Ziply Fiber Construction Taking Place in Neighborhoods

The City of Lebanon announced that Ziply Fiber is in the process of constructing a fiber network in the community.

This means Ziply will be working in public rights of way and public utility easements throughout the city which may have temporary impacts on adjacent properties. Residents may notice yard markings indicating the presence of underground utilities and excavation activities in yards, sidewalks and streets. To keep the community informed, Ziply will distribute construction notices by placing door hangers at each residence before commencing work in the neighborhood.

Residents with questions or concerns regarding the construction or its impact on their property are encouraged to contact Ziply Fiber directly at [email protected]. For any inquiries regarding property boundaries or the location of public utility easements, reach out to the City of Lebanon’s Engineering Department at 541.258.4923 or [email protected].

The city said the construction is fully permitted and legally authorized. Ziply Fiber is committed to completing the work as efficiently and respectfully as possible, and the city will ensure that all activity complies with local regulations.