What’s happening in your community this month

OSU seeks cancer survivors for garden program

Oregon State University seeks eligible cancer patients for its “Hope Grows Here” project, a vegetable gardening and nutrition education program for the health and well-being of cancer survivors. If enough participants sign up, the program is expected to begin in April.

Hope Grows Here provides a four-week basic gardening course taught by master Gardeners, a community garden space to practice growing a vegetable garden, weekly gardening support from Master Gardener mentors, nutrition information and recipes from OSU experts, a complimentary set of personal gardening tools, a chance to earn a $50 incentive for participating in the program and a place to meet and interact with other cancer survivors learning to garden together.

For more information or to find out if you are eligible to participate, take the Hope Grows Here survey at beav.es/HGH-2023, in person at the Samaritan Cancer Resource Center (400 Hickory St. NW, Albany, or 501 NW Elks Drive, Corvallis), or by phone at (541) 812-5888 (Albany) or (541) 768-2171 (Corvallis).

Nominate a LHHS graduate

The Bud & Dorothy Page Lebanon High School Alumni Hall Fame is currently accepting applications for the 2023 Group of Inductees.
Do you know someone who has made significant achievements in the fields of arts and entertainment, science and medicine, business, humanitarian service and athletics?
In addition, an individual who may not have achieved professional recognition but whose life demonstrates high moral character and dignity, or who has demonstrated courage in overcoming extraordinary obstacles in life, may be nominated for Lifetime Achievement.
Now is the time to nominate them!
To be considered for induction into the Hall of Fame, the nominee* must have graduated from Lebanon High School at least 10 years ago and have demonstrated outstanding achievements in one of the following areas:

  • Medicine and science
  • Business and professional
  • Arts and entertainment
  • Humanitarian service
  • Athletics
  • Lifetime recognition

The Bud & Dorothy Page Hall of Fame committee is accepting applications until April 15 for next fall’s inductees. Fill out a nomination at: high-school.lebanon.k12.or.us/our-school/hall-of-fame/.

*Current employees of Lebanon Community School District are not eligible.

For more information, contact Chrissy Shanks at Lebanon High School at 541.451.8555 or email [email protected].

LFCAIRS to hold fundraiser

Lebanon Fire Community Assistance and Initial Relief Service and the Lebanon Fire District Stairclimb Team will hold a fundraiser for the LFCAIRS Burn Out Fund and to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
The Paint Night and Silent Auction will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24, at Brick Downtown Events, 794 S. Main St.
Makers Studio artists will guide fundraiser participants in creating their personal Cheadle Lake-inspired paintings. The silent auction, which will be held online, will feature locally sourced items.
Cost to participate is $40.
To sign up, visit https://bit.ly/3YkoGp0.

School board training set

Local Republicans will host a day of Leadership Institute training for prospective school board candidates at 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17, at Linn County Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Road E.
There is no charge to participate.
Food trucks will be on site, drinks and desserts will be available, and participants will have an opportunity to hear from author, producer and activist Rebecca Friedrichs of @4KidsandCountry, producer of “Whose Children Are They?”

Get your game on for Game Con

C3 Game Con, a tabletop gaming convention, will be held Friday and Saturday, Feb. 17 and 18, at the Corvallis Community Center, 2601 NW Tyler Ave.
Hours are 1 to 11 p.m Feb. 17 and 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Feb. 18.
The event will offer two days of playing games, cosplay and shopping at the vendor hall. Food and beverages will be available.
Expected guests include Critical Role’s Luis Carazo and game developer and voice actor Jason Larock.
A two-day badge is $18 or a one-day ticket is $12.
For more information, contact Teri at [email protected].

Square Circlers to hold workshop

Lebanon Senior Center will host a 20-week square-dance workshop from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesdays starting Feb. 21 and running through July 11.
The workshop is free, presented by the Lebanon Square Circlers.
Participants who attend the majority of the classes will learn skills that build on each other, and the movements necessary to square dance.
Sign up by Friday, Feb. 17, by calling (541) 258-4919.

Veteran pins to be presented

Veterans and surviving spouses, as well as members of the public, are invited to a presentation of Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pins, which will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 18, at the Sweet Home VFW Post, 580 Main St.
In 2012, the Congress, the Department of Defense, and President Obama signed off on the United States of America Commemoration: The Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin, which was minted to honor all who served our country, during this time period, at any posting. Recently, a new pin was minted to present to the surviving spouse of those veterans.
Members of the Northwest Scots Guard will present the pins at the ceremony. Light refreshments will be served following the presentation.
To RSVP, call (541) 367-4435 or email [email protected].

Fish conservation group to host banquet

The Linn/Benton County chapter of the Coastal Conservation Association of Oregon will host a banquet Saturday, March 11 at 4:30 p.m. at the Linn-Benton Community College Event Center, 6500 Pacific Blvd., Albany.
CCA is a non-profit advocacy group for salmon, steelhead and other fish of the northwest to “give voice to this precious resource that cannot defend itself against destruction.” CCA is comprised of 17 coastal state chapters spanning the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Its influence is felt through state capitals, U.S. Congress and in the conservation and restoration of our coastal marine resources.
CCA has been active in virtually every national fisheries debate since 1984 and has participated productively in state and federal fisheries management issues for longer than two decades. CCA continues to operate as a three-tiered organization, affecting issues on the local, state and national levels. For more information, visit ccaoregon.org.
Ticket prices for the banquet are: $75 per individual, $130 per couple, $45 per youth (17 and under), $575 per table of eight. For more information and to register, visit www.ccaoregon.org/LinnBentonCounty.

Frontier Heritage Fair returns

The Frontier Heritage Fair returns Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 18-19, to the Lane County Fairgrounds, 796 W. 13th Ave., Eugene.
Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.
Sponsored by the Fort Umpqua Muzzleloaders of Springfield, the event will focus on the pre-1898 period, including mountain men, the Civil War and the Old West.
It will feature artifacts and replicas on display and for sale. A special exhibit will feature Oregon’s prehistory and displays representing the Hudson’s Bay Company, Fort Umpqua in Elkton, the Applegate Trail, the Free Emigrant route and Northwest Coast native art.
Also included will be children’s activities, plenty of muzzleloaders and equipment, and lots of period gear, music, replicas, clothing, leather goods, etc.
Admission is $5; but children 12 and under are free when accompanied by an adult.
For more information, call (541) 689-4281 or (541) 746-1819.

After 5 event to talk about scams

After 5 Connection will hold its monthly dinner and program from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21, at Ma’s Restaurant, 2416 S. Santiam Hwy., Lebanon.
Lebanon Police Department community policing officer Dala Johnson will lead “Heads Up: Watch Out, It May Be a Scam,” which covers how scammers use the Internet or telephones to trick people into sending money or giving out personal information. She will share tips for electronic device safety.
Guest speaker Stephanie Carmichael, of Seal Rock, will relate her experiences which led her to write a book, “Victory over Cancer and Fear.”
Cost is $18, which includes everything. Credit cards cannot be accepted and reservations are required.
To RSVP, contact Sherri at (541) 258-6414 or Nancy at (541) 259-1396 or by email at [email protected].

Samaritan scholarships

The Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital Auxiliary is accepting applications for its scholarship program.
The group allocates $5,000 to fund scholarships every year and residents, of east Linn County are invited to apply.
To qualify, applicants must live in Brownsville, Cascadia, Crabtree, Crawfordsville, Foster, Halsey, Lacomb, Lebanon, Scio, Shedd, Sweet Home or Waterloo.
Applicants must be attending college and have completed at least one term in an accepted medical program.
To apply, submit a packet including the following information: an official transcript including fall term 2022 grades, a one- to two-page typed statement discussing the pursuit of goals for a health-field degree, an optional explanation of any special circumstances that will help the scholarship committee make a fair evaluation (optional) and a signed and dated letter of recommendation.
Mail completed applications to: Scholarship Chair / Auxiliary Volunteer Services Office, P.O. Box 739, Lebanon, OR 97355.
Completed applications, including transcripts, must be received by the Lebanon Community Hospital volunteer office no later than 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22.
Late or incomplete applications or transcripts will not be considered. Electronic transcripts must be sealed and received directly from the institution. Scholarship recipients will be announced by Tuesday, March 14.
For more information, visit samhealth.org/scholarships or call (541) 451-7062.

Watershed group to screen film

The South Santiam Watershed Council will host a screening of the hour-long film “UPRIVER” at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, at Barsideous Brewing, 644 S. Main St.
The film highlights river conservation efforts throughout the Willamette River basin and was made by local film makers at Freshwaters Illustrated. The event is free and includes a question-and-answer session with the filmmakers.
Donations will be accepted and food and drink will be available for purchase. All ages are welcome.

Workshop set on scanners

David Devin will present a workshop on scanners during a Lebanon Genealogy Society meeting at 12:30 p.m. Friday, March 3, at Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St.
Devin will discuss the use of scanners and how to divide your pictures in groups. Participants who own laptops and scanners are encouraged to bring them.
Some scanners will be available for use.
There is no charge for admission.
The session is expected to last about two hours, so participants are welcome to bring a snack and drink.

Library to host Giant Bag Sale

Friends of the Lebanon Public Library will hold a Giant $5 Bag Sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, at the library, 55 Academy St..
All genres are available, from children’s to Westerns to mysteries and romance, as well as a large nonfiction selection of nonfiction. Fill a bag with books for $5.
Credit/debit cards are accepted on purchases of $5 and up.
Proceeds support the Lebanon Public Library.

Register to learn about marijuana

A free Samaritan Health Services and Linn Together virtual training, “New & Trending Marijuana Products,” will be offered from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23.
The presentation, meant for clinicians, educators, law enforcement and other interested community members, is facilitated by Jermaine Galloway, who worked in Idaho law enforcement for more than 18 years.
His various assignments included alcohol compliance and enforcement, crime scene investigation and DUII task forces.
To date, he has trained more than 650,000 people in the U.S. and internationally.
To register, visit www.eeds.com/live/792926.
For additional information, contact Cindy Coke at [email protected].

Seedy Tuesday scheduled Feb. 28

The Santiam Food Alliance will hold Seedy Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, at Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St.
The free event will include a seed swap, an introduction to the Seed Library hosted by the Lebanon Library, brief presentations on plants whose seeds are on offer, an advice table staffed by Master Gardeners, and an information table for the Lebanon Garden Club.
Seedy Tuesday is co-sponsored by the library, the Garden Club and Linn County Master Gardeners.
Participants are encouraged to bring envelopes and a pen, and any seeds, commercial or gathered, that they would like to share, and take samples of others’ seeds. Well-wrapped plants, tubers and bulbs are welcome.
For more information about the event or about the Santiam Food Alliance, contact Linda Ziedrich at (503) 707-1539.

First Friday coming March 3

Lebanon Downtown Association will hold First Friday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 3, starting at the LDA office at 680 Main St.
This month’s theme is “Dr. Seuss Birthday Bash.”
First Fridays is a once-a-month party downtown with each month a different theme. The majority of First Friday events are free and family-friendly, while others are fundraisers to help support the other First Friday events.
For more information, call (541) 497-1415 or email [email protected].

Veterans event set March 4

A regional Veteran Benefit and Resources Event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 4, at Christ’s Center Church and Cowboy Church of Oregon, 530 W. 7th Ave., Junction City.
Sponsored by Tri-Counties American Legion Post 61, the free event is open to all military veterans. Information and help with community services, VA benefits, health benefits, career opportunities, home loans, veterans services programs, and much more will be available.
Prizes, grab bags and light refreshments will be available.
For more information, call (541) 952-2140 or email [email protected].

Library Friends celebrate 70th anniversary

The Friends of the Lebanon Public Library will host a reception from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 4, in the Community Meeting Room at the Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St. Live music from Fionnghal Celtic Trio will provide entertainment, and refreshments, raffle drawings and a little history of the Friends will be provided. The Friends will present a $20,000 check to the Library to kick off the capital campaign for the Children’s Meeting Room Library Expansion during the celebration.

Lowrey brings laughs to town

Portland-based standup comedian Brent Lowrey will perform at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 4, at 139 S. Main St., Lebanon.
The event will feature Lowrey as host, with special guests Imani, recently named one of Portland’s “Funniest Five Comedians” by Willamette Week, and Adam Tiller, a 2022 finalist in the Seattle International Comedy Competition.
Doors will open at 6:30, and the show will begin at 7:30. Tickets are $18 online and $25 at the door. Open to ages 18 and older.
For more information about the event, or to purchase tickets, visit HahaBrently.com.

Flea market coming to Albany

Linn County’s largest indoor flea market will be held Saturday, March 18, at Linn County Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Road E., Albany.
More than 80 spaces will feature vendors selling antiques, collectibles, vintage and one-of-a-kind items.
Early admission, from 8 to 9 a.m., is $6. Regular admission, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., is $2, with children 12 and under free. Parking is free. For more information, visit www.linncountyfleamarket.com.

B&GC to host Ladies Night Out

The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Santiam will host Ladies Night Out, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Friday, March 3, at the club’s Lebanon branch, 305 S. 5th St.
In addition to the annual Purse Auction, the event includes vendors, a raffle, entertainment, hors d’oeuvres and beverages, including a champagne welcome.
Participants will have the opportunity to bid on a variety of purses, shop at pop-up tables provided by locally owned women businesses, and get motivated and inspired by the one and only Bonnie Milletto.
Tickets are $40 in advance or $45 at the door, or $300 for a table. All proceeds benefit youths attending early learning and after-school programs provided by the Boys & Girls Club.
Seating is limited. Purchase tickets by Thursday, March 2, at bgcgreatersantiam.ejoinme.org/ladiesnight23.

BLT hosts walk at Cheadle Lake

Build Lebanon Trails will host a walk around the Cheadle Lake Park trail system from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, March 11.
The walk will highlight major trail and park improvements planned for construction in 2023-24 at Cheadle Lake Park, including an extension of the existing trail system.
The route will walk along the proposed trail route of the south shore trail and will walk to the Island Loop Trails using the North Shore Trail and return back to the start. Length of the walk may range up to four miles, over two hours, with moderate difficulty. The surface type of varied and includes hard and soft surfaced areas. Parts of the walk will include crossing dirt and grass fields.
All participants must sign a waiver of liability to participate and permission to appear in photos taken of the event.
Dogs on leash are welcome but may not be allowed inside structures and must remain on leash.

Gardening classes at Senior Center

Master Gardener Sheryl Casteen will lead a series of classes on basic organic gardening in March and April at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.
The classes will be held Saturdays, March 11, 18 and 25, and April 1, 8 and 15. They are free and open to the public.
The classes will cover soil and amendments, seedlings and plant physiology, site location and planting, irrigation and containers, diseases and pests and harvesting and saving seeds. Plant seedlings will be available to class participants to take home. Supplies and sees will be provided.
To RSVP, email [email protected].

Habitat group to hold fundraiser

Lebanon Area Habitat for Humanity will hold a fundraising breakfast at 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 15, at Boulder Falls Inn Event Center, 605 Mullins Drive, Lebanon.
Donations from the breakfast event go toward building materials for the current home they are building in Sodaville. Table sponsorships are available.
Guests are invited to hear a presentation by the executive director about current and future home builds, and ways the community can get involved.
To RSVP, visit tinyurl.com/HabitatAskEvent or call Tina or Lisa by March 3 at (541) 405-5213.

Irish Pub Night set at brewery

Conversion Brewing will host Irish Pub Night in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, March 17, at 833 S. Main St.
A one-day-only menu of Irish foods will be on the table.

Library to host book sale

Friends of the Lebanon Public Library will hold its monthly Book Sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 25, at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.
The event will feature a complete inventory of books, new arrivals, special editions and sets, DVDs, CDs, audio books, carved book art and more. All romance pocketbooks are 25 cents, with most books ranging from 50 cents to $2.
Credit/debit cards are accepted on purchases of $5 and up.
Proceeds support children’s programs and special projects at the Lebanon Public Library.

Spring Blossoms Bazaar to return

The Spring Blossoms Bazaar will return on Friday and Saturday, April 14-15.
American Legion Auxiliary Albany Unit 10 is seeking crafters, bakers and home-based business representatives to share their wares.
For information on renting space, contact Michelle at (541) 409-4170 or [email protected].