouraged to sign up for a statewide artists registry created by the Oregon Commission in partnership with The Ford Family Foundation.
The registry’s intent is to reach and connect as many Oregon artists as possible, including those who haven’t previously accessed funding programs. Once established, the registry will allow the commission and the Ford Family Foundation, as well as other funding partners, to distribute information about upcoming funding opportunities. It will also create more comprehensive data about Oregon artists for planning and advocacy purposes.
While the registry will remain open, artists are encouraged to sign up by Thursday, Sept. 30, to establish a base registry.
Applications are available online at https://bit.ly/3f8ddEi.