Yates announces online schooling for all grades

Bo Yates, superintendent of Lebanon Community School District, announced this weekend that all classes from K-12 will begin the school year online.

The district initially planned for K-3 students to have the opportunity to start the year with limited onsite instruction. The change comes due to increased COVID cases in Linn County, Yates said in a letter to parents.

“As a district we have to adjust our instructional setting based on the weekly data we are provided from the Oregon Health Authority,” he said.

LCSD will move to an online only status for the first six weeks of school for all grade levels, Yates said. If the C-19 infection rate decreases, the district will be able to move to an in-person model.

Yates also announced they will use a new learning platform called Canvas. Training for parents and students will be provided in the next couple of weeks. They will be contacted by their home school with dates and times.

Parents and students are encouraged to preview the Canvas program on the district website at this link:  Canvas Videos.

All students, grades K-12, will have the option for online learning for the remainder of the school year. When the district transitions back to in-person learning, students will have the option to continue with online only classes for the remainder of the year. This is an option that will support at all grade levels.